My Nintendo Game & Watch Collection By The Game Display

By The Game Display
Aug 14, 2021
My Nintendo Game & Watch Collection

Hello, everyone and you're here and welcome to my Nintendo Game & Watch video there's just a little of a preview of all the different game, watches we're going to be looking at today. We're doing this video a little differently, I'm behind the camera, I'm going to be holding things in front of it, so I figured that would be how everyone can get the best view of the game and watches that I own game and watches for people who don't know our little portable handheld consoles that were produced by Nintendo between 1980 and 1991, and they contain a single game and also a clock function. But no one really cares about that. Everyone does cares about the other neat little games on them, so yeah we're going to be looking through that today there were 61 game and watches produced if you include a special edition, Super Mario Brothers that was given out in Japan as a prize for competition and if you include the prerelease of ball through Club Nintendo, which I kind of think that's cool, because as you'll see as we're looking through, there were kind of a few releases anyway, like saying that there were 61 released, it doesn't mean that there were 61 different games. Sometimes there are the same game, but the game and watch itself is actually a little different. So if you include those this kind of special editions, there are 61 game and watches in total.

If you don't, there are 59 Dying I own, the alluvium, the club Nintendo ball. So if you include that I have 27 otherwise I have 26 unique game and watches, so I almost have half of the collection. Oh, don't further ado, though. Let's turn our angle to the front here so that I can hold some stuff out in everybody and have a look at my game and watch stuff. We're probably going to be going through them rather quickly, because, as I said, you know, 27 of them it's going to take a little of times.

I don't want to spend all day on them. I have lined them all up in chronological order, though so I kind of debated for a while. How I wanted to do it, like maybe thrill the Mario ones and all the Donkey Kong ones, but I thought their chronological order would probably be the best and the very first or the earliest feather gaming watch that I own is parachute, which is actually Game and Watch number nine, and it is part of the widescreen series before the widescreen series. There was also the gold and silver series, and the difference with them is that they're a little smaller and the game and time buttons were actually along the button at the bottom other than on the side, which was what allowed them to make the screen a little bigger by relocating them. I also did not put batteries in all the game watches because again, it would take forever to just kind of show you how all of them work, but basically this is how a typical game watch looks.

You have buttons on the left and right, and you have gamed a game B and time allowing you to set things like the time and the built-in alarm. But what we really care about is the games here. Game a and game B are for many games, watches of very similar games, with the exception that B is usually a little more difficult, but you just press the button, and you can start playing parachute. Allah is the game watch game where people are cut? You know they're coming out of the helicopter, and you catch them in the boats at sea. Do not fall into shark-infested waters.

A game watch games are very basic. All the kind of positions of the sprites are all predetermined, so there's not usually any huge surprises during gameplay I'm, actually doing pretty well considering I'm watching the screen of the game of watch through the screen on my camera um. But basically there's you know, there's not too much to see like it will start to go faster and sometimes in you go yeah. It's like a hundred point to 200 points. Different things will start to happen actually in mini-game and watches.

Once you get to 200 and 500 points, you get a 1-up, but that's all it's different for every game watch they're all the same, there's not necessarily a kind of streamline. Think of that but yeah as you can see, no we're getting up there. Things are starting a little faster um and if you miss and usually a game watches, if you missed three times you're out on the back here, most they're very loud with um, you know, I should be three misses, so favor you can hear me have this thing here: allows you to actually set them up so kind of like a clock, so I can put sighs uh. You know, I got your nightstand if you're actually using it as an alarm. By doing oh, it looks very nice when you set up them.

Uh set them up on a shelf like that um game watches pretty much. All of them have the same sized battery cover and if you don't have that, let me just pop this off here. So if you don't have that the batteries won't stay in I guess you could probably use. You know tape or something like that. But if you're ever looking to buy a game and watch- and you don't have that battery cover, it will be very difficult for your two batteries to stay in there.

So keep that in mind that having the is very important, although I have seen people I think either you know reproducing them online, because it's its very it's a very simple piece of plastic. You know the 3d printers that are out there today. I can pretty much do that time, but just keep in mind that you will want to have a battery cover if you buy your game and wash it in order to keep the batteries in. For many of the game, watches that I own at least a few of them I do have the box as well, which is really neat just to see. You know how the box is looked in.

