Poco F2 Pro/Redmi K30 Pro Fortnite/PUBG Mobile New updates/Gaming test Snapdragon 865 GFX Tool 60FPS By TechUtopia

By TechUtopia
Aug 22, 2021
Poco F2 Pro/Redmi K30 Pro Fortnite/PUBG Mobile New updates/Gaming test Snapdragon 865 GFX Tool 60FPS

Redmi k30 pro in my hands. This is the gaming test. After the updates fortnight and PUBG, I might even do a full gaming review after the updates and everything with new updates of the games, and let's check it out here uh. What do we have with the season three by the way, this is a fortnight season, three with the Redmi k30 pro Poco f2, pro epic mode, 30 fps, still only 30 fps, still there's no 60 fps mode with the poke phone f2 pro we're gonna check here? We're gonna just go with the team rumble. This is the best option and let's play it, and just let's play it by the way. This is on maximum graphics and using here the gaming mode.

Like you see myself, let's begin you can have the buying links in the description, Poco f2 pro ninjas, having the best price tag right now. It's 570 470, sorry for that uh, usually without the flashlight promotion, it's 500 and 510 520 dollars. This is a great deal for the Poco f2 pro get it right. Now, it's just 20 dollars more expensive than the Redmi k30 pro. It's a must-have, yes, it's a must-have enjoy in this video.

Here we go, we are in the game. I can tell you immediately that they did improve the graphics ninjas. You can notice that the graphics are even better uh still cartoonish, it's not my style, but you could see here the differences. Oh, my god, the map is also super cool. Oh, what do we have there, some temple or something like that? What is this? No? No! No! I don't think it's temple something, and we let oh look the water here.

Look at these details. Bro! That's super, super cool! We're gonna, just go here: glide that is cool, bro check these graphics. Let's go next here! I'm going to drop myself here and ah Shane it's on the top. Can I build something? Let me just try to you have here. The fps meter is in the top right corner.

You can follow up, let's check here, the new ice fps meter showing us 30 fps, full speed, no lag anyway. Let's go next, it is snapdragon 865, polo, f2 pro is really powerful. It's a real shame that Fortnite doesn't epic more epic games. Don't unlock, they don't unlock the basically fine, let's go exit back, they don't like the 60fps for the Poco f2 pro. It's just a shame.

Bro oh come on man. I don't have to build something else more than maybe from different sides. Maybe from here, okay build it up and there you go now. It's fine perfect! I have a gun check it out the lights here. Indeed, the really great graphics pro.

I know it's a cartoonish game, but the graphics are awesome. Bro, the graphics are awesome. When you compare when I tested this game for the first time. This nothing of this existed. These correct shadows, these lighting, these lights here example of this.

Oh my god! No! No! I'm done! I'm done! Furthermore, I didn't know anyway. The point here is not to show you if you want to check the full gameplay, you can check it out on my YouTube channel. I'm done a longer gaming review, a gaming review. This is just a small test here with the season 3 to look to see the performance with the Poco f2 pro Redmi k30 pro, but this is also resurrection. I think so I'm going to get resurrected.

It is a game. It's not. Real life will be only resurrected one more time and that's it and the judgment day every guy, uh. Let's begin, let's begin check it out. Ninjas here the storm coming, the leaves awesome did I escape no? Not yet I'm losing health.

Okay, it's called respawning and not resurrecting here in the game check this out. Bro! Oh, no again. What again, can you just leave me going just leave me alone again anyway, I can see them there. So many details. This is crazy.

This is crazy. How many details this game has so much stuff she can do with it play around interact. Oh, he got me there. Respawning again, oh check this out. Oh, that is so cool.

I don't have webbed. I don't have bullets anymore. What is this? Let's go next, okay, now I'll be testing the PUBG, the GFX tool at 2k resolution, just yes, 2k resolution. Of course, you shouldn't play it, but um just for the really hardcore test, I'm using for uh 2k. You should play this game at full.

HD, even HD plus, is just enough for a six 6.5-inch screens, ninjas or a smartphone, but I will use 2k stay tuned. We are in just remember that HDR extreme mode check this out. It's so smooth, I'm gonna just stand here and show you the fps. The blue team has scored for the first 60 fps, it's a beast: bro 470 dollars the best, and I'm taking a65 for the price. There are some cheaper smartphones like from the VIVO.

I think your IQ also, but they are cheaper, like 30 dollars bro. This is a global version of poke phone f2 pro global version, bro reloading, it's so crazy. This is really crazy mode. I will also show you ninjas uh, basically uh with the classic mode. Don't worry, don't worry.

I know they're gonna. Tell me this in my mini map. That's why it's running so good reloading. How are you skipping so like this bro? This is nice shot nice that idiot? Ah, she yeah come on. How did you know that I'm waiting cover me nice? Oh, he got.

He got me there, but I don't understand it. I already wound him team there in the lead. Ah, he got me anyway. Let's go into the next mode. I think, with this one we are ending just classic mode PUBG 2k resolution battery smooth.

We will check also here the temperatures Fortnite doesn't heat up. Ninjas Fortnite is just 30 fps. If we had 60 fps, probably we'll get some. Maybe heating uh problems, but PUBG right now is just a good measurement for the heating. Let's go there, I'm going to go to the next one, so we get like under 39, which is good, bro, 2k resolution.

This is perfect temperatures here, playing probably already like 10 minutes altogether, maybe not on the video. I didn't show you all the game plays and setups and everything, but it was running 10 minutes check this out, 2k resurrect max graphics, okay, let's check here the fps with the classic mode, now 60fps full speed for full speed. I'm telling you PUBG is not anymore a heavy game. Maybe it was two years ago, but now it's not anymore a heavy game. It is running 60 fps! Oh, my god look at them.

They just run away. Oh, nice scope. So for me moving like this, I'm just doing it, so you can see that there is no stutter. That's why I'm uh looking around really quick just for testing purposes. Of course nobody will look like this so fast, at least at this area, or even a silent server.

Sorry bro! Hmm! Oh my god! Oh, he's up bro! Ah, he got kicked. He got anywhere. I mean just these are the temperatures 39.6? Can we get 40 here you should get? You should get 40 41 42 with the 2k with more heavy gaming right now it will get 14. It does anyway great device and absolute beast ninjas for 470. This is the best uh smartphone that you can buy for this price tag overall and get the the best battery camera screen display everything.

Just maybe you get an uh I've 144 hertz is with the uh iq3 Neo yeah, but you know going to get cameras like this battery, like this design like this a pop-up camera full screen view like this you're not gonna, get all these ninjas. That's why the Poco f2 pro even for 20 in 2020, we had the book for uh where they had the Redmi k20 pro in 2019 right now for 2020 standards. This is a beast still a beast. Yes, it is maybe 60 hertz's uh only refresh rate high refresh rate screen rate, but again just for the gaming most of the games. Ninety percent of the games popular games are still running only at 60 fps.

They, you can't run into a 90 or 120 144. Hertz. Remember that arc is running only 30 rules of survival is running. I think 60 Call of Duty is running maximum 45 60 PUBG maximum 60, the global Chinese version. It is running 90 or 120.

GTA 30 grid 30, 460, fortnight 30. , so most of these popular games are running 60fps max, and it's not a big problem. Just it's not a big problem. Trust me anyway have a great day and see you till next time. This was a poke phone f2 pro Redmi k30 pro the buying links in the description purchase it right now and don't be disappointed nicely.

Source : TechUtopia

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