No, let's go throw me the key: oh yeah, buddy, everybody knows body, body, bye, buddy, no, come aside, Brad go see the world, everybody, but you're, Heidi, but you're hiding your life like you've. Never let it go like you've, never seen before and yeah everybody. Everybody knows: you're hiding hi, but you're, hiding Heidi. Lets your hi hi hi! You go see you why you're hiding go see. So this is portrait mode and I just want to show you guys how amazing this is if I go to regular photo. This is what you guys are going to see.
I mean look at that look at the difference. This is the difference between the iPhone, 7 plus and any other iPhone yeah, that's OOM, but this portrait mode right here this thing's freaking out and look at that difference. So it blurs out the background. It gives you this professional effect. So here we go in three two ones.
This is like the phone for Instagram models. If you're an Instagram husband, you're gonna, want this, but follow me on Instagram feed. Second yeah I'll put that up for you d. If you guys want to follow my son, this is my son Peter hello, dad I love you son all right. Here we go one two, three all right, so that's the new portrait mode.
That is amazing! Dude. Did you take a cool picture? Maybe I can post it like? Oh yeah, yeah I think you can so as the Sun starts setting, you can definitely start to make out more details on the 7 plus I mean look at that. It still looks like daylight for us on these 6s plus you're looking at darkness. Unless you really go down low, then you start seeing some quality, but if there's some brightness and darkness at the same time, it doesn't seem to share them very well, whereas the 7 plus wow just wow. So here is the completely dark forest over here.
It's lot brighter on the 7 plus look at that. That is incredible, so extremely blessed check the scenery out right here: lots of greenery No. You.
Source : EverythingApplePro E A P