As I said, this was one of the widescreen ones, with the gold and silver ones coming before, so that is parachute game and watch number nine released in 1980, one of the earliest game and watch that I own jumped me a little ahead now. Also in 1981, however, is fired, and I figured this one I actually unbox it on camera. So you can kind of see what the inside of a Game & Watch block looked like box looks like you, have a nice piece of styrofoam I'm going to slide that out. You have your Game and Watch. The styrofoam has a hole in the bottom, so you can push it up through that with your finger and there's also a little instruction manual in there as well fire again.

You know this is another widescreen one, so the basic design is much like parachutes with buttons on left and right thumb and your buttons up there, the top fire you are, of course, you know catching people who are jumping out of a burning building on kind of trampoline and trying to get them into the ambulance over there. So that is fire number 15 I got to be very careful here. If I dropped any of these during the video, it would be kind of disastrous um. Alright, next up is number 16, which is turtle bridge. This one was released in 1980 to me out of the box for this one as well.

Advertising other ones on the back, don't have all of those, but it's still very cool and turtle bridge, with the point being trying to get from one side to the other crossing a bridge of turtles. You will sometimes dive into the water, and it can be kinda kind of crazy but again, very similar back I really liked real big steel bridge is definitely one of my favorite game and watches it's a very good game. Next up the 18th game of watch is Snoopy tennis, another one which I own the box for another one, another widescreen one, many of their boxes were fairly similar. No advertising on the back of that. One, though, not sure what went wrong there thought they didn't advertise this one's pink, and its Snoopy tennis, not too much state.

Except now, we have, you, know more buttons. Here, things are getting a little more complicated in the back is once again very similar up at number.20 is Donkey Kong. This takes us to an interesting kind of area or era, or you know, set of game watches where it's not just the basic screen anymore, with two buttons on the side now we're getting into the multiscreen ones and Donkey Kong. Of course, you know very iconic game and watch, and also people will probably notice that it is very similar. I got to kind of the design that the Nintendo, the S, eventually wit, myth.

We also have the introduction of the d-pad, which would you know, become one of Nintendo's greatest inventions and when you go on to appear on the NEW controller and pretty much every other Nintendo controller ever from Donkey Kong, very good game. First time, I replayed, it was on game & watch gallery to which I believe I mentioned I've mentioned before games. At hiya game & watch gallery games are great ways to play. Game & Watch games they're a lot of fun um, yes, lucky Kong was 1982, and it was a multiscreen. One number actually, no sorry 20 was Donkey Kong number 21 is Donkey, Kong jr.

also released in 1982. Although this time we are back to our widescreen, I should actually show the Box. This was first, my box there's a little of damage, but the funniest part about this box is at one time: electronics, boot, boutiques or be games, rather be games as its known as in Canada, but I think it was originally a separate company, but then it merged with GameStop nose or something crazy think that basically, the equivalent of game stop in the United States or you're typical. You know new game. New video game store anywhere in the world, sold this for 20 to 99.

So what people seem to fail to realize is that you know retro video games, game and watches and all that they weren't always extremely expensive. There was a time when the prices of these things dipped down, like you know, new games, didn't you know they weren't constantly rising in price. After the ENITA after the Super Nintendo came out is you know the value of NEW games started to go down as more people were buying SNES games and the same thing happened in the end of 64 came out. It wasn't until around when the came out that retro games started bouncing upwards again, which is your know why they're so high in price today, and why people often ask me how I built up so much of my collection. It's because I bought a lot of my stuff when the prices weren't sky-high as they are today regardless.

So this isn't the video about that. This is a video about game and watches, and this one is Donkey Kong jr. , another widescreen, one very similar to the other widescreen ones of you have looked at a cool game. It most certainly is: let's see what is up next number 22 is Mickey and Donald another multi-screen one, so yeah, Donkey Kong wasn't the only one that looks very much like a Nintendo, DS, Mickey and Donald, and a few other ones as we're going to see, of course, also fall out. Interesting controls here, it's not a d-pad, but you have up and down on one side and left and right on the other side, even these use a very similar, actually, the exact same battery cover as the other games.

