Real Vs Fake: Apple iPad Comparison I Allsortz By AllSortz

By AllSortz
Aug 15, 2021
Real Vs Fake: Apple iPad Comparison I Allsortz

What's happening people welcome to another video with all sorts and other title says today, we're going to become doing a comparison, video of two different iPads one is fake and one is real. I, don't know if you haven't seen my previous video of the fake iPhone, iPad. Sorry and iPad then make sure you check that out, as you can see right here, and we've got an original iPad, Mini I couldn't get hold of a normal iPad. So I thought you know what the both and pretty much do the same things, but as you can see with the screen size, that's the only thing, that's different, so yeah we've got two different iPads, and now we will do a quick comparison. Video, a bunch of you, know, check out how the apps work on both of the items just to show you what it's like to have a fake eye patch and a real iPad and bear in mind with the fake ones. All it is just an Android and Android iPad, very strong in the layout of the Apple, and it's been branded as the Apple logo.

Hence, this, of course it's fake, but yeah, it's just a normal eye, iPad or tablet, as you can tell, and it's just being branded with the fake fairness of Apple. Luckily the big leading manufacturer- and they do they just really released their iPhone 7, which I have got a mock-up version and a fake version. Also, if you haven't checked out, makes sure you check that out on all the previous videos, so yeah, let's, let's get on with the comparison video just to show you what it's like to own a fake one and a real Apple iPad right. First off we're going to start off with the boo top. Now both of them are booting up with the upper logo, so, let's find out which one actually boots up.

First, so the fake iPod came on first, followed by the real iPod. Now he's the fake one he's the real one. If you didn't know, it's got white background, I, don't know if the bigger versions of the iPad have the white background, but this one does. This is a later version of the iPad Mini I, think it's the first or second generation. So maybe that's why the background is black, so yeah, just about a second or so that way the real iPod went dim to switch on, and then the fake iPad did the same so yeah as you can see, and it is not a lot of much difference in the star top and yeah the iPad Mini, the real iPad Mini, actually, where one first followed by the fake one, were gonna work under the pass Gordon.

So here we have it here we have the fair, real iPad comparison with the fake iPad now coming to the messages. Well, messages are actually the layout of the messages. I, don't know. If it's going to be the same at all, it is a bigger version, a bigger key part, then the real I'm just going to get the real hope keeps telling me to sign in to so. If you look right here, it has a different layout.

The mail is the different. Well, the message is how a different layout compared to the fake iPad. So that's a bit of difference. There keeps telling me to sign in which I'm not going to sign it. If you, let me sign it so pictures, you know what pictures are, but camera will go with the camera later.

I'll do a quick comparison, video of what the fake ones like and what the real ones like mom's, let's set two months and see what I don't know what this is in Chinese, don't watch doing it Chinese. So mum is well no point checking math because they're not actually definitely the same. So, let's get off with the clock wise. The clock is, as you can see, there is I think this is running on the old, and this is running on the actually run world clock. If we click on world clock, the fake iPad I think that runs on the old iOS, but otherwise this is the new one.

I'm, no idea, because I'm not updated my new iPhone so that the clocks are actually similar compared to the thing the videos. You know what the videos are like: let's go ahead with the nose and see if they are actually the same so yeah, that's but the fake version of the iPad. It is actually much more the font under thinkable pitch wise is much more in-your-face. Then it's compared to the real iPad, but maybe it's because this is iPad Mini and the screen resolution is a bit smaller, but I couldn't get my own, as I said before a bigger version of the iPad. This is the fake iPad Air, and this is a mini, but I'm just going to be a quick comparison, video of what it's like now, the app store which is next here, they're, both running but the buff actually similar as well.

I think this is not updated. The fit wasn't updated and, as you can see here up for the iPhone 6 is probably they probably made it when the iPhone 6 just actually came out. They are similar as well. You can't you just down with the fake one. You can just download it straight away, so you're not messing about signing in now.

What else is similar on the'll come to the bottom of the phone? So if we go to the phone which is- or we all got phone in here, but the phone is actually same as the iOS when it runs on that iPhone Mr. father, so that's the phone there Safari is in Chinese. So there's no point in checking that the music is actually the same and same clearly somewhat, not so yeah. That's another thing to check out. Don't think this is got a few laughs like the calculator which is once no idea white ass on this.

Oh yeah, there we go the calculator. So here's your difference there, that's your difference on the calculator, and you can change it to connect to compare and whatever you want on the real iPod. Now you can download different kinds of app something all right go with the gain and stuff like that, but other than that the settings are actually the same is well to be honest. The sayings are actually similar, I would say compared to the fake iPod and the media's. They are similar to be honest, I'm, not gonna thing I'm going to say that they are difference but yeah.

That's the that's the thing about it with the fake iPod, it does say it's ruining, and it's gone general about it does say it's really no version iOS 9, but they just don't duplicate layout of the iPhone iOS 9 and then the disparate areas. They can pretty much fake anything so yeah putting these aside, let's actually see which one switches off the first. So let's just see that load first and then the original switches off so yeah there. We have it now coming to the no point in checking out the size of the iPods, because the both different models, as you can see, we've got one iPad, Mini and we've got one iPad Air. So all I'm saying if you want to see a preview version of the iPad Air, then make sure you check out my other videos and yeah.

If you doesn't see any other videos, then make sure you comment below and yeah I hope you enjoyed this quick video, and we'll see you again for another video thanks for watching which, with the iPhone 7, is the water and dust resistance. That's one of the new features that iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 plus will have also is with the ip67 protection stand, so it'll be safer.

Source : AllSortz

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