iPhone 12 Pro Max InDepth Review in : தமிழில் By Just KarthiK

By Just KarthiK
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Pro Max InDepth Review in : தமிழில்

Hello everyone welcome back to my channel nominee parker for the biggest iPhone ever made. So then the iPhone 12 Pro max 512 GB, so in the phone with the India kit under the rocket everything so in the phone on the iPhone 12 Pro accompanied by an extra category. Let's get into the video first, iPhone 12 Pro max when they're allowed all right so iPhone, 12, pro max or unboxing, and it's pretty similar to iPhone 12 Pro because in the changes so in the box, pacific, blue. So on the color of the logo on the outside box, open the box, it's pretty similar to previous iPhones in the changes make it either the design mode for the design. Sorry, the screen size parting are, you know, six point, seven inches, so it's down the biggest screen. Only tab is arc.

So it's individual, leveling, 2.5 x, listen, eight point: five: nine x, wow, 12 x, vertical American, so with a picture quality when the upload super-duper is on the option so render the difference between frames. A second 4k 24 frames per second part of the stabilization update, maybe future learning in the world. Okay, so you're putting your pocket on the iPhone 12 Pro max or a front facing camera. What a 4k 24 frames, sort of quality audio performance, so 12 pro is a perfect choice, so in case in the phone in the phone, or I'll try to respond in the comments you know, and then I install our experiment right now. So thank you.

So much for watching see you in the next video.

Source : Just KarthiK

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