iPhone 8 Plus vs Galaxy S8 Plus Speed Test! By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 15, 2021
iPhone 8 Plus vs Galaxy S8 Plus Speed Test!

iPhone 8 plus vs. Samsung Galaxy S, II Plus speediest that video is coming up right now, let's go so what is up guys Nick here, helping you to master your technology and today, I thought I'd. Do a video comparison of the iPhone 8 plus versus the Samsung Galaxy S 8 plus speed test? Let's begin with the boot up test on both of these devices in three two and one and let's see which one does get there. First now the Apple iPhone 8 plus, has shown to be an incredibly fast booting device, probably one of the fastest I've ever seen, so I would expect it to win here. This video comes on the basis of a poll. I did on Twitter, where this video right here went out to be one of the first beat tests of many to come here, and you see the iPhone 8 plush is way ahead of the Samsung Galaxy s 8 plus here now, I do have the AT&T version.

This doesn't really make too much of a difference, but the 835 CPU in here it probably does over the X. You know so 835 CPU over here four gigs of RAM. We have the a11 Bionic over here with three gigs of ram, alright guys so welcome to the speed test portion of this video, where we test the applications, let's go ahead and test the calendar and that one was the 8 plus and if guys, if your phone is slower, just admit it doesn't pick sides here when it comes to Apple or Android, I'm going to call it as I see it I'm not perfect. If I miss a couple of these applications pointed out down below no feelings hurt around here. Let's go ahead and go into clock, and you could see that looked like the is+ coming home.

Let's go ahead and go into calculator, and that was the iPhone 8 plus coming home. Let's go ahead and go into settings, and that was the iPhone 8 plus and if you don't believe me just watch this in 12.25 X and if I'm wrong go ahead and correct it down below what about phone, and you could see phone is the iPhone 8 plus coming home? Let's go ahead and go into camera, and that was the is plus I think I'm, not exactly sure I thought I have seen the is plus first, so let's go ahead and go into files and that one looked like the iPhone 8 plus easily. So let's go ahead and go into App Store, Play Store and the App Store, showing some nice stuff here on that one: let's go ahead and go now into Instagram. You can go and follow me at the Nick Ackerman channel Instagram page and that one looked like it was the is+. In my opinion, let's go ahead and go into Twitter and you could see Twitter easily always wins on Android I might even have to exclude this from future tests.

Because. It's almost not even fair. Android phones embarrassed iPhone when it comes to Twitter. So what about Snapchat and you could see? Snapchat was first for the iPhone coming home. Let's go ahead and go into YouTube.

Oh, I hit the 3d touch so that one's not fair. Let's do that again.3D touch! So let's go into YouTube and you could see YouTube wow that one was even I'm. Calling that one a draw, let's go ahead and go into Amazon and Amazon opens first 48 plus and then the is+. Let's go ahead and go into real boxing, and you can see real boxing. Okay, it looks like the iPhone 8 plus is way ahead here.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, taking the is+ down easily wow what a stunner there on gaming performance if you're looking for our gaming performance, look no further than the iPhone 8 plus, but if you're looking for gaming immersion, look no further than the galaxy s 8 Series or the note 8 series: these phones are gonna, be super immersive in games. The iPhone 8 plus, is gonna, be super powerful in games. So you got to really choose between those two aspects: let's go ahead and get into Need for Speed No Limits now and see. What happens here on this game so looks like the is+ is ahead, but who's gonna actually load the game. First I would expect it to be the iPhone once again.

But if you just look, I mean look at this, you get this Square wide display, or you can choose between this, which is like way more immersive like look at that. It's like it's like you're in the game right there, so I'm not trying to tell you by dancing plus I'm, just trying to say you know. This is actually a thing that to consider between you know a lot of people. Just talk about performance and just automatically dismiss you know the galaxy series, because the iPhone you see you can see right here. Lowe's games faster, but the galaxy gives you a super immersive experience.

