Samsung Galaxy Note 10 | More news By J. Williams

By J. Williams
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 | More news

Here we go again what's up folks' fisher mange, and here we go with the Galaxy Note 10 is confirmed, man, the screen, protectors and tempered glass, and things are starting to leak out, and I think this might be a good thing. So I'm kind of curious at this point which Galaxy Note 10 I'll probably get, but we're going to keep an open mind about this, because I do plan on getting the Galaxy Note 10.1, oh, but nonetheless the Galaxy Note 10. If these screen protectors are legit, then yes, we are looking at the Galaxy Note 10 in the center. It's a nice full screen, minimal, bezels, they're, still going to be people who hate it and I just have the worst things to say about it, and, let's just let them shine on that. However, I'm intrigued by it, it's not a design that we have technically seen. This is not something is taking almost like a brand-new thing, because I think about the essential phone and other phones to have the camera in the center.

While it looks a little different on the top, it's still the same design, but the Galaxy Note Tim looks boxy, and you know: there's no headphone jack MMM yeah. Let's not get into that, however, real brief video. What do you think about the direction of the Galaxy Note 10? The screen now with the camera in the center I? Think that's going to be a great addition, because I'm used to having the phones with the camera in the center. It's perfectly fine with me makes it easier if you're trying to shoot a front-facing video. You know exactly what it looks you know.

Sometimes you might pan off if you're doing front-facing videos, but nonetheless the Galaxy Note in screen protectors are pretty much confirming what everyone said about the Galaxy Note 10 as the device as a whole. So you've got the big one. You got the little one. What more do you need? I'm still going to say like the little one is still pretty big, but depending on how big the body is because six point two, you can actually fit a 6.2 inch display in a pretty small frame. So it would be nice if they did, you know.

Have it really? Compact I would be pretty happy about that. But I don't think that's going to happen. So Galaxy Note, n what you think about the design. All these confirmations coming in or getting closer and closer and closer, and I think the announcement is supposed to be sometime in August. You know back in New, York again, I went to the Galaxy Note 8 event and that's the last event.

I went to the Galaxy Note knives, I purchased, all of them myself and I saw that went, so we'll see how this plays out. You know Samsung been rocking with him for a long time and if they do send me a device, that'll be great I doubt it because. They don't send me devices, but nonetheless we're gonna, still rock with the Galaxy Note n, because I've, I've at least reviewed every Galaxy Note and gave it a fair shake. So we'll do the same thing with the Galaxy Note 10. Hopefully I'm intrigued enough to keep it and because I like to keep certain devices for the length.

So I can come back to them later, but the Galaxy Note I was there such a great phone I just thought. You know what I'm just going to sell this and move on to something else. I can get back guarantee later, and now you can grab a Galaxy Note 9, all the colors for about 500 bucks, folks, that is a fantastic deal. You're not getting you're, probably gonna, get that much more from the Galaxy Note 10, but are they better and worth all that additional money, especially when the Galaxy Note 9s steals such a great phone I'll? Let you decide if she managed a'll, see you next video take care.

Source : J. Williams

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