*NEW* iPhone Z (First LOOK & Unboxing) - Apple By XtremeGamez

By XtremeGamez
Aug 14, 2021
*NEW* iPhone Z (First LOOK & Unboxing) - Apple

This is the iPhone z, a phone where it is only LCD screen, the first of its kind, and today we get the first look and unboxing of this new Apple iPhone before anyone else. We purchased a 5 000 mystery box from apple, a 5, 000, mystery box from eBay and a 5 000 mystery box from Amazon, and we will be comparing which one has the best value. And yes, we really did get the iPhone z in this video, so stay tuned, or you might miss it so here they are the three mystery boxes. These are worth five thousand dollars each, let's not waste any time. Let's get into this first one. Let's do this.

Why are you going to break it? I don't even care what you don't stop. I actually hit something. These things are fragile. Here we go guys here we go no breaking it like you, just try. I just broke something I'll actually be upset.

That would be ridiculous. All right come on guys, it's going to be sick, we're comparing to see which one's the best eBay, apple or Amazon- oh, oh, my goodness. I actually I think I broke something huge. Oh, you clowned come on all right. Oh man, that's crazy, there's so much good stuff starting off right now, guys! Oh, my goodness! Look at this Tommy! Oh, two Pok?mon sets and dude.

These are champions pop. I think these are hard to get hang on a finger. That's like good tummy! Oh, it's a nerf gun. It's a cool, ass, nerf gun! That's a sick one! It's Fortnite! That's sick! You know what we're going to jump straight to the other. Oh all, right, and we're going to see if we can get some crazy stuff in these sounds actually good.

It's going to be awesome. I reckon we're going to get something epic all right here. We go right now: oh Tommy! Oh my goodness, zombies! It's actually an iPhone dude! It's an iPhone johnny! I don't know what iPhone it is, but no way what is an iPhone 11 brew max. This is serious. We've already made our money back and more for this box.

That's crazy! Oh, my goodness! All right here we go there's so much AirPods airport pros airport. Are you serious? That is awesome and guys? Oh man, look at this an iPhone 12. Oh, my goodness, an iPhone 12, no, actually, no way that is epic go johnny, go dude, guys, we've just made like 7 000 already, I think. Oh, my goodness, Tommy the Apple Watch Series 3. What this is sick guy.

This was only five thousand dollars seriously, no way. What are that guys? A golden formula? No, we hit the big one, it's a big one, apple, we're always getting awesome stuff with apple. This is crazy. How do we get the good mystery boxes? I don't understand it right, no way, no way, two pairs of AirPods. Are you serious right now crazy, literally two pairs of AirPods? What is this? It's a MacBook Pro, but it looks, so I don't even know.

Is it? Oh, I don't know what this could be worth, but this looks cool. That does look to me really gross. Oh my goodness. Oh my Tommy, another restaurant wow, oh my goodness. What color is that I have to see what color this is right now.

Oh, it's a white version Tommy. That is simple. Oh guys, this iPhone is one of the coolest iPhone guys. We've got so many iPhone 12s we're giving this one away right now you have to like and subscribe and turn on notifications, and you could win this brand new iPhone 12 Pro johnny smash the like and subscribe guys, two more iPhones. Oh, my goodness guys.

We have that many of these this is sick part about this, is you guys can win most of this stuff, because we do huge giveaways, all right, I'm going back in right now, oh my goodness, another iPhone. What is happening bro what's happening. Tell me right now. Look at this look at this. This is like the best stash ever.

Oh, my goodness guys! Oh okay, guys there's more in here! Well, that's it we're going to the eBay box! Okay, let's see if this eBay box produces anything good all right here, we go right now, so far apple has got to be taking the cake. Apple is sick. It's been winning easily with how much good stuff you've got. If you're buying a mystery box, I would say, buy one from apple exactly because that is crazy. Good right now, but who knows eBay, could beat it and Amazon we still haven't even fully got into that.

Yet there's heaps more stuff. Oh, what is it guys, guys? Look. What is it looking at this? Oh, there's a box here, wait what I don't know what could be in that, but this is an old Nintendo.64 console 5 000 plus take a look at these guys. Oh my goodness, it's like wrapped up. Are you serious? Oh, it's like brand new, that's brand new and guys it's got a Pok?mon.

Oh nice, that's going to be exciting. That is rare right there, all right guys, I'm going in right now to this box. Oh Tommy, this looks sick. It's a golden wireless headset, that's the PS4 golden wireless headset. That looks absolutely incredible right.

There johnny there's another thing in here. What is it looking at this guy, another headset? No, I think this box is pretty good for johnny. Let's open up this right here. Okay, all right! Let's do it. You're broken all right, guys, let's figure out! What's in it all right here we go.

This is gonna, be sick, dude! Oh, I'm pumped to know what's in this. Ah, I think we all are, let's be real. All right here we go. Should we take any turns uh sure what oh? What is that no way? What is that gun? Look at this? Oh, my goodness, it's a whole box of brand new Pok?mon Go cars. Are there sword and shield rebel clash? Oh my goodness, darkness ablaze, this is sick.

