How To Fix Whatsapp Verification Code Not Receive By Yendry Cayo Tech

By Yendry Cayo Tech
Aug 21, 2021
How To Fix Whatsapp Verification Code Not Receive

Hi guys today, I'm going to show you what you need to do. If you don't receive the notification code from what's that, sometimes we are trying to set up. What's that, and you need to verify the phone number for the neighbor. We see the message from WhatsApp the first thing: you're going to do. If you don't, we see the text you're going to go to setting right here: you're, gonna, scroll down, you're gonna, go to apps and notifications. Alright and you're.

Going to click on WhatsApp. Now you're going to go to permission right here. Second option: as you can see the s, and s is off that's the way that you don't received a notification from WhatsApp because you have that option. Disabled just turn it on, like that. You want to restart your phone and you want to start the process.

Again. I guess unlock your phone you're gonna, open WhatsApp! You need to make sure you have Wi-Fi, so your phone gotta be connected to the white line that was gonna, be better than using the data. You're going to put your phone number, and you're going to hit next, and you're going to see you're going to receive the notification code after you do the process that I did on the video now. For some reason you don't we see the code, please let me know. I'm going to help you and by the way don't forget to subscribe on my channel share.

The video see you next time.

Source : Yendry Cayo Tech

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