iPhone 12 Pro Max vs Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Speed Test! By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Pro Max vs Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Speed Test!

So, what is up guys nick here, helping you to master your technology? Welcome to the iPhone 12 Pro max versus the Galaxy Note.20 ultra 5g speed test will begin with a boot up in three two one and keep in mind that these two phones are the latest and greatest from Samsung and apple. You know when we're talking about standard slab style, smartphone Samsung does have foldable, but we are talking about an a14 bionic chipset here. This is a five nanometer process over here, snapdragon 865, plus seven nanometer process. Over here the iPhone says, sit down Galaxy Note, I'm going to boot up a little faster. We do have both 5g of these, but this has 12 gigs of ram this boy right here, six gigs of ram, but the way it works on iOS is a little more efficient than android. So it might be pretty similar.

We're going to see as we continue. Okay, so everything is closed out on both devices. Here we have one UI, 2.5 android 10. Over here on the left, iOS 14.2 we'll begin with Instagram, and you can see that looks faster for the iPhone. We'll go over here to the profile pages again, maybe a little faster to the iPhone on that one.

We'll come home here, and we'll go into twitter, and you can see that's faster to the Galaxy Note.20 ultra we'll go over here to profile pages note: 20 ultra, we'll click that note 20 ultra on that one, and we'll go into Amazon, and you can see that's the note.20 ultra scrolling through very fast on android, a slower, smooth scroll on the iPhone we'll go over here to Black Friday deals, and you can see both of them. Very quick phones we'll go over here to eBay, and you can see that one's the note 20 ultra-right there, we'll click for the sparkles, that's the iPhone there we'll go into Best Buy, and you can see that's the iPhone 12 Pro max easily, we'll click the Black Friday ads, and you can see that's to the Galaxy Note.20 ultra we'll go into Starbucks and Starbucks goes to the note.20 ultra we'll come home, we'll go into Groupon, and you can see Groupon first to load there on the iPhone we'll go over here to categorize, and we'll go to things to do you can see. That's the iPhone has been beating the androids on Groupon, we'll go into ESPN, and you can see Galaxy Note 20 ultra, but what about the scores that one's the iPhone so both of them very comparable in day-to-day apps will go into Mortal Kombat, but can the iPhone take it down in the gaming department? This is usually where it does take down the Samsung and the know the android devices, so we'll see if it takes another lead here. OnePlus actually did pretty good in this department. Um.

Both of these loading up pretty similar, though you could see the iPhone beats the note, but not by so much, but you do get a lot of titles first for iOS, it seems like still so gaming. It's really up. Do you want the higher refresh rate of android, or do you want some maybe the different titles that come to iOS, and we have to go ahead and rotate? This back we'll go over here into PUBG mobile and see what happens here now. PUBG mobile does take a little of time to load up sometimes and checking for updates looks like the iPhone 12 Pro max is in the lead, and, yes, the iPhone 12 Pro max took the win there over the Galaxy Note so notes loading up some video here, but really it definitely went out there for the iPhone 12 Pro max, and we'll go ahead now, and we'll go into temple run, and you can see, temple run very close hit play and again these are casual games. These phones have processors that just tear through stuff, like this so very easily very easy for both of these to load.

This up we'll go into cross road, and you can see. Cross road looks like it's going to iOS on that one, but again, casual games is nothing of a task for these guys we'll go into Lightroom, and we'll go over here into. Let's go not now we'll go into learn, and you can see the note had that so give or take. It seems like day to day you're going to have to pick more on the software. Do you want Samsung software? Do you want the iPhone software note one that one, because both of these are just powerhouse devices and probably more power than you'll be ever be able to take advantage of you'll be able to take more advantage of it? On the note, the note one that one on speed test, but I would say the game's a little quicker, but only by a little for the iPhone, and really it's going to come down to android or iOS here or Samsung software Samsung, ecosystem or Apple ecosystem, because both of these are just neck and neck in performance.

We're going to go ahead now and get on to the multitasking so or the ram management kind of see. If anything reloads. I don't expect it on either because 12 gigs of ram on the note and even six gigs of ram for the iPhone is quite a bit for an iPhone. So you know iPhones usually do well even with four, so I don't expect to see anything happen here, and the note even had that video still playing, so that's pretty impressive. I wish it would stay.

It would know to go right back into the know: portrait mode we'll go over here to Mortal Kombat, and you can see. I'm going to have to rotate that one more time come on there. We go, and we're going to go into ESPN, and you can see we're good there Groupon good there we'll go into Starbucks and Best Buy and head out of there we're going to eBay, we'll go into Amazon and, as expected, we're not getting reloads on these guys, even with more applications. I did 10 browser tabs before this video and I couldn't get any of them to reload any of the pages. These things are true powerhouses if you really push them so now, let's go ahead and go into adobe rush, and we're gonna.

Do a video render test: this is a. This is a one-minute clip here. I did apply a couple of filters, nothing too serious, but this should be a good way to see the raw power here. We're going to export these at 1080p. These are tiny files, but still let's go ahead and do it three two one, and you can see the iPhone just rocketing in the lead over the note.

So as the clips get longer, this process becomes easier and easier for something like the a14 bionic. So there you go. I mean, if you're going to be really pushing these things to the max the optimization, the processor performance, and then you, on top of that, you have suffusion. You have iMovie, you have these easy to edit apps. So if you want to edit on your phone get started with your video career on the phone, iPhone is a great pickup.

You can still do it on Samsung for sure and there's some better things about it like having the note to precisely do your edits, but at the same time or the pen I said the note. That is the note. The s pen to do your edits, but in terms of speed and rendering it's going to be a little slower on the Samsung side. So here are your benchmark scores and are you surprised, because I'm not every single year, the iPhone benches out benches, a Samsung device, but that doesn't stop people from liking and enjoying the note series over something like the 12 pro max, not saying it's a better phone, we will be doing a full comparison. The iPhone 12 Pro max has a better processor.

It has longer support because it's developed top to down you know it does have the Apple ecosystem. It also has the hardware and optimization the chip is from apple. The phone is built by apple, so you know. Basically it will last a little longer when it comes to that, and so let's go ahead now and get into the sun spider test. We're just going to see how fast they can refresh these browsers with Samsung internet versus the safari.

Okay- and here are sun spider results. You can see right here that we do have a much faster refresh time on the iPhone, so in safari, it's better optimized for its hardware than Samsung internet is here, but Samsung internet is also great and both of them are very smooth and won't give you any troubles' day to day when it comes to browsing. So, at the end of the day, we are going to do a full comparison. I have it coming next week, so stay subscribed stay tuned for that, but we have a lot of design differences to talk about a lot of feature differences at the end of the day. Both of these phones are powerhouses.

It's down to do you want Samsung ecosystem, or do you want the Apple ecosystem? I think this is probably the best competitor to the iPhone 12 Pro max. If you are in the market for a large smartphone here like something like a 12 pro max or a Galaxy Note, 20 ultra 5g, and if you're not a fan of the square design, there's also the s20 ultra 5g as well. Let me know your guy's thoughts down below in the comment section of this video thumbs up. If you enjoyed it nick here, helping you to master, your technology be sure to be well and peace.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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