Nokia 3310 vs. New Nokia 3310 DROP TEST from 1000 FEET!! | Durability Review By Khristian Flohr

By Khristian Flohr
Aug 14, 2021
Nokia 3310 vs. New Nokia 3310 DROP TEST from 1000 FEET!! | Durability Review

What's up guys, Kristen here and today, we're going to do something really cool. We have the classic Nokia 3310. This right here guys is the strongest phone ever made, and today we're gonna, compare it against the new 2017 Nokia 3310. We're gonna. Do something really extreme here. We're going to grab these two phones, we're gonna, take them all the way up to an extreme height of 1000 feet, and then we're gonna.

Let them drop which phone will do better, which phone will survive. Let's go find out all right guys. Here we go. We have the folks ready. Let's go up all right guys here we are we're almost halfway there still going up.

If you can see here, the phones are still attached to the drone beautiful weather, not too much wind, they're hanging in there, and we're going to go all the way to 1,000 feet all right guys. Here we go we're gonna, let it drop in ten seconds. You guys ready five, four, three, two one: let it drop whoa, let's go check it out. Let's go see what happened if the phone survived. Well, you got the new home here, and the battery is all the way here.

As you can see, we have the Nokia looks, looks alright and the Nokia 3310 the classic. He had this dream program. I, don't know. Maybe this one we're going to clean it up and let's say we found it better. It was fully charged yeah.

This one is dead, it does look better. I know it looks better. The outside looks better look at the Nokia. This one still works. This thing is a beast indestructible: indestructible: okay, all right guys! There you have it the battle between these two monsters.

Still undefeated phone never made the Nokia 3310. This thing right here is a living legend. The Nokia 3310 still alive working everything works except the screen, the screens a little cracked from the inside, but the new Nokia is perfectly intact, but it won't turn on. So that means the phone is dead, and the winner is a classic in Nokia 3310. There you have it guys.

Thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to click like subscribe and I. See you in the next one. Take care.

Source : Khristian Flohr

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