iPhone 11 Real-World Test (Camera & Battery Test) By TheUnlockr

By TheUnlockr
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 11 Real-World Test (Camera & Battery Test)

Morning it's another day here at camera, camp and I. Guess that means that I have to do another video on an iPhone. Today, though, we're doing a real-world test on the iPhone 11, it's going to be the same thing. If you haven't already seen it my iPhone 11 Pro, video I, just that should have gone up already. You guys should check that out, but I'm going to do the same thing. I did with that one I'm going to go throughout my entire day here and kind of take photos with this phone and a few of its competitors put those all up on the screen.

So you guys can kind of judge and compare them and then also we'll check in on the battery throughout the day to see how it lasts. I'm actually really curious to see how it does against the 11pro Max like how much different is the battery life we'll find out. Also, yesterday I shot that on the 6,600, which is a camera that Sony, let us borrow it's a new one of theirs that I actually really, really like, and you go check out. The footage of that looks pretty good a link below, but I have to go back today. So I'm back to my a7 3, but the one thing I did do was I stole the new microphone that they, let me borrow, so I'm still using that, because I think it sounds great.

What do you think? Let me know. Otherwise, though, let's get started with the day, and that means first getting some coffee. There are definitely worse places to have your morning coffee. It's really quiet day here at camera camp, because most people were on a hike that started with like 7:00 a. m.

I had surgery like two weeks ago, and I'm not really allowed to do too many strenuous things, so I'm missing out on it. Hopefully, though, I'll make the afternoon part of it, like the sunset part, to take some shots with this, we'll see how intense it's going to be and if I can do it. Otherwise, just a couple of first impressions about this phone I love how light it is I. Also, really like the colors like come on mint and I just spent an entire day with the 11pro Max, and so far I mean you can tell that this doesn't feel as premium. But it's just a feeling right, like there's a little more bezels.

Also, the back is kind of like the glossy plastic, which is kind of what we've had on older iPhones. So it's like it was premium. Then it's maybe not as premium now, because that I'm, and I've said the last video that Matt frosted glass on the 11pro Max and the 11pro is pretty nice. Not going to lie other than that, though, some background real quick. We do have two cameras on this one instead of the three, but the funny thing is they're the same cameras, so we have a wide and the standard right identical to the 11pro and the 11pro max.

Now the only thing they have that this doesn't is a telephoto lens, which honestly is the least used lens that I have on these phones I, always like the wide and then standard one. So I don't know already start to feel like this is kind of a good deal. If you guys aren't familiar with camera camp and I keep mentioning it. I mean either check out the last video or you can check out my social media at the links below to see kind of what it was and why I was here and how much I'm going to miss it real quick. It's only been a little, but let's check it on the battery to see how it's doing so far.

It is nine forty-one in the morning, and we are at 98% I've easily just edited all day, yeah Saturday table edited my iPhone 11 Pro max video, so that is now up by the time you see this, but it's been a pretty boring day. So didn't film a lot of it, but now we're actually being taken to the Glacier National Park nearby I asked. They told me that we're going on like a bus and like it's not gonna, be that strenuous, so I should be okay, which I'm excited about, because I really have never seen a glacier. I would like to go check that out and so of course, as we do here, let's check another battery. It is 456 p.

m. we are at 69%, welcome to Glacier National Park, it's quite pretty here, and my phone has no signal, so I'm kind of just wandering around and taking photos, obviously I'm, just kind of taking it in okay, nice. We made it all the way up here in like a shuttle, and we're about to leave here in a little, which is like a nice cedar forest again, that's pretty cool, but then we're gonna head down to the lake to a lodge, we're going to sit and have lunch. Today we had dinner, and we made it to the lake. We didn't make it for sunset, but tor lights, not so bad, either.

All right while we're here, let's check on the battery, it's been a while it is 8:05 p. m. and we are at 53% okay. There we go calling it a night. It is basically midnight it's 11:57, and we are at 35% not as good as the 11pro max.

Obviously, there's a lot bigger of a battery in that one, but still that's pretty good I'm impressed with all the iPhones so far as battery is concerned in the camera, the camera is again the same on this as it is on the 11pro max. You just lose the telephoto, which it's probably the one I use the least. So the fact that this is you know a few hundred dollars cheaper than that makes it a pretty good deal now. The thing to me, though, is if you live in a country where most iPhones are sold. You probably have a subsidy of some sort like in the US or UK, etc.

So the real difference between the two isn't, those $200. If you are eligible for one of these discounts, it's $12 a month and that most of us and me included, would probably just get the higher end phone, but if you're buying it outright that changes things a little, and then I think I, don't know I, don't think this is the worst option in that case, because you still get a perfect battery and the cameras are the same and great, and so there you go. Let you guys think in the comments below love hearing from you. What do you think about this video I'm always trying to improve them? Please, let me know: I can do that and well also what'd. You think of the phone really appreciate it.

If you like to vote, please thumb up it or share it, it's greatly appreciated and if you want more videos, please check out the rest of channel and ding the bell links were to subscribe, so you get notified when I do new videos as always, though, regardless thanks for watching.

Source : TheUnlockr

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