iPhone XS Max - One Year Later By zollotech

By zollotech
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone XS Max - One Year Later

Hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech and the iPhone XS Max has only been out a year or so, and this was my main phone until the iPhone 11 Pro and pro max came out. So this is a really great phone, but I wanted to talk about my experience over the past year and talk about what I like about it and what I didn't like about it and also see how it held up the iPhone, XS Max has been pretty reliable over the past year or so durability. Wise, it's held up pretty well, except the one time. I dropped it in the lake right back. There I dropped it in a different spot and I had a separate video all about that, but unfortunately it didn't withstand the water and I had to get the phone replaced under AppleCare warranty. So it's okay, the ip68 certification, I.

Don't really trust that so, if you're going to take this in the water, I would actually put it in a waterproof case just to be safe. I know a lot of people take it in the water all the time, but Apple doesn't cover water damage, and if you have Apple Care, it's still 100 dollars and if you don't have Apple Care, it's four to six hundred dollars, so I would definitely put it in a case just to be safe. Unless that amount of money is not a big deal to you now as far as the overall durability since I don't use a case or screen protector, it's held up pretty well considering this was replaced due to that water damage both held up well, do as far as scratches. So let me show you a little closer as you can see. I don't use a case and I haven't used a screen protector, and some of that is a test for durability, and some of that is because I like the feel of the phone, without it, and I'm very careful without it.

Except for that one story. I just told you and that's the first time, I've damaged an iPhone in ten years now scratches along this edge. It's pretty typical since it's most exposed and if you have a silver iPhone, it's pretty common to see light scratches on the stainless steel, but that can be polished out now. The same is true of scratches on the back and the front, and you can see the scratches under certain light, as you may be able to see it right here and let me see if I can show you, those scratches even better I have some on the front as well, and you can see the scratches on the back. There's not a ton of them, but there is some there, along with scuffs on the metal now on the front, I'm, not sure if you can see it, but right under my finger, there's a scratch all the way across the screen.

I'm not sure what caused it, but you can see it in certain light. Of course, all of those scratches could have been prevented if I just used a case or a skin or a screen protector. So I'm not really complaining, but I just wanted to show you how it holds up. If you don't use those, you will get unexpected light. Scratches and deep gouges as well.

No battery life has been pretty good until the new iPhones came out, and we saw what you could really get, but overall, it's been decent and if I go down to the battery, and then I go to battery health, you'll see I have 100% battery health. Now this isn't really fair, since this is only a few months old compared to the one I traded in which had 99 percent battery health. So if we bring that out to what we have now, even if we had 97 or 96 percent battery health, that's normal for a year. In fact, Apple says 80% after two years is normal battery health degradation. So that's okay and I'm.

Fine with that, and that is charging this phone every single night and just using it and not paying attention when I charge it or how I charge it I just enjoy using it, and I've had no issues whatsoever. Now, depending on the day, the battery life was pretty good, 4 hours and 48 minutes of screen on time with about 20% battery life left the next day, I had 4 hours and 26 minutes, I normally say 5 and a half to 6 hours or so on. The iPhone XS Max and I thought that was great until the 11pro max came out, which can get above 5 or so more hours than this one, so I'm actually seeing about 3 hours on the 11pro max, but the XS Max has a fantastic battery until you compare it with those new iPhones, then it's not so great. So it's fine. It should get you through a day, but don't expect it to be 8 or 9 hours of screen on time like the new phones can do now.

Speed and stability are still fine. I've never really had any scrolling issues or speed issues here, you'll see everything seems nice and fast, and the good thing is Apple is no longer slowing down phones unless the battery health drops to the point where you need to replace the battery and that's just to keep your phone from rebooting, they kind of got in trouble for that, and it just doesn't do that anymore. So don't worry about it slowing down. Unless you go into your battery settings- and it actually tells you that you need to replace your battery, then you'll need to get a new battery, and then it will speed back up for you now. The camera on the phone is quite good, in fact, I highly recommend it, especially if you want to record video now it's nowhere near what the iPhone 11 Pro and pro max can do.

But it is a very nice camera, and it was still the best as far as video until the new phones came out. So if you want to use it for video, definitely get it for that photography, it's pretty good, but there are other phones that beat it, but the 11pro max definitely blows this phone away when it comes to the camera. Now the overall experience has been great, except one thing, and it's a pretty major thing and that's reception. It works fine with Wi-Fi for me, but if I leave a Wi-Fi network and then go to a cellular network, or I just disconnect Wi-Fi, it doesn't actually do anything. I have to turn on airplane mode turn it back off, turn off Wi-Fi, and then I'll have reception.

So it's just a big pain, and it seems to be consistent, and it hasn't improved with updates and I. Think that's due to those Intel modems or even the antenna design on these phones. It's just not that good! Now the interesting thing is Apple no longer sells the iPhone Menace max, they don't sell the XS, and last year they discontinued the X so that you would buy these phones, so unless you can find them leftover or refurbished you're not going to be able to buy them directly from Apple anymore. So if you don't have one already, I would just go for the newest phone. However, if you still have one I, don't know that I would upgrade to the newest phone unless you're unhappy with something like the reception, or maybe you just want to keep what you have as there's, not huge updates with the new phone other than battery life and that camera, or maybe a little faster face.

I'd I, don't think you're going to really appreciate those improvements unless you specifically want better battery or that camera. Now the screen has no ghosting or anything like that. It's nice and vibrant, and while it's not as bright as the latest phones, it's great overall. But let me know what you think about the XS Max in the comments below that's it for the iPhone XS Max. Now let me know your thoughts about this in the comments below, because I still think it's a good phone.

It did have some antenna issues from time to time, but overall I think it's a decent device. Now, if you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper, of course, I'll link it in the description as I always do and if you haven't subscribed already, please subscribe and hit that notification bell. If you'd like to see more of these videos as soon as they're released, if you enjoyed the video, please give it a like, as always thanks for watching I'll see you next time.

Source : zollotech

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