Of course, just the color is different, so even if you only have one of these and say you have like three game and watches with only one battery cover, you could just interchange it as long as you know, you're not worried about collecting it in complete condition, you're more just worried about. Actually you know being able to play the games as long as you have one battery cover you're going to be good. A green house next up 1982 is well green house is Game & Watch number 23 in your chronological order. Another multiscreen, one I, know gotta exterminates, all the bugs. You know spray the bug spray, all the different plants before the spiders crawl down and get to your flowers, game watch, games very ugh.

No, they have very basic premises in most cases, but there's still a lot of fun, and they're, most certainly fun to collect as well- and this looks so nice ? they're just awesome pieces. They are really really really cool. Ah, number 24 is Donkey Kong 2 released in 1983, and it is once again a multiscreen. One interesting. You know I always as a kid looked at it, I'm like what happened to Donkey Kong 2.

Why does it go Donkey, Kong, Donkey, Kong, jr. and then Donkey Kong 3, but there actually was a Donkey Kong, 2 game and watch it? I mean people have to say you know, Donkey Kong jr. is donkey. Kong ? Donkey Kong ?, but then you know: where does that come in you know this is Donkey Kong jr. and this is Donkey Kong 2.

So you know maybe they're, not necessarily the exact same things. Ii mean that's what people would always say. People had no idea what they're talking about much like myself, who how you know I, have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about but um, just like Donkey, Kong jr. , it's about you play as Donkey Kong jr. , where you're getting a key and trying to get it backed up to the top.

So you can release Donkey Kong been captured, I, don't know if it's. If the cannon is that it's actually Mario, it's a character that looks a lot like Mario I forget. If it's, I don't think they're. Their name is actually Mario, though like I mean, of course, you know in the original Donkey Kong Mario was jump man, but basically I think you know. The cannon is that you know it's Mario vs.

Donkey Kong, basically, as it was established in the Donkey Kong on the Game Boy and the talking Mario vs. , Donkey Kong, of course, on the Game Boy Advance um, so I was number 24 number 25 is Mario Bros. This one is interesting because it is once again a multiscreen game and watch button, unlike the other ones, which opened like a DS where you had a screen on the one on top the other. This one opens to the side, and you actually have two screens one on the left and one on the right and this one you play as uh. You know Mario on one side and Luigi on the other side, and you send the package back and forth um, and then you know like Mario will have to be there to grab it and then put it down on to the next level before it falls off the edge again.

This is a very simple premise, but it gets, so you know very fun and of course you have game a game B and time once again, and they always say ah, so Mario's on that side. Louie's on that side again this thing you know up and down the only controls needed, but there's still very fun games on. Let's see where should I put these I'm not debating where to put things back down, but I am done with them, so that was Mario Bros number 25 now number 28 is Mario cement factory a somewhat similar, but we're going back to the widescreen format, mine's, not in the best shape you can see, but it's scratched there, but still very cool to own. You know: Mario had a lot of jobs. You know he was a cement factory guy.

He was a plumbing guy he's a carpenter. Guy Mario was a lot of things, I mean he still becomes a lot of things. Do you say anything like a doctor and all that? So it's kind of funny. You know looking at all the different jobs that Mario was had now seen how that was 1983 game watch number 30 is rain shower, which is once again one of those that opens to the side, which is just so cool. You know they could have easily just made.

Furthermore, you know 60 of these, but the fact that they actually looked for you know different ways to make. I is just really neat, and this one is all about snow, getting your clothes across the clothes line before the rain completely drenches them. You know you couldn't just put them out back again and once the drill once the rain is over, you knows you, you wash them in the first place anyway, so it's not like they can't get wet. But again this very basic. You know, you know left side of the house right side of the house, and you know this just start moving thing left right, it's just it's very, very basic, yet very fun, um being watches are just so neat.

Let's see that was number 30. Let me do a big jump in time up to number 35, our Donkey Kong jr. This is a panorama. Game watch is another kind of one of the different ones, um, not the same as the Donkey Kong jr. From before that I mean like there's two.

You know there can be various versions of the same game so like there are various versions of Super, Mario, Brothers and there's like a fire in the know gold silver series, but there's also a fire in the widescreen series. In this case we have Donkey Kong, jr. panorama and I kind of want to show this one I think I'm, actually going to put batteries in this one and show all you. This is just really really really weird, so I'm going to get the batteries in that, and we'll cut back in a second all right here. So when we open this up you'll see now you can actually kind of seen the screen in there.

