How to Get Access into Fastboot Menu in HTC Desire 20 Pro – Open & Quit Fastboot Mode By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
How to Get Access into Fastboot Menu in HTC Desire 20 Pro – Open & Quit Fastboot Mode

Welcome and from me is a HTC desire, 20 pro, and today I will show you how to put the device into fast boot mode. Now before we get started, we will need a cable that are used for charging, and you want to plug it into your computer and have it already on the side once you have that ready, simply hold the power key select power off, wait for the device to shut off, and once it has, you want to hold a volume up and while holding volume up plug in the cable and after that, it should be located in the recovery mode. So you can unplug it so on here, I'm using volume keys, select the third option which is entered fast boot and then press park to confirm it and, as you can see we're now in fast boot mode now from here, you can also reboot the device which will go back to android, simply power it off or reboot to bootloader or back to recovery mode. Now you navigate through this menu. The same way you did in the previous one using volume, keys and confirm whatever is selected with power key now, because I want to leave this mode, I'm going to select reboot system now press power key, and it will now go back to android and, as you can see, we're now back in android. So if you found this very helpful, don't forget to hit like subscribe, and thanks for watching.

Source : HardReset.Info

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