Redmi Note 8 Battery Replacement By MovilOne Phone Repair

By MovilOne Phone Repair
Aug 21, 2021
Redmi Note 8 Battery Replacement

We checked the sim tray and a micro CD tray with the help of the heat gun we're applying 19 Celsius degrees. During four minutes, we use a suction cup to lift the back cover. We introduce a metal opening tool, we use a plastic card to cut the adhesive, we remove the back cover. We release the screws from the top of the device very carefully. Furthermore, we remove the middle frame. First, we remove the battery flexed to continue the disassembly process.

Here we have the motherboard flex cable, we apply isopropyl alcohol, we remove the battery, we have finished the disassembly process, we returned with the assembly process. We have finished the assembly process. The device is working.

Source : MovilOne Phone Repair

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