S10 Lite Unboxing and Review By UnBoxPHD

Aug 22, 2021
S10 Lite Unboxing and Review

Here we have the s10 light in blue. Now it's a very clear sign: II blue, as you can see from the back now. You can also see that there were three cameras there: three little circles. So that's three different focuses on the camera, so it's very easy to grip into your hand, and it feels very smooth and light in your hand, so we'll just let that switch on and in the meantime, we'll go through the accessories. So it has a fast charger or a superfast charger. And then it's got the USB, cable, okay, and here is the wire, which is also the C wire, which is pretty long, so that's good to attach to the cable, and now we have the headphones air front.

So once again, these are also USB okay. So this means you can't place this into normal or the previous edition phones and, as you can see, there's only one entering drunk, so that is just for the USB. Now, let's go okay, so I've switched on the phone. I went through the normal settings and these are all the apps that we are greeted by when we switch on the screen. So let's see what the main screen says: okay, there's quite a lot of there, and what is a key feature here is that this phone has the screen recorder.

So what that lets you do it. It lets you record the screen and everything on there with sound or without sound. So here the camera, it's pretty clear. So that's the zoomed in mode there and overall it seems like a pretty good phone.

Source : UnBoxPHD

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