HTC U11 Camera Vs Iphone 7 Plus | Camera Comparison | Phone With The Best Camera 2017 ! By KidAndroid RH

By KidAndroid RH
Aug 15, 2021
HTC U11 Camera Vs Iphone 7 Plus | Camera Comparison | Phone With The Best Camera 2017 !

Hey, what's up everyone in this video I'm, going to show you some pictures which are clicked from ITU 11 and iPhone 7, plus so guys, both on our own auto mode and pictures are taken in a good light condition. So you are the judge here. You need to decide which photos I have a better quality and which force look good. So if you liked this video, give this video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe, my YouTube channel for the next comparison and daily tech, video, so sit back, relax and enjoy the video I. Don't know what you want. Let's have a bit of food till I downfall, my love! If you feel I have to do right now, don't say you're all known to the other side.

My love try, but you never do forgive every reason. Why are we Wowing you? You.

Source : KidAndroid RH

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