iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy S7 Water Freeze Test 10 Hours! What Will Happen?! By adrianisen

By adrianisen
Aug 21, 2021
iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy S7 Water Freeze Test 10 Hours! What Will Happen?!

Hey guys so today, I want to do a video where I basically are going to freeze in again iPhone 7 over here and a Galaxy S7. So I did this with coca-cola. You can go and see what happened in that video I did not expect that ending to happen so yeah that was nervous ending in that video, so I'm kind of nervous to do this again, because I hope I don't get the same results as in that video. So we don't have the iPhone over here. Okay, sweet, I'm, gonna, put it in, like so, and I'm going to put the s7 in there as well-used to confirm that this is an iPhone 7. We are gonna, take a look here.

You can kind of see the new camera and all of those good things and the see yeah. Okay, so iPhone Solano and the galaxy galaxy galaxy s our galaxy s Island. This phone has been going through a lot, so it's kind of hard to do this. Okay, are you ready, of course, yeah? You are always ready, oh and, as you see, I don't have any proper. What is it called like? One of these things, the way you put things in, so I used these iPhone iphone7 things over here, so I'm, just going to put them in the freezer and just as always, I don't know for how long it's going to be in there.

But, oh my god, I spilled some water I'll get so going to open this one up, going to put in the IDS seven first, oh okay, let's run back, let's run back, let's run back, and then we have the iPhone 7, oh ho, ho we'll look at iPhones all over the place. Oh, yes! So, let's bump those in Wow, okay, let's close this way, okay! So now what we need to do is we need to go and take time and where do I have time. That is a very, very good question. Wait! It's like I! Have it right here, so we need to take some time. So I need to go to my main phone and let's see, let's start taking time now.

Okay, let's go and let's see for how many hours I'm not sure how many hours is going to be inside, but I wanted to get frozen. Then I want to see kind of what happens. Yeah see ?, hey guys, so it's been enough for one and a half hour and I wanna. Take a look, how it looks so, let's see here if we can get assumed in so there we have the iPhone 7, and it's hard here now at the top one and a half hour, I'm, not sure why I think that this one I can be completely dead, the s7, or it can also be oh yeah. You saw a light up there.

It can also be that it's used. I didn't have to stay awake app but yeah, let's, let's, let's keep it in here for a long period of time and see how it's going to be and the battery no sister. Yet oh I, don't have enabled, but yeah we will get back, hey guys. So back again, it's been in for 10 hours in freezer. So let's just go to it Oh wrong.

So when I pop these out right now they do look kind of frozen. You know, and the last time I checked, you can actually see stuff happening on the iPhone, but now it looks pretty frozen. So can I get these up? Yes, I can, so I'm, not sure how hard or stuff like that is going to be to take these out, but I'm going to try to do my best. Okay, going to try to be my best, yeah I thought. Really don't look good, I really, don't hope it goes bad I mean I never wanted to go bad, but you know name, so I do have some water here as well, and it's pretty warm, so I don't want to burn myself.

Okay, I'm going to put the camera on again and what I'm going to do now is I'm, just going to go and take a fork. So I can like to chop them up a bit so yeah. They are very, very hard. Okay. So here we have the iPhone I'm, pretty sure and asked it seems like it's really hard to get inside.

So what I'm going to do, so I'm just going to pour some water here. First in the iPhone. Oh, do you see how it is like crack yeah that cracking noise, which means it's its starting to loosen up but I actually never think it's been this hard before I mean it's almost like. We need to put them in this huh. Okay, now it's kind of cold again, so maybe I can Oh.

Oh, sweet that turned out pretty cool. Oh, oh, that one is frozen, wow, it's so close, and I need to put some more on it. Oh, boy! Oh, no! It was good yeah, but then this phone doesn't feel good man. This does not feel good okay, so we have that phone ready. Let's just finish up this one, also open up Oh, Oh how the Sonny Boy is still on.

What is the battery life? Saying? Let's see, oh my god 92%! Oh my god, are you for real Samsung? That is insane look at the battery life 92% after 10 hours. That is crazy. Let's just see what does it say in here? If we go into battery yeah there, we go 92, badly usage wow, that is impressive. I think that's insane! That is very, very cool. Let's see! Does the iPhone start because it looks Canada, it looks Kennedy man, it looks kind of messed up.

I, really hope that it works. Whew. Okay, that's nice! I get the starting symbol instantly. It doesn't even seem that I have to charge it, which is very, very nice, but why did it turn off? That's a good question. Is it because it's running low on battery life? No, it's not huh, that's very nice! So, as you see, it still has a battery life, but we don't know what it started on.

So that kind of sucks, because I forgot to show that, because you need to activate this battery percentage thing usage where it's like. No, it doesn't seem like. You can see that. Okay, that's weird, but this one looks pretty okay too. The question was: why did it turn off that's kind of confusing man? Let's see what happens when I try to charge them like instantly right now, so I'm just going to blow out a little blow up some of the worst water, because I do know, sometimes that something has a problem when you try to charge them after doing crazy.

Stuff so I've disabled, the power thing this second, but I am going to enable them same time. So, let's power on here, let's see, okay, that one charges and this one also very, very nice. So that seems to be gone pretty well, but it definitely seems like something might be a winner here, first, because it didn't close down and also because 92% still, that sounds very impressive. That's, however, a nice actually to see from something so yeah quickly already of chicken that out hope you enjoyed and definite. Let me know if you want to see something else and yeah have not liked peace.

Source : adrianisen

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