Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra vs Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro - USAGE COMPARISON By TechZG

By TechZG
Aug 15, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra vs Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro - USAGE COMPARISON

So there is a big price difference between these two phones and the big question is: what are you getting for that price difference, and what does Xiaomi have to cut back on in order to give us a price that is literally half of the price of the Galaxy S 20 ultra? One of the main differences in the screen is that 120 Hertz refresh rate on the ultra versus the 90 Hertz of the 10. The thing is here: animations and the way that the UI is put together all makes a big difference to how smooth the phone feels too. You can actually turn off animations on both of the phones to make everything feel snappier than it would do anyway, and the fact that the 10 has 90 Hertz is actually a huge deal, because it just bumps up that refresh rate from what you would normally have, so it does feel like you're getting a boost over normal smartphones. So the difference of that refresh rate becomes a lot smaller between that really high 120 and the 90 years. It is not a night-and-day difference, but definitely you can just feel in certain setting screens and when you swipe in and out of certain apps that 120 Hertz refresh rate just is so buttery smooth somewhere, where it might make a slightly big difference is in games. But at the moment there aren't really that many games that support 120 Hertz anyway pub G, for example, supports 90 Hertz and in relation to the colors and the quality of the screen.

The contrast ratios viewing angles and everything else. Apart from the refresh rate, these two screens are so, so good. They really are at the top end in terms of smartphone screens and anyway, Samsung makes both of these panels. So you know you're going to get two amazing screens and there isn't too much difference in the way. They're calibrated, an area where I think Xiaomi have massively improved, is in audio and I.

Think it actually slightly out. Does the s20 ultra the ultra has gone for this minimalist design at the top, and there is just this absolutely miniscule, earpiece at the very top of the phone in the top bezel and there is stereo sound in the ultra, but because there's no dedicated speaker box there and the earpiece is so small. It doesn't seem to me. It quite has the richness of, for example, the iPhone, and in this case the 10, something unique. That Xiaomi did was put a second speaker box of the phone.

Just like you got in the bottom one. This means you get amazing, stereo, sound to speaker, boxes to speaker, grill house, absolutely dedicated stereo sound, and it pays off massively for the Shame me 10. The selfie camera is on. The two phones are another one of the big differences that I've seen between them. So they both use this kind of aggressive beauty modes as standard, even when you turn them off, they're, definitely still using them to an extent on the 10.

You can definitely tell that they are sharpening the image digitally. This isn't a natural sharpness from the image sensor, but put on digitally afterwards on the Samsung. It tends to soften everything in the image, including your skin, and that's definitely, a beauty mode. I personally tend to lean a little more towards the Samsung in how it actually took the photograph, but using the 10 I've got some good images out of that. One too, however, overall, on average I think I personally would get more shots out of the Samsung.

That I would like, as opposed to the meat in when it comes to video as well. You can have a look at my camera test to see some side-by-sides in video and yeah. The Samsung has much better stabilization in the 10, there's no optical image, stabilization and either of these. So this is definitely a software issue on the Xiaomi and that's a good thing actually, because it can easily be fixed. If Xiaomi, you want to put the resources towards updating that software.

When it comes to the back cameras again, you can have a look at the camera comparison to see all the actual results that you can get from them. But when it comes to using the phones and using the camera apps, you can tell Samsung has spent a lot of time and money developing this. It is a little easier on the Samsung to go through all the zoom ranges and remember this thing goes through 100 times. Then you get a nice little pop-up menu that takes you all the way through to 4 5, 10, 20, 30 and so on. The meat M Pro has those buttons up to 5x and then sort of stops not really wanting you to go past.

That, however, I do like the fact that Xiaomi put the 108 megapixel mode right in the camera settings next to the capture button. It is such a big feature on these phones and to have it right there ready to use as a perfect thing on the Samsung. It's up in the aspect ratio settings which is a bit of a strange place. To put it, it's not a huge deal, but as it is such a big feature, I'd like it to be more easily accessible in general, the camera on the ultra tends to crush the and dark parts of the image, whereas Xiaomi tends to brighten and lighten those parts on average. I would say these Samsung shoots an image more often that more accurately represents these seem that it's shooting.

However, in terms of exposure and the colors, these are quite easily changed after you take the photo. It just takes a couple of minutes in a photo editing, app, and also you can shoot raw on the meat n2. So there's a lot of options here, and a lot of this is down to personal preference. Since I got an update on the ultra I did notice that the focusing definitely has got a lot better. It still hunts a little when you're taking video, and I'm sure it will get better with more updates.

But it is important to note, because you don't get any of those issues on the meat hen. Haptic feedback on both of the phones is roughly the same. Xiaomi have put a good haptics engine in the 10, which is a big upgrade from previous versions to bring it more in line with what we saw in the ultra chamois up the price of their flagship. This year, 50% from the mean 9 into the 10 Pro, it's amazing to see how they spent that money getting that phone almost up to the same grade as what I guess you can call androids, ultimate flagship or ultra flagship subscribe for the latest tech news and videos. That's it for now, but I'll see you in the next one.

Source : TechZG

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