how to hard reset or factory reset alcatel phones and tablets By max Cruz

By max Cruz
Aug 21, 2021
how to hard reset or factory reset alcatel phones and tablets

Hey guys today, I want to show you how to factory reset the AREA tell Retouch. This is the tablet version, but you can do this on the phone -. So let me go ahead and show you how to do it. You press and hold the power button and the volume button at the same time, the bottling button up all the up volume button. Until you see the logo, there are cartel logos. You're going to see this menu here.

Actually, you're not gonna, see the logo. Just going to see the menu right here. So when you see this menu, you just press the power button. One and you're going to see the logo downstairs. This is this: is the architect à la tablet pop seven, then you're going to see this here.

— choose your language. You can choose whatever language you might, you want whatever language you want, you press the power button once okay, it's gonna, take you to the recovery menu, so you go down to wipe factory reset and press the power button. Once then, you have to go down using the volume button you go down now. We're going to have to go up using the belly button up and select, delete all user data. You're going to select that and that should take care your problem.

The next window should ask you if you want to reboot the system and that's exactly what you want to do: reboot the system after you get the next windows, so right here, reboot system. Now that's what you want to do that you just press the power button. Once let me see you, you go press the power button once and as you do it guys. This is you can use this for phones, tablets or any architects. This is the Retouch, so you can use it for the phone — have a nice day.

Thank you.

Source : max Cruz

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