LG G8 ThinQ Battery Life Great Good or Just Average? By Tony Pazo

By Tony Pazo
Aug 15, 2021
LG G8 ThinQ Battery Life Great Good or Just Average?

What's, going on YouTube, Tony, you're, positive tech reviews, going to be a quick video and the battery life on the LGG 8nq I'm have I, have a bunch of things turned on I, don't have anything. That's able I have NFC turned on for mobile payments also have Bluetooth turned on because I have my Fitbit Versa here, which I do have paired up with the device, and also it's paired up to my car for GPS and all that, and I've been using it heavily, heavily today and I got like over seven hours of on-screen time and close to twelve hours of standby. So right now at a 7 p. m. exactly on the dot and I unplug this at exactly 7 a. m.

this morning, so 12 hours later, I'm going to show you guys my usage with the phone and how I've been using it so battery life on here is gonna, be different on everyone. So, depending on what apps you have installed, how you use your phone- and you know what apps you're, typically using if you're losing a lot of GPS if you're streaming a lot of music or even if you're playing games, it's going to be different from my usage because I don't play games and I do stream music, but I, don't stream that much music! You know maybe about a good 1-hour out of a day out party stream today, mostly a lot of YouTube videos, a lot of social media, apps I think maybe a few emails here and there and text messages back and forth, so the average typically every day and a normal day. I would get like maybe four and a half hours, or maybe between four hours and four and a half hours of screen time and about 15 hours of standby and typically lasts me all day until I go to bed from 7 a. m. to about 10:30 at night and I typically have about 25 to 30% left over.

But today I want extra hard on it. Just to show just to show you guys how much battery I got out of it going a little extra hard on it. So let's go ahead and see that right now, right now, I'm currently at 2%, so two percent battery left, let's jump right in til. You guys can see that at this switch out, I got a nova launcher and if you know added nova, companion there. So yeah, let's go ahead and go to the battery life.

Real quick before it dies out on me, so I do have. Let me show you guys: I do have NFC turn banned. Bluetooth is also turned on, because I do use mobile payments and yeah. You know like I, said: I do have my Fitbit personal connected, so battery life just jump into it battery here you guys can see two percent. It says I have about 19 minutes left if I stay at this rate and I believe I could get a lot more if I had dark mode, maybe dark mode in you know feature and there's no dark mode on here.

I believe if we did have dark bowl down here. I would probably last me, maybe another two hours, but there's no dark mode, so these are apps that I've been using. Yes, I check out tick, took, YouTube Chrome. These are all the apps that I've been using and then you guys can see there if I go battery usage- and here you guys can see that I do have seven hours and 25 minutes of on-screen time and almost twelve hours, so I may have taken the taken it off. Maybe I get 720 or something a little off in the morning unplugging time, but yeah 11, not hours and 41 minutes and 7 hours and 25 minutes.

I. Think that's perfect on screen time. So anyways drop a comment. Let me know what you guys think about this battery life: 3,500 William battery and LG g8 thin, cube, yeah.

Source : Tony Pazo

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