iPhone 11 Camera Samples! By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 11 Camera Samples!

So, what is up guys Nick here, helping you to master your technology? This is the iPhone 11 in today. We're simply going to look at some camera samples from this device to help you better understand the kind of performance the iPhone 11 does give you. So, let's get into that video right now, let's go, so what is up guys? The basic premise of this video is I'm. Just going to take a bunch of photos, samples around the city and just show you what this thing is capable of, like I said in the intro, but I'm also gonna, throw on a couple of video clips as well and at the end I want you guys to. Let me know if it's enough for you guys to get this device. Maybe if you got a 10, R and you're thinking about upgrading is the camera enough, or maybe you're coming from an older phone? Is the camera enough and this front-facing video have you are being recorded on the iPhone 11 Pro Max I give you a little of an idea of what this will perform like I'm a front as well.

So you be the judge, let us know what you think overall of the iPhone 11s camera at six hundred ninety-nine dollars for this device. So here's some hd60 video from the iPhone 11, you kind of see how it does perform. Let's go ahead and go wide now. I will see how a dozen the wide so here is that wide angle on the iPhone 11, you kind of see how it does here again, audio coming directly from the phone itself, I think he's looking for food iPhone 11 there you go that's in 3x zoom. This is 1080 60 there you go okay, guys so here's the 4k 60 for the iPhone 11 from the front.

You can kind of see how it does perform here. Camera does look, and here we go, so you can see we're going down the hill I. Don't recommend you try this at home a pretty experienced cyclist so yeah anyway, 4k 60. Forgive me your ideas on it below and yeah I think you'll be having just a little great amount of time. Great amount of fun with this device right here, yeah, it's very enjoyable to use for blogging.

Okay. So let's just do some walking video to give you an idea of how that looks if you're just walking with the iPhone 11- and this is kind of what you can expect- Here I am in 4k 60 highest quality from this phone. It is turning fall, so a lot of the beautiful flowers are starting to go away for the season, but overall, this is kind of what you can expect from the device when you are walking. Let's see this wide angle, I'm at 1x, and we're going to go ahead and go right here now, and you can see right there just how wide we are now. We're actually really close to this sign actually I'm only about maybe a foot away, so that shows the versatility of this camera.

Okay, so here is 1x. We are in the regular ride here when I, not your wide I'm going to back it up here and show you what an ultra-wide angle might look like. Now you see how far I am from that actual video I'm going to come right up by the ledge. Now, let's switch it over to the ultra-wide right up by the ledge. So you can see this is only about a foot back versus like 10 foot back.

You don't have to move to get all of that in your video. So there you go iPhone 11 there you go alright. So let me show you where the iPhone 11 starts to fall apart. It's when you zoom in you, don't usually retain the same amount of detail. So you can see things are a little more noisy now, they're, not bad, but you can only go 3x here on video, and you see that you do lose quite a bit of detail.

First, when I come back out 1x, it looks just fine. So that's one thing: I don't like about the 11 is telephoto just falls apart with the overall quality compared to something like your Kevin pro, alright guys. So to illustrate this a little closer. Do you see those flowers down there? I'm going to go ahead and take a photo in just a second show you this. So let me take a photo and show you how it does when you do digital zoom on this phone, so you guys see what I mean about when you digital zoom, you do lose a lot of detail.

That's just something to keep in mind with the 11. If you're a still mean the photographer you like to get in on things you like to really zoom in this is not the phone for you. Okay! So now we're a lot closer to the flowers, and I'm going to go ahead and show you how it looks when you're very close to the actual flowers or something that was in the distance. This is where you do get good quality for the 11, so I hope you've seen right there, that the quality that comes out of the eleven is always going to be better when you are closer that pretty much goes for a lot of cameras as Apple is not really putting a better camera on their telephoto, even on the pro series, but still I mean overall, you just want to do. Photos are a little closer up, because zooming is where the eleven does fall apart.

Just a little, there's some more video with iPhone 11. These guys haven't changed for the season, yet so plenty vibrant enough to get some photos here. There's still a B I think right down in there, and he's coming out he's over. There can't find him anyway. There you go more video quality.

This is 4k at 30 by the way for this particular video right here, alright guys. So this is the iPhone 11 video recording at nighttime. We do have these streetlamps above us, so you're not gonna, get the best lighting here with this kind of lighting. So this is a good low-light test of the camera. I'm going to move a little to kind of show you how it does in movement, but iPhone 11 does not too bad here on the front.

I did do this in 4k, but I might drop it down in the video. Let me know your thoughts on the iPhone 11 video recording here, alright guys so here's the iPhone 11 at nighttime again streetlamps doing a pretty good job. It's actually darker than what you're seeing on this photo. So a foggy night though, but still you can see that if we go to X does get a little grainy, but still I mean you can make this out so usable footage here for iPhone. It's going to wrap it up here for the iPhone 11, camera samples, a few video samples and quite a few camera samples.

Let me know your thoughts I hand. The phone I think it's pretty good for a $699 smartphone. So if you guys enjoyed the video thumbs up subscribe, if you haven't already I will catch you all in the very next episode be sure to be well and peace.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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