Samsung Galaxy A80 In-depth review in Bangla II Flip Gimmick? [4K] By Ratul Osman

By Ratul Osman
Aug 22, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A80 In-depth review in Bangla II Flip Gimmick? [4K]

Hey, what is going on everyone I meet up with She in the shop here and look who is here yeah the brand-new galaxy a8 t internationally released, so it's a promotion Montauban the show. Finally, at the coop she greatly. So that's a Samsung Schooner general Thai, a device that escorted their Genoa me personally, Samsung an adorable camera device table column go to do shop towels about their won't. Ask your video to monitor me she'll call when she experienced it whatever she divides his Shaka in and out near discussion to touch a so add a decoder. Children should ecology all right. The Samsung G atomic, a DVD to shut the corner rocking box provide coordinated unboxing today at the Arena.

So let's get straight into the design, and this is one of the key selling feature in this phone. In my opinion, device to detect a glass sandwich with metal frame, our phone to happen in a pro to know cannot rotate the cage at a bad hotel front. Attacker six point: seven inches Super AMOLED panel T Samsung internally, it's a new infinity displayed. There aspect ratio twenties to one full, HD plus resolution, a Super AMOLED, a penalty actually really amazing. Pixel density, 393, hold, normal viewing angle, Appalachia comes Iconic content attached on top evocative urban current device to the cPanel use, Cordova, says she'll, definitely Samsung or some of the highest quality panel.

So a type error pots in deeper black amazing punchy, color, great brightness for outdoor and many more Super AMOLED features, and this is first of its kind for Samsung current Samsung gear pullback. Oh, no phone I, pure distraction-free, Can display of her course Ilona. This is the first time Samsung is giving this kind of display. Jaden ataxia, Navajo document knows Bob punch hole our Samsung, it achieves court appearance a because that I use course a flip camera. So yeah, as you can see here, full of full camera t flip I'm, not ticklish a portage, a rear camera which SAT up like a selfie camera shove a surf Colbert.

So it's actually a good thing and a bad thing. At the same time, good thing is in CJ. This is one of the best selfie camera phone in the market. Right now are to the durability needs integral table had to get to the concern. How evaporate shaken a car enjoyment up nor video to the exchange education along shoot up guru, die guru today.

Even talk on camera flip correct, so a mechanism to covered in poor field called web autofill Cobra Hiroshima long-term use cherish labels at China, so Sean who the Kane Samsung at the face, unlock to add quarantine. Son look at college instead of be free, 2014, a McCarthy Auto, a a can apply device to the patch in a corner of my water resistance, certification, so device t right side, Ithaca power, Kikuyu convenient position is Hilo even left a box and after a volume rocker they are predicting cubic leaky. Even flagship redirected tactile feel this yellow upper portion effects a secondary microphone at bottom and Watson. Primary mic USB see a bomb active bottom firing speaker, unfortunately, a device to Edith external corner rock on 3.5 mm, where audio output, but it is speaker, dab on USB type-c, take an audio output that protected Dolby Atmos. She only says it is pick up.

The coughing could be high quality audio problems, you tenure loud with Chile, even sound does he look, would be richer at the high volume of corner document distraction a media Heaney. So definitely it's a plus for this phone Raj USB type-c port. Are they open on a high-res audio output, Pavan device to the securities you without say under display fingerprint you, the optical Samsung instance. It is a modular they can see, is an ultrasonic fingerprint it at the shade of a co-op NARA, but it works really fantastic. Li Sichuan I am are almost 95% times.

It has successfully AP NIC Anglo quoted by phone T, but compared to other competitors at a key to the slow so device to display ninja turbo C lambda, each other, which is Samsung a brand-new infinity display her brightness outdoor visibility, genomic adjust, Romano, Jose, Manuel, MTA air brightness of ponds, which need support on to J Filippelli to the auto brightness. You score an outro rate of NASA up to 650 needs to be output. The way display color reproduction, the Chong Rashida made to a cable LOW at a default. A vivid motor Take set up the display section, engage change, coordinate apartment, but after potion to show you color temperature baccarat, just corny toboggan, they said oscillating sitting. A should record an overall X reactor flagship created is hello, so gaming movie watching but Jake 100 media consumption at if I stop Megaton.

