Pixel 4 (NOT XL) Battery Revisited After 2 Weeks - Wow By AndroidAndyUK

By AndroidAndyUK
Aug 14, 2021
Pixel 4 (NOT XL) Battery Revisited After 2 Weeks - Wow

Hey guys and here about two weeks ago, I did a video about the battery life of my pixel 4xl. The last few days, I think my opinion has changed quite a bit when I thought I'd do a bit of an update for you. So here it is, you might be surprised, so the video that I did previously, if you haven't seen it I'll, try them to pop it up in the corner. There, yes, I would say, go watch if it is 20 minutes long. It might be very long for you, the very short version of it was I blogged the weekend the Saturday I was out about doing load stuff, really quite phone intensive and the battery died about 4 p. m.

the next day. I was sitting about the flat doing almost nothing well when I cycle in the morning, and that's a bit of a test for the phone, but by 9 o'clock I was on 31% after 15 hours of use with one hour.44 screens on time seemed okay, but I still wasn't quite sure, so I've been using the device now for two more weeks, which one I thought I'd give a bit of an update. That's just going locked again now, if you don't know what a Q battery is I recommend getting it. This is. This is a cure battery that you can see going on here and after a while use.

It will give you well tell you straight away, but it gets better after time. It gives you how much screen on time. You think you would get how much if you just left it in a drawer, the screen off and on your sort of usage. How long you think it will last now that started off at about 13 hours. The first few days I was using the device, but it's always tricky when you start when you get a new device, you've spent a lot of time installing things just using it more, and you have to give it time to settle.

You have to get the operating system time to learn your uses, optimize the battery base of the battery usage, which is what I've now done, so I've used the device again today it's been a bit tricky because the last four I know four days, maybe I've been using the Realme x2 Pro, although I've had my pixel four with me and I have been using it for bits and piece, because certain things I can only do on a phone I've not used it. A lot and screen on time has been less than an hour, and I've also changed how I'm using it so rather than to charge on overnight I'm going for it, I'm kind of charging. What I need to Irene as I'm near a charger. Almost all the time and rapid charging is pretty quick in less than an hour you get up over 80% and that's what you really need. Yeah, you don't really supposed to charge.100 percent really feeling good, prolonged battery life as when your phones, 2 or 3 years old, so I'm happy enough just booting up to 85 using it for in this case, about 20 hours or so and then boosting up again. But the figures have been a little skewed because it has been sharing time with the real me.

So today, I thought you know what, for just today again I'm going to go back to using a domain device, my own a device that includes sort of Mario Kart playing at lunchtime for 20 meters of soil and just everything else that goes on through the day, and we will now take a look at the results. Basically, and you see that the combined usage is up to 27 hours, so it's almost doubled. What I thought I could do two weeks back, but if we go over to history you can see a bit more of what's been going on so it came off charge. This phone came off charge yesterday at 7 p. m.

it is now what you can see days, almost 8 o'clock, so almost and 25 hours, 14% left so yeah. This is fine. This is now I intentionally haven't charged it up, so normally I charge up at around 30 or 40 percent. Perhaps until you have left it cursed see how far it would go, and I was thinking I'll. Do this quick video update, so I've left it to see how far we'll get really.

If we go back, we can probably see some other ones so used for 25 hours, 30 minutes from 100 sent to 25%. So that's actually a little long. Cities probably went I think when I was sharing time with the real me, so it wasn't being used as much faith as he is lofty 7 minutes screen on time, but still I. Just don't think you were done that in the first few days I was using the phone I could leave it on the desk, and it would seem to be burning battery even then, so it's got so much better 15 hours going 44%. There look sorry on camera, but yeah there we have 24 24, 12, 25 hours a hundred stands for saying with one hour 54 minutes screen on time.

That's I think that's pretty impressive. That's pretty good, so I'd wanted to make a quick video to kind of say this battery isn't as bad as I thought. It was. It's really improved. I, don't know how much that is to is Android 10, but it really has improved over the last week or so to the point that I mean it's done a great battery, but it's not something that worries me as much now, and it's interesting that I think back to when I do my battery test two weeks ago.

He did score 92 percent, which is a reasonable score reasonable and now seem reasonable, but you are from it previously. I thought read was caught, but not good bachelor. How does that work, but it seems the one seems to have aligned with the other now so there you go still as always interested to hear your thoughts. If you haven't seen the other videos I've made on the pics before including the review, make sure you subscribe and go. Look at those look for those videos, I suppose.

Basically let me know your thoughts in the comments down below, but for now my name's Andy, and I'll catch. You all again soon.

Source : AndroidAndyUK

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