Okay, it's going. It's going to be very tricky to actually show everyone. This, let's see, if we press game a interesting thing about the panorama. Ones are that you actually have color. Now because, as you probably knows with you know, parachute game watch games were typically black and white.

Now I'm playing this with one hand, because I'm kind of trying to try to hold the screen place with my other hand, but still I, definitely want to show this off very interesting game washes are just so neat, and I'm going to fail miserably because I am playing it but to get destroyed by a bird but see that that's really cool I, just love. How there's so many kinds of game watches they're. So neat, it's worth noting a lot that game. If you know you're compared to the donkey I'm doing here, I mean it's not the exact same game like the layout. The idea is the same.

You know rescuing be playing as Doc young junior, rescuing Donkey Kong, but the game itself is actually different. But if you just like to look to the list of Donkey Kong of Game & Watch is rather a might saying why are there two different Donkey Kong juniors, or something like that? So that's why you definitely need to. You know be aware of the differences that exist within the game and watch universe, despite the fact on that, if you're looking for a list, the names might be exactly the same. So that was number where, on my list here, that was number 35, a panorama Donkey Kong jr. released in 1983, and we're not even halfway through my list.

Actually we might just be about approaching the halfway point. The majority of my gaming watches are actually from the later years. I definitely want to get more from the early years, especially some from the golden silver series. But after Donkey Kong jr. comes lifeboat number 36 released in 1983.

This is once again one of those um sideways multiscreen ones and again reminds me a lot of parachutes except now a little more complex. But you still have those basic, your left and right buttons that parachute hat, which is pretty cool, number 38, is pinball. Now pinball I mean you probably don't need too much of an explanation. Pinball game and watch pinball is not too different from you know the pinball I'm sure everybody knows very well, but it is interesting. You know playing it on the LCD screen here.

It's a very cool game. But again once it's, this basic controls, Game & Watch games were very frequently. You know very simple I'm, not complexing pinball, once again another game that fits the bill perfectly. So that's number I think I said 38. Yes, we're going to do a little of a jump again to number 43, which brings us to another interesting set of game and watches, and at is the micro vs.

system. As you can see on the box here and as I will show you the micro vs. games. Are they flip open? They have a screen here, but you have two controllers so that you can actually play against a friend, but you can also play on your own against the computer as well, and this one is Donkey Kong 3, 9 err, it's its spoiling everything. So you got this thing right here, and I'm, just going to very careful, as I'm sitting around the camera, and I'm a little scared of dropping something.

So you flip that open, and you have your two controllers inside their numbers like this is a controller one right here, and you just pull that out and in this case game an um would be against the computer actually darn it. It's been a little while, since I played it with something I forgot of game, an is against the computer and game. B is multiplayer game B's this the computer in game, an is multiplayer, either way, you'll figure it out. Eventually, once one of the controllers isn't working uh but yeah, that's just a really cool idea. It's just another thing like you know, that's so neat that is Sonny and Donkey.

Kong feels kind of like a mix of I know it's the Donkey, Kong and greenhouse had a really bizarre baby. As you know, you can see the guy there with the exterminating thing, and you see Donkey Kong there with the exterminating thing, I think it's basically Donkey Kong versus that guy. It's its it's a really bizarre game, but you just have to experience it. You know at some point playing a micro versus system at the friend. It is just so bizarre.

Another micro versus system is Donkey, Kong hockey, I'm, not sure who saw hottie like you know, who said that Donkey Kong needed to be in hockey, I get he's like I've just been hockey, but no, they made it Donkey Kong hockey, and this one is exactly well the night started: it's not the same game rather, but it is another micro versus system which once again opens up and has two patrollers, and this is game and watch number 45. It was released in 1984. There is one other micro versus system boxing, which I believe is number 44 goes right in between my number 43 and 45. It is red, I'm, not sure what they wouldn't have made it like Donkey Kong boxing considering you know they made the other two micro vs. systems, Donkey Kong themed, but that I don't own that one I would like to get my hands on that.

