iPhone SE (2016) vs iPhone SE (2020) speed test comparison By iOS Pro

By iOS Pro
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone SE (2016) vs iPhone SE (2020) speed test comparison

What, the guys for the Houston proud today, alchemy comparing the iPhone SE first generation to the brand-new iPhone SE second generation today, and a speed test comparison. So first up the boot up test so going to Ireland down here. Okay, so now powering down I'll come back to guys once that's finished, okay, guys, though the finish burned down, and I boot up, tested three two one, so I think the iPhone SE Sega Jen Mike home first John, the left second gen, the right so comp below which will come first because I, really, since the Jun might come first nope. The first generation beat the second generation by a couple of seconds, which is surprising they a third teen chip inside the second shin that she's slower than the a9 chip inside first gen, just a breath and see if step up, watching speeds, App, Store packaging came first podcast. Second ranking first notes: ii, Genoa, first reminders, Sikh, NK, first again home about to say iTunes, psychogenic aim, first tips. Second, chin came first again, Apple Watch at Sega, Jennifer's calculator about the same was the most about the same measure, the Sega Dream cast again, and next up news.

That's really hard to tell their stocks' sake of J&K first, so I feel. Overall, you guys should get the new iPhone SE Sega Jen, because if it's it is faster and pretty much all areas except for the boot up portion of it. So very surprised. The results I've seen here this pretty much like some of them the same speed. Some of them are faster, it's very surprising, so that's pretty much it for this video I did he give us ups in the field.

Source : iOS Pro

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