LG K51: Screen is Frozen or Unresponsive? FIXED! By WorldofTech

By WorldofTech
Aug 15, 2021
LG K51: Screen is Frozen or Unresponsive? FIXED!

Hey, what's up guys, so you have a lg K 51 here, and you have an issue where your screen is. Maybe it's unresponsive, or maybe it's frozen, and basically you just you're not able to restart like this one's fixed here, but you're not able to even like restart it by holding on the power button. You don't get this power off menu anyways. Let's just pretend this phone is completely frozen. I can't do nothing, let's go ahead and fix it. We're going to force it to restart.

How do you force restart very easy? It's a two key combination. What we want to do is we want to press and hold the volume down and power button. You want to press and hold the same time. Do not let go until we see the LG local peer. Then we can let go okay, let's do it together: okay, ready volume down power button and, of course the phone is on.

Okay, bye, I'm, down power button, one two three press and hold both buttons do not let go until we see that LG logo appear I'm still holding on both buttons. Here, don't worry if something happens, if it is taking a screenshot or not just keep holding on both buttons until we see the LG local appeared like that, let go and you guys should be up and running now. Good luck.

Source : WorldofTech

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