Lenovo ThinkPad E590 Review Benchmark A Look Inside - 15.6" - Core i7 8565U - 8 GB RAM - 256 GB SSD By Nev's Tech Bits

By Nev's Tech Bits
Aug 14, 2021
Lenovo ThinkPad E590 Review Benchmark A Look Inside - 15.6" - Core i7 8565U - 8 GB RAM - 256 GB SSD

Ladies and gentlemen how's it going once again we're going there from the nest Tech, but today we're going to be taking a look at the e 590 Lenovo ThinkPad. This particular unit is an i7. Eighth generation looks like we got about eight cores in here: yeah, eight cores and I didn't tell you HD, graphics, 620. The case feels like aluminum, like it's cold right here, where I'm molesting it right now, and we got a giant trackpad, not giant enough, that you'll get your hands all over, like you would on the carbon, but it's always nice to have the buttons up here, and does anyone actually use this thing any more seriously? It's like just part of the model. If you don't know, that's that's the most very cool, very cool anyways, eight gigs around that seems to be about the basic I have a hard time finding a professional system with any less than that. The e-series, of course, is made to be affordable, but still businesslike, I'm really impressed with this latest version.

I had the think it was the e 480. He was the 490, someone had to put it into their luggage, and it didn't make the trip. The whole thing was plastic. It mans, it just feels nice. Oh, it feels professional, very good.

Well, what do you? What more do you want me to say? Unfortunately, there's no way to automatically slide the camera off? I? Guess that's because it's a business thing, but seriously about having cameras covered back in my day when I was a little honey when I was a little, but people thought if you covered your camera that you were crazy, but these days people just accept the fact that there's a good chance, someone could be watching it, but seriously you leave in the comments you read that type of person who do you think is watching you work or someone else. Governments third party check it out. We got some beautiful aluminum on the top here very nice, oh no, bump a bomb looks like we can't get at the battery unless we, when they do that now, my life is so hard. I probably only have about 18 youth, those in the basement, but it means if I need to hard reset. It might just have to know it's too small.

That's what she said. I might just have to do a reset. So if you ever get one of these that won't turn on for whatever reason and I had that once after a flight, ah, doesn't even do it on this one. There is no CMOS little CMOS battery that you can hit to reset the scene. If you need to reset this thing, you got to go right into a ladies and gentlemen that oh I, don't like that.

I, don't like that area, Phillips head screw over here, so I think was the last year's model that they decided. They were going to make it so the battery is inaccessible, the battery was inaccessible and or that they have a battery on the outside. On the battery on the inside and I kind of get that at the same time, there are repair instances where you need to pull the battery just to see. If you can get it going again, and it's not because you don't like the battery, it's not because your battery doesn't call home enough just to say it's: okay, just because I don't know because reasons, but seriously, if I have to get into a system to remove the CMOS battery. Let's face it.

It happens. Ladies and gentlemen, we all know we worry the computers work with CMOS batteries, and it happens that, so we should at least make it easy, and I'm sure it's easier to kind of screws that screw it all the way or if they kind of catch themselves. Three-Quarters. The way Lenovo has made some of these almost there, but seriously well I mean it gets so difficult, but at the same time they're not making it really so bad. They could just put like four screws in and make me unclip everything one at a time.

You know I'm, saying usually fast-forward through this part. There's always that one guy that likes to complain that uh I don't know how you actually got into the system now all right. Why did I just shoot? My nail I got this sexy lady op pan and check her out. We got the fan CPU sitting over here, an extra spot for RAM. Oh, that's! So sexy I love it uh.

I'm gonna, give me extra spots for RAM because. Dual channel Ram needs two sticks: oh yeah, anyways, yeah, yeah, anyways, SSD down here, 3.5 style, big old battery here, Oh I'm, not seeing any place particular where you might just have to unplug that CPU battery and guessing that's what it is right there. Of course, I could be wrong. Take a quick look at close! Look at this. As close as we can good stuff.

Okay, yeah slap that backpack on do a benchmark. You see her. She does see you soon all right! Ladies and gentlemen, let's set this sucker through her paces run benchmark, so I am going to come back to this. One actually gets to the video, so you can see for yourself how good it looks, but for now I'm just going to make a prediction: it's going to be four thousand four thousand we'll see these planes are flying nicely boys, but what's up with this, can anyone explain how, in some benchmarks, I get this and on some I? Don't I, don't know? What's up with that right, all right now, folks get ready for the flying rocks.7.5 7 frames per sec, my Lenovo, my six-year-old Lenovo Wi-Fi. He runs this better.

What the heck again, it actually had a GPU. So only this thing needs a better GP in order to handle that, but seriously, if a six-year-old gaming laptop does better than a current day. Just what we call this just standard business class laptop things got. The balls word counts with the i7, but not where it really counts. With the video card, I guess and then again, let's see the more advanced stuff, the DirectX 1012 stuff, you'll be better.

First, there no 22 frames per second, maybe I should move this. You guys can't see that sorry about that the space jellyfish every day, where you keep leaving your pop in another room, and you can't figure out where the heck you put it. My life is so hard, oh yeah I'm, starting to wonder if the perfect match is an I-5 with some legitimate video card, like I'm sure this thing will get by me, and you'll throw Grand Theft Auto 5 at it. What is that it's son I am disappointed, 3230 5.7, ladies and gentlemen, what's going on here, I, don't get it I mean technology really hasn't gone all that far. All that quick seems like it'd be easier just to buy a used computer.

Then it would be to buy a new computer or another solid-state drive in there may be another fan when we go to space at the rest of it doesn't we're the only wear and tear happenings on the hard drive if you have, if you're silly enough to get a standard definition or the CPU fan the case fan with the benchmarks this low and like guys, are you really changing anything if I'm missing? Something guys tell me in the description, but I just I think there should be more power. However, if you had to go out and get in your system because, let's face it, there's sometimes you just have to go out and get a new system. This is a good system. What sorry that's my anthem, ball, anyways I, don't even know what anthem that is. That's it for me.

Nephron F stack butts like a describes like this kind of stuff, always appreciate it and have a good time. Take care of each other definitely take care of each other.

Source : Nev's Tech Bits

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