With her experience they way our gaming performance amazing power, Eric Tucker on Hulu is a taiga chipset, which is Snapdragon 730 Josh at the embedded, GPU arena 618. Eight nanometer architecture based outscore CPU t1 us at the combine via market do tons of performance, the s8, regular day-to-day life, a RJ vapor Tommy pool pair one us on bonito Vi vino Samsung devices. If you have to mobility, the Samsung any new one, UID officiant even light ever had a hardware, shutter Samsung will follow away during optimize quarter purchase, or it up like a UI navigation, take a stroke or an other multitasking bar overall app switching Tanaka Tamil UNAKAM chef Elena are a device to the jet or watch a whopping, eight gigabytes of RAM. So multitasking experience taught me to tango Haven device that the internal store taxi 128 gigabytes, but unfortunately Samsung at the memory explained color commercial, joke, bikini third Peru at a used-car, emerita page fast, agile, processor, even GPS show that combines way up like a dude on track. The gaming performance software Courbet Gemini, Tamara brother, most favorite game popsicle- is here only cone, a bong about their performance near corner cone complaining because it automatically HD graphics to select to Chile, even throughout the entire gaming period and with the corner command lag by hiccups.

Na's report knee as well as I know, mother experience, hello, egg dome is similar, so, as you can see, Kong give me time, monitor major hiccups on rapine, a long-term gaming, a device —, a mono heat high, Z — glass back, but at eight nanometer CPU hours to cool down rock the party low heavy load, — hotel, so I can definitely assure you Jay the Conrad Khmer hitting shoot Oksana all right. Now, let's move on to its most anticipating part, its camera. So jet I've got a video like the rotate occasion. It attacks a flip camera re flip portion is Samsung at Karachi, AT&T camera Jermaine shoot at the forty-eight megapixel f 2.0 l, HT sensor, Josh avatar, said eight megapixels if 2.2 Eric, the ultra-wide camera, RI —, hello, 1.1 to ultra mega pixel, her TOF, but time-of-flight 3d camera German Lucas woke up like a portrait mode by Samsung and live focus. A better level.

Natural actors, detection provide Cora the frozen vegetable number. The key at forty-eight megapixel —, lucky to sample pictures gonna delighted to Google on will base detailed, chill, Oh Tojo, initially at a quad bear filter technology to my 12. Megapixel are output up like a provided Colbert, so have Nutella forty-eight megapixel Oh promoter gate to be to the parent. But to be honest, 48 where we say, let me a struck. One benefited Akin.

Unless you are cropping your photo, so I'm ambitious work show me to legit 12 megapixels, a 12 megapixel delighted to below time. He shone through stock color reproduction convolution low Judo could be she overexposed. Ragga litigate pseudo noise, — a join up the Cooper. She is darker conditioner tool, been talking or shadow in the kitchen annoys Pavan, but in general men shudder, detail, Cavalry, basically buckshot glow. They highlight idea.

K page Holloway expose quarter part Schiller, so is dynamic range or through volleyball as I, possibly Samsung. A recent formal or color reproduction I'm a gets a Bishop whole again, Jetta pullback only be she punches hello, iconic issued upon see, but I'm also compared to previous generation. Samsung phones, evil ornate, a can see able to addicting issued a smooth like an 8 megapixel ultra-wide camera do daylight: adjuster sharp image box, alarm detailed, mention remote author of hollow naval expected current resolution, heated up calm, but ultra-wide. He shall be definitely Chadian air motor. If only low light and noise processing time, one gets a bit.

Wobbly gets here, egg dome extremely key to don't wash it off. She green glow. Detective is natural, like be a percent, so she had area the detail which connector loss was a tarpon Judy in night mode, use color to be tall, and she's happening noticeably improved image problem shaken her shadow at the doctor's table of detail to Alicia. At the same time, at the overall punchlines she dove, which would have been a jet so shake here, to show me. The dictum on Twitter MANA high compared to regular photo Raj to dedicated over time of flight sensor, touch a so identical.

