Kyocera DuraXE 4G LTE Rugged Mobile Flip-phone review By drye 970

By drye 970
Aug 16, 2021
Kyocera DuraXE 4G LTE Rugged Mobile Flip-phone review

What is up YouTube dry here today, we're going to be reviewing a product. It's a product, I've now lived with and existed with, for at least it's coming on almost two years now: full, but I'm gonna just round it down to a year and a half I will be reviewing the Kyocera aura XE 4G LTE, rugged mobile flip phone I'm gonna just jump right into it. From a personal perspective, the reason I owned this phone is that about a year and a half, maybe more to realistically years ago, I was in Mexico City on the subway during rush hour, which you think New York City rush hour is an event. Mexico City subway rush hour is a zoo. Needless to say, I got on a subway with my phone, my smartphone at the time it was a galaxy I got off without it and when I returned here to the States bought, this puppy haven't looked back since, but it's not all peaches and cream the flip phone life. That's.

Why we're here to review this product and talk about some of these downsides to it as well as good. Let me start with the good if you're owning this phone, or you're interested in this phone, especially with the release of 5g I, know a lot of you. Conspiracy, theorists out. There are a little paranoids about 5g. Let me tell you the good things about this phone.

The battery life is impeccable. This phone holds charge for three days if I'm texting and talking all day and has a standby, probably like a week, if I'm not really using it, that much, and I just happen to charge it and leave it around. You're not gonna, find that much capacity for battery life, probably anywhere else. This is one of the more elite. Flip phones out there obviously there are other options on the market, but this one definitely is notable and definitely worth it as well.

The durability in the first place, I mean I'm a pretty rugged person, I work, maintenance facilities, things like that for my University and then in my spare time, I'm, always paint and hiking doing crazy stuff. This phone has with stood quite a bit as you can see, it's smeared in paint. I've dropped it plenty, but still pops open and does its job. No matter what I mean it's got an industrial-grade screw holding on the back, so I say all that to say the durability, as well as the battery life, two of the biggest things that you're getting out of this phone. The last thing it all kind of comes down to efficiency, but it's like three points: I bring up with inefficiency, there's not really a lot of extras.

It's pretty brass tacks! You got your calculator, you got your calendar, you have your texts, you have your calls and then maybe some ringtones, a handful of other things to play with, but this isn't a smartphone there's no like things here to entertain you and help you pass your time. This phone is a phone simple as that, but even with that said a lot of storage space. So it's efficient in that nothing here to distract you, but anything you need to throw on there's going to be ample space for it. A nice touch is that, in addition to the storage that already comes with, there is an ability to pop an SD card into the back of this thing. Once you take it off for an extra.

However, many gigs of storage, the SD card is I think this comes with about 16 gigs in total of storage, and then you can put more on there for photos so on and so forth. With an SD card very nice feature very efficient plenty of storage. You never have to worry about running out of space if you're so inclined to put an SD card in there. If you're a big photo taker, you know for a flip phone ?, pretty decent photos come out of this thing, and it takes video. So you can record things as well beyond.

Just take pictures still shots of them. That's pretty much all the real good things about this baby. I guess I'll touch on the bad for you, it's hard from my perspective because I'm pleased by this device, but I guess some cons would be no apps, no extras and just the overall seriousness of being a flip phone owner. But I have more personal gripes that just come from myself. These are the cons to me as a flip phone owner.

The volume on this thing is freakish, and obviously you can turn it down, but I'm inclined to keep it up just in the event that it's far away from me, so I can hear it, but the volume is insane when this thing goes off. Everyone around you is going to jump and act like something's happened. It happens without fall when I'm with my father, he gets so frustrated by the sound that he is actually like just to get see like don't turn that off right now, so keep it on vibrate around certain people or be cognizant of what volume you have that in social settings. Another just weird kind of complaint. For me: the lack of a military time or 24-hour mode.

This phone is just stuck on like whatever time zone you're in, and it's going to give you the standard time. What can I say? I'm like a super kind of discipline, work hard eat your vegetables. Do your push-ups guy I, like military time, I appreciate it, can't get it on this device, so I just have to instead tell myself like mentally on my own. What time it would be in military time when instead I could just open my phone and have the military time, but not an option. I guess! My final gripe, I'm gonna touch on about this phone is the explanation.

As a flip phone owner, you stand out pretty easily and there is constantly the explanation. Why do I on the flip phone I'm? Not a drug dealer I'm not of this I'm? Out of that, but hey that kind of just comes. That's a responsibility you know about before you even go and buy this type of phone. I thought I really don't have a lot of gripes about it. It serves its purpose perfectly it's a phone, but those are three things I want to add in as cons.

You know volume, lack of military time and flip phone stigma overall, how to rate this product I'm going like just because of those three things. I guess I put it like a like an eight point. Five to nine out of ten, you know what maybe let me be harsh and certain eight point, four or five out of ten. That is my final verdict on the Kyocera directs: II 4G, LTE, rugged mobile, flip phone I hope this video has been informative to you. This has been dry speaking to you, you have a great day and stay safe out there, please it's April 13th of 2020 when this is being recorded.

A lot of interesting things are going on out. There.

Source : drye 970

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