New iPad 9.7 2017 unboxing By Wolfieboy YT

By Wolfieboy YT
Aug 15, 2021
New iPad 9.7 2017 unboxing

I am unboxing the iPad 9.7 2007 here you go, get all that out of the way, and you got yourself your iPad right here. So what you get is your Start Guide and welcome to and some Apple stickers as usual. Second thing you get. Is your lightning port? You also get your charging block. You know I, like the style, hello, so I have a case for it, but I got. Let me keep the case off for now.

Let's set it up, so he has usual English United States, I'm going to set up what my Wi-Fi real quick, so I got the Wi-Fi on so now. We're gonna may take a few minutes to activate your iPad. So let's go do that: okay locations, hmm touch ID, I'm gonna! Put it okay! So now we're at this point welcome to iPad, okay guys. So, thanks for watching this, video, with of my new iPad I'm, also tap the new pace and put in that yeah. Okay, I'll see you guys next time, bye.

Source : Wolfieboy YT

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