Huawei P40 Pro VS Huawei P30 Pro Camera Comparison! By Redskull

By Redskull
Aug 15, 2021
Huawei P40 Pro VS Huawei P30 Pro Camera Comparison!

What's happening everyone, my name is Alex and welcome back for this, video I have a highly requested camera comparison between the brand-new OEP for the Pro and the P30 Pro. So last year's flagship, as always I, have a bunch of daytime pictures and, of course, I've also included. Some are portrait mode pictures. Some pictures taken with a telephoto lens. Some pictures taken with the ultra-wide lenses I also have a bunch of um sample videos, daytime and nighttime sample videos, some nighttime pictures and, of course, for nighttime pictures. Um I've used the night mode on both devices and, lastly, some selfies.

As always um. All the pictures are taking about a second apart from each other and both devices are set on auto mode. You know that being said, won't we start by checking out some daytime pictures and, more specifically, some portrayed more pictures, alright, so portrait mode pictures well, the biggest change here has to do with the colors, so the colors aren't as saturated on the pictures taken by the p40 Pro as they are on the P30 Pro. So now the p40 Pro has way more realistic, colors and I kind of like the weather and portrayed no pictures to look now when compared to the pictures taken by the Peter lee Pro, because they do look just them as I've seen them with my own eyes now. The edge detection is somewhat better on the p40 Pro, but definitely not that big of a difference.

So four could read more pictures. Of course, the p40 Pro does better moving on to some zoom picture so for zoom pictures I've used the five times optical zoom, because they both have that dumb lens and looking at these pictures. Once again, the colors are the biggest change because and all the colors that we get from the pictures taken by the p40 Pro are more realistic and way closer to reality. Now, looking at those pictures very closely, I mean, if you crop in on some of those pictures. Maybe the pictures taken by the p40 Pro are a bit sharper, but not that big of a difference.

So the biggest change for our pictures, taken with a telephoto lens, are definitely the colors aside from that. They do look somewhat similar, and we are moving on to pictures taken with the ultra-wide lenses. So the first thing I've noticed, is the fact that the WOW Peter lee Pro has a wider field of view. But then, when you look at those pictures, the color, some in the pictures taken by the Peter lee Pro, are way too to over saturated. So I would say that every single um picture, taking the ultra-wide lens on the back of the p40 Pro, does look better.

The pictures do seem sharper. The colors are better everything about those pictures taken of the ultra-wide lens are better from the p40 Pro. In my opinion. Now, if you do like those crazy, saturated colors, of course, you're really going to prefer the pictures from the Peter deeper, but definitely not me. Alright, then we are moving on to regular pictures, so the trend continues.

The color seen pretty much. Every single picture on are more accurate than about from the pictures taken by the wowie p40 Pro I've also noticed that the dynamic range in a lot of those pictures are taken by the p40. Pro is better. So that's also an improvement as for picture sharpness, they do seem fairly similar. So definitely let me know what you guys think about the p40 Pro and the Peter a pro for daytime pictures and I.

Think I have a few more pictures on for you to see, and I'll be right back and as you've seen for yourself. There is a pretty big difference for those some daytime pictures between the p40 Pro and the Peter EEPROM, but honestly I think that they could just push an update the Peter Lee Pro and make the pictures look very close to what we are getting from the p40 Pro if they want to. Obviously all right- and we are moving on to nighttime pictures well for nighttime pictures. I have to say that I was surprised so pretty much. Every single picture that I took with the Peter D Pro looks brighter and if you actually look at those pictures closer, the pictures taken by the Peter Lee Pro are also cleaner.

So they don't have as much noise. As we see some pictures taken by the p40 Pro, so I was quite surprised. Now. I'm, assuming that they didn't want to make those pictures, look like daytime anymore. So that's why the pictures are a beta darker taking by the p40 Pro, but personally I.

Think I prefer the pictures take in the nighttime pictures taken by the P30 Pro. So what do you guys think we prefer the Peter deeper for nighttime pictures or the p40 Pro for me, I, don't know what to say: I'm, pretty sure I, like the ones I'm taking by the Peter a pro, so I have a few more pictures that I want you to see, and I will be right back you, and we are moving on to video recordings for video recordings. Once again, the colors from the p40 Pro haven't been improved. The video stabilization is also better and also the dynamic range, so the video quality has pretty much improved in every single way from the Peter lee prom now for sound quality, even though the bitterly pro sounds a bit louder, I feel the p40 pro does cancel other sounds aside from your voice better than on this one. So let you guys check out on some sample videos.

I have some daytime and nighttime sample videos and check out the massive difference that we have for nighttime videos when using the ultra-wide lens. So let's check those out. This is a quick video recording between the LOI, literally Pro and the war we before the prom I'm, currently recording in 4k at 30 frames per second I'm using the main lens is on the back of these two devices, so I'm gonna, pan right here and back left, and I'll walk towards the Sun. So this is our recording between the P30 Pro and the p40 Pro would look like if you're using the main lens is on the back of these two devices for our next recording I am using the ultra-wide lenses on the back of the bitterly Pro and the back of the p40 Pro. Obviously you can probably see for yourself, um I am walking fairly slow, so I'm going to keep going.

Then we get here, and here I'm gonna pan left slowly and back right. So this whole recording done with the ultra-wide lenses on the back of the p30 and the big 14 pro would look like next. We have a quick recording done to the front-facing cameras on the Peter lee pro and, of course, the p40 pro now the P30 Pro. We can actually record in 4k with a pro facing camera where I'm to the Peter lee pro. Furthermore, we can only to 1080p, so I'm going to go walking for a bit, so you can see which device stabilizes the image a bit better, but since the PT retro can do for kids, obviously going to be better, clearer and so on.

So we saw recording down the front-facing. Camera would look like this is a quick video test between the Yahweh Peter lee Pro and the p40 Pro I'm, currently recording in 4k at 30 frames per second I'm, also using the ultra-wide lenses on the back of these two devices, and it can probably see force of I am um walking slowly to so. Recording between these two devices would look like at night and for our second up, video recording in Lowell item I'm, using the main lenses on the back of the P30 Pro and the p40 Pro and, as you can probably see for yourself, I am um walking slowly, so I'm going to stop here for a second I'll pan up and left and back right. Of course, we have more light this time around, so this is no recording done on with a bitter dick bro and the p40 crow would look like at night and, lastly, we are moving on to selfies well for selfies. Of course, the daytime selfies are a bit better from the YP for April, but another massive over difference.

As for the nighttime selfies, yes, they are better they're sharper and more clear, but overall, not the crazy difference on for selfies, not as crazy as we've seen for some other pictures taking to the rear cameras. So I personally believe that while we could actually send an update and make the Peter Du brow take very, very similar run pictures would be for a pro. But what do you guys think? As for this one, what I was kind of expecting a bit more from the nighttime pictures? I get that they're trying to make the night pictures look more like night pictures, but I know I kind of prefer the way the Peter Lee prom doesn't neither picture. So definitely let me know in the comments down below on what you think right guys hopefully enjoyed this video. If you did like it, don't forget to press that like button, don't forget, subscribe, and I will see the next one thanks for watching.

Source : Redskull

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