Some things I think that the micro versus system- just the fact they have two controllers built in but the screen on the front I got just such a cool idea. It is just awesome, and they're just again super neat pieces to own, even if I don't have chances to play multiplayer with people all that often number 46 on my list, but I reach lay over here. I place things a little too far away, but we're okay is blackjack on blackjack, again, just like pinball, probably a game that needs no explanation for most people, blackjack 21, um poker table down there and all that it's basically it's fairly simple. But it's its a cool game that once again doing nonetheless um next up is 48 released in 1919 86. Actually, so we're doing a two-year jump here means blackjack was 1984.

Squish is actually one of my favorite game and watch games, which is pretty cool, and I might actually put some batteries in this one. The showroom but again look that up and down left and right button. We've seen that control scheme- and you know other games before I'll- show you guys this one just give me one. Second, all right there, so we got squish. Squish is pretty cool, let's see, so we got our bottom screen there.

What you do in squish this one, the top screen is not super important. It shows like your misses and, and things like that, but basically it shows which way the walls are moving slightly moving down right now, the point of squish is to not get squished by the walls, as I just did, because I was showing the upper screen. Basically, you move this guy here and yeah. So right now, as I'm sitting on the wall is moving downwards, as it says, on the top screen, so he's gotta keep moving and get away from the walls, but then the direction will change like they right now. They're moving to the left.

It's just a really neat game. I've always liked this one when you play mode B rather than just making it like more difficult by moves fast racing like that. As you probably know, there's these little white areas on the top left top right and you all that- and there are they're just characters in there that you have to save it within a certain amount of time. So I get to go there, and you got to go all the way to the right, and you have to go all the way to the one, the bottom left and bottom right. So it makes things a little more challenging, which is pretty cool.

So it's neat that you know a mo and B mode can sometimes be different, rather than just being a more difficult version of the same game where things might move a little faster, but I've always liked squish I mean probably not the most exciting game to watch. But it's still pretty neat unless I don't think it was ever featured in the game and watch gallery game, which is a shame thing about game watches those after some wait to turn them off like you. Can still hear it even though the lids closed, the only way to get them to stop is either to wait for the battery to die or to take them out yourself. So there we go yeah, that's the one thing I mean: there's now off button is I lose. You know the clock is always going, and it acts as an alarm, but there we go you can these.

This is easily taken the batteries on fact. That would definitely be recommended saying they don't end up exploding, or you know what why leave them in, if you're not playing it, and you're, not using it as an alarm clock, of course, I can't. Imagine too many people would probably use it as an alarm clock these days. Next up, the number 49 is Super Mario Brothers crystal screen edition. This was actually the second game and watch I ever got my hands on Donkey Kong was actually the first.

Both of these were from thrift stores. Actually a few of them were, although in recent years you just don't find them at thrift stores, anymore, and you're, you know you're definitely going to be buying them off. Of people who have collected them in the past box seem much better days, but it is super cool, a crystal screen, Super, Mario, Brothers and Ritz crystal scream is you can actually see through the screen, which is absolutely awesome. It is I love this. This is probably one of my favorite things in my collection.

It is just so cool. It is Super Mario, Brothers I'm, going to show you the other version of Super Mario Brothers. Just it's going definitely going to show up better on the camera. Then the screen that you can see through, but it plays a lot like Super, Mario Brothers, except every level. Yeah, every level is an auto-scrolling level with an ensuing wall of death.

So you will see that. But if we look inside via the box here, despite the fact that it feet up, it does have the book, which is super cool when it's in the box I really like the way that it looked, is its a can see the Mario picture through it? That's really cool I, really like my crystal screen game, Launch Box, not so great, but it's such a cool game. Nonetheless- and that was number 49 52 is sorry as I reach way over into oblivion is bomb sweeper. This one has a box yeah, so the multiscreen game box came in much bigger boxes to accommodate their bigger size. This box is super complete.

Now, if we look inside here, I have pretty much everything I think it's Mario that has it on the back. It's fascinating. I just have to show everybody. This is funny I guess these might have come, maybe not with every game of watch. This was probably kind of like the Wii wrist strap where it wasn't like very secure first, and then they released a secure version later I'm guessing that babies must have been eating the batteries or something like that, because you got these red stickers.

