iPhone 11 vs iPhone XR - Choose the RIGHT One! By Matthew Moniz

By Matthew Moniz
Aug 15, 2021
iPhone 11 vs iPhone XR - Choose the RIGHT One!

So the iPhone 11 is out. Reviews have hit the internet, a lot of blogs and publications are saying it's going to be the best-selling iPhone going into 2020, it's going to be the iPhone for most people. Now, it's probably true. That's going to be one of the better selling iPhones, but I, don't think it's going to be the best-selling. iPhone I still think that's going to go to the iPhone 10. Our people are going to walk into a carrier, store they're gonna, see both of these devices and realize they look exactly the same.

The only difference is the second camera. On the back in a slight different placement of the Apple logo, then they're gonna look at the price tag and realize the iPhone 10 R is $100 cheaper. Now, obviously, if you are into smartphone photography, the camera upgrades to the iPhone 11 are absolutely amazing and that's the reason to get it over the iPhone 10 arm. But if you just want a good camera and have similar features to the newer iPhone, the iPhone 10 R is a better deal. Not only are you saving $100, you can spend that hundred dollars on something else, like accessories, maybe in a fast charging brick.

So you have to wait for hours for this thing to charge, or maybe you want to buy yourself brand a new pair of ear pods. Besides, that, the differences are very minor sure the a13 chip is significantly faster, but the a12 is still ahead of most of the competition and the only way to notice the difference in speed is, if you're doing crazy things like editing, video or editing multiple tracks in music production. Sound quality is also very similar. You still have the same dual speakers on front of both devices. The only difference is now you get Dolby Atmos on the iPhone 11 and slightly more depth to the sound here.

Have a listen for yourself. So, as you can tell, the sound volume is pretty much exactly the same. There's just slightly more depth with the iPhone 11, but not enough to justify $100 price difference. Battery life is also moot because the battery life on the iPhone 10 art was so good. Already we're able to take this device for a day and a half without having to worry about to charge.

The difference is only an extra hour on the iPhone 11, not enough for you to really notice that difference. So here's what I'm trying to say if your budget $700, and you have to have the best camera on an iPhone, definitely get the iPhone 11. The improvements to the camera compared to last year are significant, but the iPhone 10 are still has a pretty good camera. It doesn't do as well on low-light and, of course it doesn't have the ultra-wide lens, but for most situations it's fine for most people. Everything else is very minor.

The speed difference from the 12 to a 13 you're not going to notice because most of the applications we use don't take advantage of it. The battery life is also very small, and the sound quality of the speakers is not big enough to justify the extra price tag you have to say to yourself: is the hundred dollars worth it for the camera or should I save it to buy accessories like a faster charger and the air pods I hope this video helps people out there looking at both of these devices. I hope it did. If you have any questions about them. Let me know in the comments below like the video, if you liked it subscribe.

If you haven't already, and I'll see you guys in the next video.

Source : Matthew Moniz

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