Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus Gaming Test - (PUBG, Fortnite & COD Mobile) Snapdragon 865 8GB Ram By Matthews Tech

By Matthews Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus Gaming Test - (PUBG, Fortnite & COD Mobile) Snapdragon 865 8GB Ram

What is allowed, so they're going to be doing the gaming test for the galaxy s 20, plus, so I'm, starting with a game that is at 120, Hertz subway surfer, and you can definitely tell the difference between this and 60 Hertz playing 120 Hertz everything just looks extremely smooth. You really notice all the little animations and all the little subtle movements. It's definitely noticeable, so not a bunch of game support, 120 Hertz refresh rate yet, but it will be coming in two more games and stuff like that. Eventually it'll be the standard. So very, very interesting looks absolutely beautiful if you want to get into that. So let's go ahead and check out something else.

So of course we're going to be at you know the highest settings on pretty much every game with this Snapdragon a 65 and these eight gigs of ram, but I took the case off because I want to see. Is this guy going to start heating up? So let's go ahead and play some games and see you know how long it will take before it gets hot if it gets. Hot I also want to mention that you do have stereo speakers on here as well, and they are very, very nice very loud, very crisp and clear, and you do have a six point. Seven inch display 1440p, absolutely beautiful little punch hole on here, no issue, all right, so there's one thing to notice about puck G and you can't go to ultra a key quite yet, so I'm sure that that'll be fixed for you should be able to, but you can't right now, so you know note that, but it still looks perfect. You know at these high settings, but yeah you cannot do Ultra HD for the person.

That was excellent. So, as you would expect, you're not going to get any frame drops or anything like that. Everything is playing super, smooth, very, very beautiful graphics. Look beautiful display is one of the best I've seen just really, really good. So this phone is just not getting hot at all.

It is thin. Super, super cool I have no clue this person is that was such a stupid. That was just a stupid fight, yeah, no cool I've, no platy pi, don't play his game, guys, never just stupid, all right, so we're in for tonight. We have 3d resolution all the way up, and we're on an epic graphic, so we're going to go ahead and apply that let's go ahead and check it out, as you can see on fortnight. It's why I hate this goofy game.

It looks absolutely beautiful on this display. Guys I mean it's really. Nice I mean it's really beautiful. The colors and everything there's just a really, really beautiful display here. I cannot stress that enough.

Just look at that. I really I, don't really like this game, but I, really like the graphics and the colors, and everything I do have to give props for that, but uh. So far, this phone has not even slightly got a little hot okay, it's kind of like we had a frame drop there. So yeah. This phone is not getting even close to hot at all.

It's not even getting warm. It's pretty much been the same temperature yeah I, don't I, don't I'll have to change. I really got you're smelling something fellas on this thing, I just oh yeah, I'm dead, alright, so there you go some bad fortnight gameplay, but it's as far as the phone. This thing is not hot ice. It kind of drops brain, sometimes I'm, not gonna, lie I, see no I like to frame drops, but it's definitely nothing too bad.

So that's pretty much. It and I will catch you guys in the next video.

Source : Matthews Tech

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