Real Life Pixel 4a vs iPhone SE 2020 Speed Test! By Techisode TV

By Techisode TV
Aug 14, 2021
Real Life Pixel 4a vs iPhone SE 2020 Speed Test!

What's up guys Eric here from tecasodetv and today, we've got the iPhone SE 2nd generation on the left and the brand-new Pixel 4a on the right. This is the cheapest phone. That apple has ever released at 399 against Google's the cheapest phone at 349 dollars, and today we're going to find out which one of these budget phones is the fastest first things. First, we need to make sure there are no apps open in the background and there aren't so. We are good to start the test. So the way this test works is I'm going to be opening 28 apps on both devices to see which phone can open apps the fastest.

Then I'm going to go backwards through the apps to see which phone can keep the most apps open in ram at the top. You'll see a counter to show you which phone is opening apps faster. This video was filmed at 60 frames per second, and I'll, be watching the replay frame by frame to determine which phone completely finished loading the apps first, if the phones open apps within about an eighth to a quarter of a second of each other. Neither phone will get a point, because that could just be the time difference between me pressing on one screen versus the other. Now the reason I call this a real world speed test is because I'm opening apps that you'll actually use on a day-to-day basis.

In many other speed tests, people are opening more than five games at a time. They're transcoding video files and doing a bunch of things that you'll never actually do during a normal day. Now, don't get me wrong. Those tests are still valuable to see how devices perform at their limits, but they aren't the best example of how phones are going to perform on a day-to-day basis. So that's what this test is for, and I hope it paints a pretty clear picture of how these devices will perform for the average person.

I know that fair tests are extremely important to you guys. So if you check in the description, you'll see a full list of everything, I did to make this as fair of a test as possible, and I highly recommend you guys check that out, because I did a lot of different things and in case you guys are wondering this is playing back in real time. To give you guys a good idea of how fast these phones are. One more important thing I do need to point out is that the Pixel 4a was sent to me by google for free to review. However, I'm not being compensated for any of my pixel videos and Google won't be getting a pre-screening of this video either, so they'll be seeing it for the first time right alongside you guys.

The iPhone SE, on the other hand, is a phone that I personally purchased to review for the Philips Hue app, the iPhone chose the icons first, but both phones finished loading, everything at almost the exact same time, so no points are awarded here. Zillow opens just a few frames faster on the pixel, but it's way too close to a water point to the pixel here, while the text in the pages' manager app loads first on the pixel, the image loads first on the iPhone and both finish loading all the images and icons at the exact same time. So no points are awarded to either phone with Disney. Plus you can see that the pixel starts loading first, but the iPhone finishes. First, since we're doing a speed test.

Did you guys know that if you tap the like button below your phone will get twenty percent faster? If you subscribe, it'll get 80 faster and if you turn on notifications, it'll get 200 percent faster. Actually, none of that's true, but if you like this type of speed test, let me know by dropping a like down below all right now. We start the ram test same deal here. There's a tally at the top to keep track, of which phone has reloaded the most apps. Obviously, the lower the number, the better the camera app looks like it may have reloaded on the Pixel 4a.

But I tested this out after the speed test, and it's always the exact same animation and amount of time to open the camera, regardless of whether it's already loaded in ram or not. So I'm not going to count that as a reload, the Pixel 4a refreshes the results in the Zillow app, but it did have all the properties shown when it opened. So I'm not going to count that as a reload on Amazon, the pixel refreshes the page, but it didn't have to reload the app. So I'm not counting a reload on this one either we have our first reload on the iPhone SE with Mario run now the pixel has its first reload with a calendar, then another reload with the Gmail app there's a third reload for the pixel, with the settings app and finally, a fourth extremely long reload for the Pixel 4a on asphalt 9. So I've had a chance to look at the results, and they were pretty much as expected, since the iPhone SE is using the same processor, that's found in the iPhone 11 Pro max.

Meanwhile, the Pixel 4a is getting by with just a snapdragon 730g, though I was surprised to see the pixel take a few wins when opening apps, and it was impressive to see that the pixel was able to keep 24 apps open in ram before it had its first reload. All of that aside, there's so much more to choosing a smartphone than just speed screen size and the inclusion of a headphone jack are just a couple of those considerations. I'm going to be diving deep into helping you guys decide which phone is best for you in a future video so be sure to subscribe. So you don't miss that upload, but for now let me know which features are most important to you down in the comments below is speed really the biggest factor or is it something else? If you guys found this video helpful, go ahead and hit the like button down below to help me beat the YouTube algorithm and if you guys want to see more in-depth tech, videos be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications by clicking the notification bell, so you don't miss out on any new uploads. That's it for this episode, god bless guys, and I'll catch you in the next one.

Source : Techisode TV

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