Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Razer Phone Best Smartphone Speaker Comparison - YouTube Tech Guy By The YouTube Tech Guy

By The YouTube Tech Guy
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Razer Phone Best Smartphone Speaker Comparison - YouTube Tech Guy

Hello, this is RIC KY, the YouTube tech guy, hey guys. So today we are doing a side-by-side speaker, comparison between the galaxy s, 9 plus, and the reigning king of smartphone speakers, and that is the razor phone. So this is an interesting one just because both of these phones are tuned with Dogie Atmos, so both of them have Dories profile for music on both of them, but obviously different style speakers. So for one you have a down firing speaker for the s9 plus, as well as a front firing speakers for the earpiece. However, the razor front is too ridiculously big front firing. Speakers that are insane now I will say this.

The s9 plus is pretty much dominated against all the other smartphones that we've tested it against, but does the buck stop here? That's we're here to find out. So let's go ahead and test some outside by side to see which one really is better. We're going to start off with the s9, then go to the razor back-and-forth on the second go. Around I will put it directly to the mic so that we see which one is the better overall in both scenarios. So let's go ahead and I'll be.

Oh here, oh paper. If you let me I, promise, I will be there for you in your time of in your darkest hour on your Friday stay. I will be there, for you, I'll be a spider-man, so I will say that it's actually closer than I thought it would be, but nope so the razor phone handily beats it yeah. The razor phone is still the best of firing. Speakers I will say this.

The s9 plus a time sounds louder, and we test it out on different songs. Overall, the razor phone is definitely better, but even in this live comparison, I will say that it's time I'm like you see yes a little louder, but definitely when you face it towards you, it's there is just no comparison if the razor phone is still the reigning. King of the speakers. However, again Samsung did an amazing job on these front firing. Speakers I, would say a lot more than they were given credit for at MWC and by a lot of reviewers checked out there again, of course, it's a very loud area, so you don't expect it to sound ridiculously loud, but especially when fine-tuned for what you're listening to the music, it's really impressive.

Racer is still a champion, though there's no doubt about it, but Samsung is probably the second best that I've come across at least here in the studio. Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below. Thank you, as always for watching this has been RIC KY, the YouTube tech guy. Thank you for watching our video. If you liked it, why don't you go ahead and subscribe up? There make sure you follow us on social media right here and, of course check out our latest video up to there and right down here, you're, going to find the perfect video for you, or at least a tweet.

YouTube tells me thanks again.

Source : The YouTube Tech Guy

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