I mean look at that. It's like a widescreen immersion and if you play this in like a VR headset, I'm not sure if this one's compatible we play games in a VR. Headset is gonna, be pretty cool stuff. So you got to keep that in mind for gaming here. So let's go ahead and go home now and let's go ahead and go into Geek bench, which we are going to run later, and you could geek branch opens first 40s a-plus, let's go ahead and go into speed test, and you could see speed test got annoying notification there for the iPhone e+, but it was still first over the is plus and let's go to lapse it here, and I did do a capture on lapse.

It lapses. It opens first there on the eight plus, let's go to gallery, and I'm going to go ahead and render it here live on camera at the same time. So let's go ahead and go in the project details and let's go ahead and hit, render and see which one finishes. First, three, two one: these are very small 480p Clips, so it should go pretty quick render, and you could see, let's go ahead and hit, render right here, create video and render, and the iPhone 8 plus is done waiting on the eight plus there's the A+, so that just goes to show that horsepower is a boss on the iPhone, eight plus. So the eight plus is a winner in video, editing and rendering hey guys.

So, let's just run through the applications, one more time to take a look at the RAM management. Let's go into calendar here, and you can see the iPhone eight plus clock I would expect the eight the galaxy is plus to lose. You know some RAM management once it gets into the deeper app. So you know once you get a lot of applications open. The is plus starts to fall off a little, so settings let's go ahead and go on the phone.

Yes, the eight plus is open them. Faster camera coming home. What's going to go on the files yep, there's DI galaxy estate plus with another reload, let's go into App Store Play Store go ahead and go into Instagram now, and you could see a reload there on the is, plus so the eight plus ahead Twitter and to reload- and here comes the reloads I was talking about and there goes dents a plus lagging a little behind YouTube again a reload. So you can see who is the winner here in speed? It is the iPhone eight plus I mean we've seen this throughout this test, but this is just going to prove it here. If you're looking for boss performance, you got a skip.

The galaxy is plus I just got to be real with you. I love, this phone I'm sure you guys know that I also love the iPhone 8 plus, but I just think in terms of performance. I love the eight plus a little more for speed. You know both of these phones and my eyes are equal for different reasons, but when it comes with speed, they're not equal there. This one is a head, but you know both phones are great.

I'm, not gonna, say that the is plus is a horrible purchase. It's a fantastic device, great device. Some people are going to like it. Some people are going to hate it here, but yeah when a bus is faster in RAM management, let's go and run a Geek bench, and we'll wrap this test up. CPU run, benchmark, CPU, run, benchmark I'll, give you the scores, and we'll close this video out in just a minute.

Okay guys. Here we are the final Geek bench score is 42 36 on the single core for the iPhone 8 + 18 48 on the is+. So it looks pretty sad there for the NSA + when it comes to single core performance on Geek bench, that's on Geek bench, but we've seen in real life. It actually looks like it's a lot slower than the A+ on you know just day-to-day stuff. You know a little of lag with RAM management there on the SI +, so 10 185 on the multi-core in 6007 on the multi-core for the SI +, so the SI + is definitely losing easily on paper to you, the iPhone, 8 + I.

Think throughout this test there was a little of a frame rate delay on some applications. A little of a slowdown on the SI + as well. I am my no way saying that the iPhone 8 + is better there's plenty of reasons to buy a nest.8 + over an iPhone, 8 + and a lot of people say you know these milliseconds don't make a difference. They actually do make a difference, because in your day-to-day over the long term, you're gonna really appreciate that you never even have to think about an application reloading or loading. So it does matter if you guys were wondering here.

The clear winner of this speed test is the iPhone 8 + I'm, calling it like I, see it. The iPhone 8 + takes the crown on this. One I think the node 8 is definitely closer to this phone, maybe a little faster than the iPhone E + in real-world performance, but not the SI +. So anyway, if you guys enjoyed this video found, it is helpful. Enjoyable, click the like button for me and if you guys are wondering you know which phone should I buy, though I don't care about speed.

The both are fast phones which they are I did a video comparison on the iPhone 8 plus versus the Galaxy S II Plus, which should you buy, link, will be down below in the description and up in a card, and maybe also you know, in a playlist somewhere on the channel. So I will, let you guys go now have a great day wherever you are and Nick you're up and you to master your technology be sure to be well can't pace.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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