Is it going to show up their place this seal over battery cover to prevent babies from removing and eating batteries? So I mean if you look on Mario here, we haven't actually look to get. Someone actually did that, but then I mean you have to change the batteries. You're going to have to break it's really done, but it's just funny. In fact, you know, literally, babies are crazy and eat the batteries. If you do not place that on there, then otherwise we have instruction book and all other sorts of cautions and things, but yeah bomb sweeper is a cool game.

Just like that I mean yeah. You have got to defuse the bombs within the time of I like bomb sweeper bomb. Sweeper is another very cool one, but let's just put that off to the side. Actually, I might just put that back into the box, because I don't want too accidentally. It's yeah ball sweeper.

Definitely one of my most mint-condition and complete game and watches it's a very cool game, ? so happy to have that yeah, it's bomb sweeper number 52, which was released in 1987 now number 53 can technically be the special edition. Super Mario Brothers that was only released in Japan, I, think there's 10,000 of them, and they were a prize for our contest um. So if you count that as number 53 number 54 is then safe Buster whereby placed safe Buster, that's a very good question. Safe Buster is over here. Safe Buster is another multi-screen one, our sorry bomb, sweeper, yeah, yeah and bomb sweeper.

Basically, bombs dropped from the top, and you need to dump them off into the kind of areas on the left and right so that the safe does not get blown up and broken into as depicted from the front there. So that was number 50. Sorry 54 number 55 is the ordinary Super Mario Brothers so see that's interesting. Like again, the same game is the one that we saw before, but now they released it not in the crystal screen one, but in a widescreen one I'm going to put some batteries in this one as I'm sure people will be curious. What is up with a Super Mario Brothers game, a watch of course, as I said earlier, the based on the production, timeline of game, watches, game and watches predate the existence of the Super Mario Brothers Super Mario Brothers series, but even after the NEW came out in the AMISOM and all that they still continued to make game of watches and that's how you have one's like Super, Mario Brothers.

So, let's see if the first game, that's a lets. The alarm button, not the time button, and this one has an alarm button. The time button and the game button doesn't have a game an in the game. B so see. Every level is not a scrolling, reveal well revel level and because I'm trying to play this from my camera screen, I just died on the first pit of the game, I thought everybody I died in the first pit of the first level of Super Mario Brothers, but it's the game of watch version.

So cut me some slack um. It's its hard to play one while I'm, making a video Ham. Basically, as you can see, I'm, not pressing anything. Every level is just auto scrolling the've jumped like that. You got to be quick, but I'm, trying to make a video and look at this through the screen on my camcorder here and ah working solo, oh yeah, I think at the top saying you distance the end of the level yeah.

So every level is not a schooling level, and it goes on like this. Of course, game watches they don't typically have music so but beeping could get a little old after a little while. But that's why we have. You know, phones these days, and you know portable speakers just blast those tunes wherever you go, you mean you can easily just you know, blast Mario 1-1, and you know NEW music. If you know that the beeping is just not doing it for you and then yeah this.

This goes on for many levels. Of course, you know it's, it's not as interesting as obviously the real Super Mario Brothers is but to be able to have this on the go. You know before the existence of the Game Boy. You know before Super Mario Land existed. There's a mushroom there.

Some bonus points, I still just beat this level 11 10 9 feels like we're counting down the New Year 7 6 5 I like how you can even see like the red kind of hue on the sides to this. To emphasize you know the existence of the ensuing wall of death and that we really have zero distance there's the princess, and is that Saudi it doesn't me, try to troll you like it's not code, like you really leave to save the princess. This is just like I love, gaming watches so much especially one's like Mario, Brothers, Mario, just a cool game and watch is not bad. We just fell on the floor, and it is never coming back, actually. Can I potentially salvage that without messing up the whole video? Let's see, aha I got it yeah.

These batteries will fly all over the place. Okay, that is Super Mario brothers were got into the homestretch now putting those back that was number 55 1988 a new widescreen Super Mario brothers. Next up number 57 is balloon fight, balloon fight, of course, being an NEW game now turned into gaming. Watch form- and it plays much like the balloon fight on NEW- does um number 58 is gold. Cliff gold cliff is definitely also one of my favorite game and watch games.

