Nokia 5.4 vs Nokia 3.4 - SPEED TEST & Performance Review. By Ultra Value Tech

By Ultra Value Tech
Aug 21, 2021
Nokia 5.4 vs Nokia 3.4 - SPEED TEST & Performance Review.

Hey there in this video we are going to compare the speed performance between the Nokia 5.4 and the Nokia 3.4. We will see if the Nokia 5.4 is better than the 3.4, or you should save your money and get 3.4 right every time. One of them wins they'll get to be if by any chance, they look exactly the same or there's very, very small difference which doesn't matter most of them get a bean. Let's start with a power on test. It's Nokia 5.4 definitely has got a bit better specs since the 3.4, the 5.4 has got four gigabytes ram and Stockholm strapped a gun, 662 processors, while the 3.4 has got three gigs of ram and 460 stamina processors, let's see which one is actually a better phone or if there's any difference right, so 5.4 loaded faster. As you see, the third no keys are 3.4 like to beat the startup, and it wasn't loaded so yeah. It's a 5.4 wins this one where there wasn't, apparently that huge difference between them right, let's open some apps and see what they look like right. First, let's start with the geek bench, I will show you this course of them.

Okay, if I pin forward load it faster a bit, let's see the results. Okay, and these are the results. So you see, the 5.4 has got a bit better results, so yeah charging on the results alone and give a bean to the 5.4 all right. Let's open YouTube, now: okay, 5.4 again was faster, but not by much, but still there was some difference. You could see: okay, let's open the maps again, 5.4 all the faster. Let's see the scrolling experience, yeah very nice and smooth, let's check out the 3.4 uh, I would say pretty much the same but yeah it's a 5.4 loaded, a bit faster, so I'm being used to it. Okay, so notifications, let's check code, the camera app and how fast it opens again, as you saw 5.4 loaded faster, let's check out again, you see the 5.4 app was much faster. Also in everyday usage.

The 5 point app is definitely snappier than the 3.4 yeah, so another bean to the 5.4 right. Let's check out the messages up, um, let's check that again. So we're exactly the same disable that, and I've been to each let's check out the phone app yeah faster on the 5.4. Let's repeat this time, the same: okay, let's check out certain slightly faster than on that one, but you can't really see. In reality, I've had to give a bean to each other's service like really no difference between them right and, let's check out the browser.

Okay, all the files are definitely faster. Let's check out another website, yeah, maybe slightly faster on that one, but I couldn't really tell that there was much difference. Okay, yeah the same, however, at the first time the browser itself loaded faster as a website so being goes to the 5.4. Let's open calculator, um. Actually it's three point.

Four! Oh, that's a bit faster. I think. Let's try again, second drill exactly the same. Let's see third time yeah exactly the same, maybe I pressed it a bit faster, the first time, so I've been to each let's check out the Photoshop okay faster from that one, but not by much. I wouldn't really give a b into it again, as you saw slightly a bit faster, let's check, yeah it's slightly a bit faster, but in real everyday usage, there's no difference so be into each all right, let's open play store.

Perhaps I pressed it's faster than this one. Let's repeat this: now the 5x4 definitely all the faster, but again not by much, I'm not even sure if I should give a b into each or five by four, but I had to hit 5.4 as it was faster. Okay and finally, let's open a game such as subway surfers. It should be faster on 5.4, again yep, so it was yeah quite a bit faster. Actually and that's what you really get is a better processor and more I'm on the 5.4 right and finally, let's check out it's venue validity as you, as you probably noticed it, the 3.4 slider and gave up some lag first and since we get this 3.4, never the usage. Most of the time.

There's visual lag on this phone where, from time to time you can maybe see a tiny bit to stutter covers 3.4. Definitely is very good phone, okay pressed on something I was just always if you're going to go scare me but yeah when scrolling, it's a 5.4 definitely feels a bit more fluid and more snappy than the 3.4. It's not that the 3.4 is very bad. It's actually very decent. It says: 5.4 is slightly better yeah in these menus, you can maybe tell that's.5.4 is slightly better all right, so this is lucky.3.4 got four beats whilst five point four got eleven beats, so the Nokia 5.4 is a clear winner here and if I had to choose between these phones, I'd really go for the 5.4, as it really has got noticeable difference. Everyday tasks, as you saw, and the price difference between them aren't really that huge, that's very minimal price difference or, if you're looking for a decent engine level phone.

This 3.4 is the cheapest usable thing, that's actually very decent. However, if you want actually a very smooth phone which actually feels very fast in every usage, and it's almost zero like anywhere in the 5.4, it's definitely one to go for all right. If you found this video helpful then make sure to hit the like button. Also, if you want to see more videos and reviews about the Nokia 5.4 or the 3.4 so make sure to subscribe, let's say by releasing them very soon see you.

Source : Ultra Value Tech

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