Oppo A7 vs Samsung galaxy A50 Speed test By Which one

By Which one
Aug 16, 2021
Oppo A7 vs Samsung galaxy A50 Speed test

Hi everyone you're watching gadget zone today, I'm going to compare the speed test between Samsung Galaxy, a 50 and oh for a 7. So let's do the comparison. Both of these two device feels very premium. You can see that white color I'm shooting this video on my 3:30 pro. So, let's start the comparison speed test both of these phones comes with a dewdrop display. So let's check the text response.

So, let's start with the dialer they both perform same then the messaging app here to the same the browser you can see that a 50 performs well what's next confusing these two devices are entirely different, so we can try out the Google steps, then YouTube here, the 50. So thanks for watching hope you liked the video please consider subscribing see you in another video.

Source : Which one

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