Samsung Announces Huge Partnership With Xbox | Samsung Galaxy S20 Price & Specs By DEE BATCH

Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Announces Huge Partnership With Xbox | Samsung Galaxy S20 Price & Specs

Hello SYD and I'm back with another video. We got a lot of news from Samsung's press event. They announced obviously this s 20 the s 20 plus, and s 20 ultra as well. They gave us some details on X cloud and their partnership with Microsoft. Now, first off I want to start off with the galaxy line of phones, the s 20 s, 20 plus, and s 20 Ultra have top-of-the-line features. Now all of these phones are capable of recording in a Que.

They all do 120 Hertz on their OLED screen, and they all are five G capable. Now these phones are far above a competition and when it comes to Android phones, Samsung Galaxy phones are the number one phone for Android users. Now the specifications on these phones are absolutely stunning.108 megapixel camera is on the galaxy s, 20 Ultra. It even has up to 800 times zoom now, I, don't know why anybody well, a normal user would need a hundred times zooms, but I'm sure that people are gonna, find a lot of use for that hundred times. Zoom now, in all honesty, I think these phones are fantastic phones.

They even showed a galaxy fold phone, it's called the fold Z and this phone was absolutely stunning. Now the price tag on all these phones is a little high, and I'll be honest with you guys, I'm, probably gonna, pass on buying one of these for myself. I will be in the field and I will try these phones out when I get my hands on the phone. I will probably put a review up on this channel to let you know how well this phone performs with real-life usage. Now I also want to talk about Microsoft's partnership with Samsung.

At their event, they announced an X cloud partnership with Microsoft and that more details would come at a later date. Now, when I saw this at first I was really excited, because potentially Microsoft can penetrate a lot of Samsung users now I think their partnership is gonna, be something like Samsung. Galaxy owners will get a year of X cloud service for free or a year of game, pass an X cloud service for free, and these deals aren't really free per se, because there are deals that are made behind the scenes so that both companies actually benefit from this and the potential that a lot of cell phone users could have access to the X cloud is a fantastic thing that I've tried the service and when you try the service, you know exactly what I know that it works, and it works. Well now you can do all the stuff that you can do on a normal Xbox. Something has to be said about their cloud service.

Now there are other cloud services after there's GeForce, now I'm not really fond of that service. I think the image quality is quite poor. State has the best image quality out of all the services. It also has the best latency. Unfortunately, they don't have a lot of users.

So when you're playing multiplayer games there, it's kind of a ghost town, and they don't actually have a lot of games at the moment when Microsoft X Cloud releases. All the games that you own on your Xbox system will be available to play on X cloud now right now in the beta they have about 80 or so games, and it works fantastic now, I have to say this. It's quite fun to play on your cell phone for I would say, like maybe 45 minutes, say you're somewhere waiting, an appointment or I, don't know the kids took over your TV, and you're in the bedroom, and you just want to kill 30 minutes, X cloud, it works. Well, it's fun and all of your content is right. There you pick up where you left off from your computer from your Xbox console.

You can pick up and play right away from that same spot on your phone or whatever device you're playing X cloud on, and I see the potential of Samsung Galaxy owners getting the service and actually subscribing to the service after having it for quite some time now. This is perfect for Microsoft I think it's perfect for X cloud. They potentially have millions and millions of users that would not have access to the service. Just from this partnership with Samsung anyways I want to know what you guys think about this. Do you think I'm exaggerating it? Do you think it's a big deal like how I think it is? Do you think that Microsoft has the potential to reach millions of galaxy users? Now, how do you feel about playing games on your phone? I know the touchscreen controls suck, but the X cloud.

You have your controller, and you clip your phone onto the controller, and you have the full usage of your controller, like you're, playing on a console and the latency is perfect. Now: okay, I'm just rambling, now I'm sounding like an infomercial. The service is fantastic, and I think this is a great partnership between Samsung and Microsoft and I want to know what you guys think. So, just let me know in the comment section down below and also let me know what you think about the new Galaxy phones and which phone you plan on getting I'll, see you guys in the next one.

Source : DEE BATCH

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