I focus you square plate by strong with her bloody background, repeat, check' Lopez up, and it won't bloody I. Think I've not subjected your focus. Transition she'd have dicta natural, like a shake hit rate among a key shot, have Nutella blood I'm on Tatum everybody, neat apartment sheet of water, taller I gave up or a so 85 see the Newton career Cordova, chill I focused video. She drama, consent-based interesting legacy, Carmela a sensitive ever Korea play portrait. Video capture, growth of urban John Tom Merritt is shortly detective, arsenic in a subject a focused bikini at ironically Blast, so it'll definitely be interesting, even useful feature with the Veronica drum now a device to the Abner of video capture court apartment up to 4k 30fps Anja to a rear camera at a front camera.

So there a smartphone a vlog in Corinth added June attacked a big step up. Current device deterred me position, —, a 4k, vlogging camera, but unfortunately a tap another 4k, video Monica, Rahman stabilization, Tatiana, so video to be shaky hope. A sober, 1080p, 60fps, Putin Thurber is always on target, so chic EX motor boot is stabilized footage Pavan. So over line Volvo device to a camera performance above average Soviet J gene stomach acid pitch average Milan has chat omelette battery life, current device, a 220 gram hotshot that have not a battery button. Mother of 3,700, milliampere Ebert full charge a mystery known time, partial uncharged or take a bow hunter motor, which is decent, but millions duty considered.

shake hands are definitely a key to the comb, but the good thing is Samsung at the implement producer.25 watt fast charging so as I wonder what they device to charge versus a low price, 50%, plus our full charge of the show initially I wanted it to be. She can have another challenge: an 80% report, Jake on a phone, a charging speed, a key to the slow, a jet all right, though a yellow, full review. Now, let's talk about the value, the Samsung, ATV official price shuttle to how the trash Manage attacker, but I've noted, launch, offer akin enjoy a schedule, would say or ask a device along Sochi Bangladesh, a shake it up. Novice trade, energetic a discount pop and Tom have another price: Rosa Joshua, Nonage Baba she has Nutella Sam sent acacia wood is 0%. EMI Deborah must watch for emotional device, — Quinta Baron — a con ho tonic a complaint: cold Wednesday, marketer, a price at the on in, better options right here, but official form.

The unofficial phone Bridgett hammock rise, compare China counter official product purchase, Corbin, teratogen and KM is the official product price T to the Bushido gay, so I'm, Raja the discount price, now consider courier at seventy-four thousand four hundred ninety shadow Mintaka — —, a buyer got such integral in medians, followed up, and I said: I want to clip flagship pricing. So she, a dictator, considered Lula, definitely happening with the snapdragon 855 year on a Google phone page of a market day, but I was able to only cater. It says I shouldn't what were gaming into my smartphone to score Donna, so shader on her user, that you know e. g. chipset or a shorter Snapdragon 730.

It is more than enough. That's what we! The basic issue, unique feature ratio chart, not the Samsung, Galaxy S 10 series of Cabana, for example. If I can infinity display, did a total distraction, free roaming, Heineken, eternal, not upon Sharing. That's what I display size docked at six point: seven inch. A Samsung flagship is 10 5 GT Turbo row, so it on Academy considerable factor, Iota parade, that's how the ATG camera the passion.

Also, the flip camera it at the upper a selfie capture, quarter whirlwind much better than any Samsung device. So if each Angelina can see considerable hotel array, what happened? You typically hardware enthusiasts wealth, again shake it — how — he respects up Nike -. That is the point Colvin, but I mean jitter. Echo, Ebola, hardcore gamers have a bucket of German. He devised a performance more than enough.

Second, if I stack in bikini a decision, obviously, as always after the guys at the airport, on to a Samsung, Galaxy 80 device, Jeff Manner camera, all aglow I will comment is gonna, be on our video tomorrow. Luckily like and share for when monologue like an Allegheny should have commented, janitor pairen-sama, configure hazard vegetable or knock on a smartphone by gadget review. Yet the ship was on top Nirvana Cinnabar had been should have been back home before what the videotape.

Source : Ratul Osman

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