How to Save Power in SAMSUNG Galaxy S20 Ultra – Power Saving Mode By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
How to Save Power in SAMSUNG Galaxy S20 Ultra – Power Saving Mode

Welcome and Phenom is a Samsung Galaxy, S 20 ultra, and today I will show you how to enable the power, saving mode and all of its different options so solo by pulling down the notification panel, and you should find the toggle. It looks like it's right here now. The position of it may vary a bit so keep that in mind, but it should be either here on the next page. So once you tap on it, it brings up a bunch of things that it called worked by default us. So you have turned out five gigahertz, because it's about five meter Hertz phone, then you have turn always off on display limit CPU to 70%. You also have the brightness and screen resolution now majority of these things.

You can't work around as you can see, you can set it, so it doesn't affect the resolution or the brightness. If you don't want the CPU limit to be dropped down or always on display, you can toggle them on and off, but as you can see at the moment, you flip something on, as you can see as an example right here. You have right now with everything as it is right now. It gives us three days and two hours standby time if I disable the always-on display. So in this case it will be on two drops I to one day and 24 hours or 20 to one hour and same should go for the resolutions as you can see, but the resolution doesn't really give much.

It looks like an hour or two hours brightness seems affected, so just set it up to, however you're light. Then, then all you need to do is stop and apply. It will go to this animation, I would say, and there we go. So this looks like as the drastic version of power saving mode. That kind of turns everything black in the background, so it doesn't use as much battery, so let us hope, you've been able and to leave this mode.

All you need to do is just drag down, and you will have the toggle right here, and you can disable it now. This is looks like by default. It goes to the ultra power saving mode or whatever it's called on this device, but there should be also ones that aren't eyes harsh, so you can actually pull it down again. Hold it a toggle, and this will bring there's a couple options right here. So right now we're in optimize, which is just a normal one.

Then you have high performance which will reduce the battery life, and we stop the device. So it's good for, if you're trying to game or do some intensive tasks, then you have medium power, saving mode. It's almost looking the same, and then you have the maximum and I believe that's what we're on when I turned it on, so medium should yeah keep it as it is right now. Just do all the things that I did before as reduced resolution. Brightness CPU, all this on display 5 gigahertz and restrict a bunch of apps, but still keeps it looking the same as before, with all the toggles and everything's still accessible and again to disable it now, you just need to tap on it right here and goes back, so that is how you would basically enable and choose from different power saving modes.

And if you found this video helpful, don't forget to hit like subscribe, and thanks for watching.

Source : HardReset.Info

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