OnePlus Nord vs OnePlus 8 Speed Test Comparison | SD 765G vs SD865 By TecworkZ

By TecworkZ
Aug 15, 2021
OnePlus Nord vs OnePlus 8 Speed Test Comparison | SD 765G vs SD865

Hey guys it’s Sagar from Tecworkz. In this video, let us do a speed test comparison between the OnePlus Nord and its bigger brother the OnePlus 8. Now although these 2 phones are not competing with each other, some of you requested me to make this video. And while we know that the OnePlus 8 is going to be faster, even I wanted to check out how big of a difference will we see. Now the OnePlus Nord comes with a midrange gaming centric Snapdragon 765G processor, where as the OnePlus 8 comes with the flagship Snapdragon 865 processor. The OnePlus Nord that I have here comes with 8GB of RAM, and the OnePlus 8 that we see here comes with 12 GB of RAM.

We will start with a boot up test. OnePlus 8 was about 5 seconds faster to boot up. Now I have cleared all the apps from memory, put both the phones on airplane mode so I won’t be disturbed by any calls between the test, and they are both connected to the same Wi-Fi network. At-least they were till I powered them off. When both of them were turned on, OnePlus 8 connected to the Wi-Fi network by itself, but for some reason I had to reconnected the Nord to the wifi network between this test.

Anyways, we will start by looking at the geekbench scores of both these phones. Then we will open some basic apps and slowly move on to the more demanding ones, followed by a RAM management round, to see how many apps both of them have open in the background. OnePlus 8 is a bit quicker at opening the Geekbench 5 app. Both the single and multi core score of the of the OnePlus 8 is way higher than the OnePlus Nord, which is to be expected due to the difference in specs on both these phones. But these benchmark scored don’t give us a complete idea of a phones everyday performance, so to check that let’s begin our speed test comparison.

OnePlus 8 is a hair faster in opening the settings app. Next is calculator, and we see the same thing, 8 is a hair faster than the Nord. Next is the camera app, and OnePlus 8 is noticeably faster at opening it. I will switch to the front camera on both, to see if they can keep the camera app open in the background. Then we move to the Play store, and this is where I realised that the OnePlus Nord did not connect to the wifi network by itself when I turned on both these phones.

So after connecting it to the wifi network and closing the Play store app on both the phones, I reopened it, and again the OnePlus 8 was a bit faster in loading all the content on the Play store page. Next is the chrome browser, and both opened it and the loaded the webpage at the same time. So this one is a Tie. Then we move on to twitter, and again both loaded it at the exact same time. We see identical result while opening up Instagram and heading over to my profile page.

Both loaded it at the same time. For youtube, OnePlus 8 was a hair faster, but the difference is barely visible. Netflix opened up a second quicker on the OnePlus 8. Amazon Prime also loaded a few milliseconds quicker on the OnePlus 8. We saw same results with the Amazon Shopping app.

Snapseed opened at the same time on both, so again its a tie. Now we move on to a few games, starting with a pretty basic one, the Subway Surfers. OnePlus 8 was about 4 seconds quicker at opening it. Next is Asphalt 9. It is a heavy game, so let’s see which one loads it first.

OnePlus 8 was able to load it first, but Nord was just 4 seconds behind it. Now I will open up everyone’s favourite game PUBG Mobile. OnePlus 8 was quicker, but the Nord was again just 5 seconds behind. So despite of the huge difference in the specs and benchmark scores, We are yet to see a the corresponding huge difference in the performance between these 2 phones. Next is Real Racing 3, and this is the first app where we see a big difference in the app load time between these 2 phones.

Then I opened Call of duty, and again the OnePlus 8 is much faster at opening it, and the Nord took about 10-15 more seconds to load it up. Finally here is VideoShop.8 was a bit quicker in opening it. I will import a same 28 second 1080p video file on both. Both were equally quick at the import. Now we will slow the clips down to half their speed, which the OnePlus 8 was a bit faster at doing.

And then exporting these clips to the gallery on both the phones. OnePlus 8 flew through this task, and the Nord took 12 more seconds to export the clip to the gallery. So yes, the OnePlus 8 is faster at opening all the heavy apps, and even some of the basic ones. But you have to decide for yourself, if the difference between their speeds is worth the difference between their price to you or not. Alright, now let’s go back and see which of these phones, have the most number of apps open in their memory.

Now remember, the Nord that I have has 8GB of RAM and the OnePlus 8 has 12GB of RAM. Both of them had no problems keeping the last 4 apps open in the background. But they had to reload the Asphalt 9. Now this is because the game not very well optimised, to stay open in the background. Moving on, both had the Subway surfers and Snapped open in the background.

And both had to reload the Amazon Shopping app. Prime video and Netflix were open in the background on both the phones. But the Nord had to reload the Youtube app. While the Nord has the Instagram and Twitter app open in the background, for some reason, it takes more time to show these open apps. Both had chrome tab open in the background, but the Nord had to reload the Google Play store app.

None of them had the camera app open in the background. Calculator was in memory on both and Nord had to reload the Settings app. So while the OnePlus 8 had most of the apps if not all, open in the background, with 12 GB of RAM I expected a bit more out of it. Nords RAM management is also not that great in my opinion. Leaving the few last opened apps, It also had to reload many apps.

Hopefully OnePlus will optimise the software a bit more with a few updates. So there you have it guys. Speed test comparison between the OnePlus Nord and the OnePlus 8. Considering their price point, Let me know in the comments, which one you think did better. That is it for this video guys.

Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, and subscribe to the channel for more quality tech videos like this. You can also check out some of the other videos from this channel. This has been Sagar, and I will catch you guys in the next video. Take care.

Source : TecworkZ

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