Gold clip is really cool. Another multiscreen one where you play as a guy. You work your way up from the bottom jumping on platforms and getting a key, and then you have to work your way up to the top dodging obstacles along the way. It's a really cool and I, really like gold, cliff I find that a lot of my favorite gaming watches are the multiscreen ones, I mean. Of course.

There are some really. You know great ones on like widescreen too, but I mean of course, earlier ones like parachute, very basic um, considering the games we have today, you might feel like it's a little repetitive after a while, but it's still a lot of fun, but I mean even ones like Mario, Brothers and balloon fights very, very, very cool game, the watches number 59 and if you don't include the Nintendo, it Clubs Nintendo we release. This is the odd, what's called the latest I'll just say the oldest, but Ice technically the latest game and watch that I own. Let's move things off the screen here. If I can come all the way around here to grab this it's Zelda, it's not The Legend of Zelda, which I always thought was fascinating, which I totally don't blame people who think that the main character's name is Zelda in the case where it's not even the Legend of Zelda, it's just called Zelda, but you have the Triforce on the front there.

You have a picture of what it's going to look like we're, going to open it up anyway, we got link they're, fighting off a bunch of stuff, another multiscreen one. The top screen is mostly stats and stuff. Well, the bottom screen is where most of the gameplay happens, and it's actually a side scrolled. So you know, despite the fact that I do you think the Triforce is in Zelda ? I mean I've beaten, Zelda too many times um, but I mean of course the oh. The main focus of collecting all the pieces of the Triforce is a The Legend of Zelda one but yeah.

Despite the fact that scheme is actually a side scrolled much more like Zelda 2 and the CDI games, which were everybody's favorite, Tom and yeah, it's just a very cool game, they're gonna, another one of those. We have game, you have continued, and you have time, and you have your d-pad down there so yeah. This is definitely one of my favorite game washes thrown, especially since I own the blocks. Fortunately, um part of that is just a plastic. There was a plastic film over the picture to kind of protect it, but part of that is just the film and part of that is the force light a little of damage the top, but I mean it's the game that matters the most.

It's a really cool game, and I'm super happy to own that, and that was number again number 59. There was Mario the juggler, which was the final game and watch ever made. If you don't include the ball of the ball, we release Martha jugglers, I think kind of like an updated version of ball. Unfortunately, I don't own either of them and if you don't include the reproduction, but that is a cool thing to note. This right year, though, was offered as a prize on Club Nintendo in North, America and I.

Believe it was a. There were a ways to get it on Club Nintendo in Europe and Japan as well, and it is a reproduction of the very first game and watch ever made, which was ball and, as you can see, as I mentioned, this isn't the widescreen ones. The very first game watches had the buttons at the bottom for game a game be in time rather than on the top left. This is pretty much an accurate reproduction of that you were holding at least what was called. You know, 30 years ago, ball, the very first installment of the Game & Watch series.

So that's really cool to own I like to consider that an actual game and watch this because it is so cool like it just neat I mean it plays exactly like a normal game of watch, which is really really cool. So I'm really happy to own. That I mean people complain about Club Nintendo, but it hides some cool stuff as well. So you can change the focus. We can see a little better.

What's on the couch there we go so that, with all that said, is the 27 gaming watches that I own I hope you enjoyed having a look at all those please, if you have any gaming watches, tell me about them down in the comments if you've made a video about them yourself, I'd love to hear about the game. Watches are just such an interesting part of gaming history, some interesting part of Nintendo history and I, absolutely love collecting them, I hope to get some more in the future as well. They are just really really really neat items. Uh and yeah. I'm hope that you everybody enjoyed seeing the ones that I have, and I mean it's just like me.

Oh, there's wide screen ones, there's multiscreen ones, there's versus system ones, there's panorama ones, there are ones, they're variants that I don't even have here, um and like it's just crazy, and they're. So neat and yeah, thanks for sticking it out, there's going to be a little of a long video, but I hope that you enjoyed it. So thanks for watching hope you enjoy hope, you know, go and go and play some game and watch games if you can either buy and actually macho the game & watch gallery games are absolutely awesome, um and yeah hope you enjoyed that and hope to see you next time for something different. So thanks and see you later.

Source : The Game Display

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