Oh, to got Yugo guys how much money would this whole box of Pok?mon cards all be worth? You guys need to tell us, because we don't actually know that's crazy, all right, Tommy, I'm going to the Amazon box right now. We left this one in the dirt. Let's get into this right here. Oh dude, there's more Pok?mon in this one as well. No way Pok?mon, oh, my goodness, champions path that is sick, dude, that's probably because Pok?mon's so hyped right now, literally and johnny, I'm actually seeing something huge here.

This looks expensive like seriously oh no way here. Let me help you right now. Oh no way, Tommy ripping no chance this time. All right, I can pull it out now. Tommy, it is very heavy.

Please tell me it is right now, oh, my goodness. I can't please tell me it is guys yeah I'll help you it's literally. I got it. Furthermore, I got it. These mystery boxes are so sick.

This is the coolest thing ever. Oh, Tommy! What's this? Oh okay, guys the sunken bubble wrap! This looks really crazy right now this is. Could this be a MacBook or something I don't know what it could be? Let's get it open. Here we go: oh okay, as ooze whatever that is, don't know what that is all right. Let's open it up! Oh sorry, here we go guys we're going to figure out.

What's in this box right now, wait, why isn't it open all right? Here we go! Oh, oh, oh, it smells good, it smells, so what smells good guys? Okay? What is this right? Now? Oh dude, it's like a monitor! Oh, that is so cool man. It's like a portable, monitor, really cool man. Awesome! That's a cool item right there, all right, I'm going into the box again! Here we go guys, there's still so much more! This is sick. No one is it guys? Oh, it's upside down, guys take a look. This is like a professional chef's knife sake that okay, here we go guys.

Oh, there is more stuff. Oh, there's heaps more stuff, okay, guys, another iphone. I don't even know what this is the 11. This is the 11. This is epic.

You guys need to comment down below which mystery box is the best iPhone Tommy easily there. There is an Apple TV 4k in this box. Oh my goodness, this is awesome. This apple box has been absolutely sweet, every apple product. You could imagine.

Okay, there you go an iPad, it's got literally everything in it. What's happening johnny what? What on earth? What is it guys? There's a box, and it says, z on it. What does apple have the z? I have no idea guys. We got this from apple, so whatever's in this has to be an apple product. Doesn't it yeah? You think so? Well we're going to open that? Let's just put it here for now, and we'll keep going okay, oh Tommy, not you're, going to it's AirPods again, it's AirPods again guys.

This is crazy if you're an extreme, a comment down below extreme, because I just pulled AirPods, I'm so excited right. Now, no joke take a look at this. This is like guys. This is literally sick. Oh my god, one of these.

What is happening. I don't know what this is. It's like an older MacBook Air. Maybe I don't know what it's worth, but this is just johnny's. Let's go back to this box, okay, the Amazon or the eBay, the eBay, all right, the eBay.

Here we go guys. Oh okay, yeah, that's a Google Home Mini these are actually pretty cool. That's a Google Home Mini I'm happy with that johnny. I really just want to see what's in this bus, okay, but we're going to wait a second, oh all, right! Let's get something more in here, all right! What's in their dude! Oh, what is it no way? This is so cool guys. Take a look more Pok?mon cards.

Okay, like this is Pok?mon stuff. I don't know what it's worth, but it's worth good money. Pok?mon is always worth money guys all right here we go. Oh Tommy, there's so much good stuff in here. Right now, hang on.

This is big guys. It's an assassin's creed like model toy or something that is actually pretty cool right there, sick wow. That could be expensive. Maybe it's like limited yeah. That's a possibility! All right get this! Oh! Oh, all! Right here we go, oh guys, more Pok?mon! Okay, this has been a Pok?mon.

We're gonna, have fun opening this stuff, and you know what smash the like, and we might open some Pok?mon packs on our channel with all these cars we've got in all right here we go. Let's do this right now: oh a nerf gun and a vortex that is actually cool and guys no way some nerf right here, some more nurse stuff. I didn't really know what that is, but it looks cool, and then we have a Samsung phone Galaxy Note 2! I actually, I don't think I've even ever seen this. That could be expensive. I don't know if it is, all phones are expensive.

The amount of apple products like I said, we've pulled it's just crazy guys, all right, I'm going back in! Oh, a Pikachu, tin, Tommy, you love Pikachu, I'm giving this to you right now. That's your dick! Thank you. You know all right guys, I'm going back in and again, oh more Pok?mon, nice! This is like a board game or something guys. This Amazon box must have been heavily Pok?mon related yeah because there's so much Pok?mon, oh okay, a Fitbit watch that is actually so cool right there. I might actually put that on after this video and dude.

Look at this. Oh, look at this. It's a Pikachu tin! Again! Oh, no! Okay, guys! I think it's time. I think we should open up this yeah. We have to the z box.

Now I don't know what this is. I don't know what's inside it, but the apple ad said it had an iPhone z inside it. This must be it all right, ready in three. Oh man, I'm excited here. We go one.

What's going to be inside this? Oh, my goodness. What is that dude guys? What's wait, what don't drop it? Look at these guys! Oh, my do you think apple came out with this forsaken. We didn't know it's like a prototype, because that looks sick. This is so cool guys. This could be a prototype of the iPhone z.

Maybe who knows? I don't even know guys we did buy this from apple, so that is crazy. This is crazy. If you guys enjoyed this video smash a like and subscribe, and we'll see you guys in the next one see you later guys see you later guys.

Source : XtremeGamez

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