Note 10 Lite VS Coca Cola / WATER RESISTANT ?? By Tech Segment

By Tech Segment
Aug 21, 2021
Note 10 Lite  VS  Coca Cola / WATER RESISTANT ??

Hey, what's up guys hope you all are doing fine you're watching tech segment and today's video will be a water test of the Samson's Northern Light. Before we start our test, let me tell you that the no turn light doesn't come with any water resistant certification. So it's going to be quite interesting to find out whether this device works or not after placing it underwater for 10 minutes. So let's do it. As you can see, our device is working perfectly fine and here I'm, going to use coca-cola instead of water to make this test more interesting. As you can see, our device is completely dipped in coca-cola now, let's start the timer.

Finally, ten minutes have circulated Oh Michel. Let me just clean it. Then we will do some basic tests. Our under display, fingerprint scanner, is working perfectly fine, no issues there. It touches also in perfect condition.

So after placing our phone underwater for 10 minutes, the phone is working perfectly fine. I haven't felt any kind of issues till now the speaker also sounds good, which means the no turn light is a water resistance divide. Hope you enjoyed the video I'll catch you in the next one. Ah,.

Source : Tech Segment

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