How to Extend Battery Life in MEIZU M8 Lite – Switch On Power Saving Mode By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
How to Extend Battery Life in MEIZU M8 Lite – Switch On Power Saving Mode

Welcome Anthony is a maze, m8 lite, and today I'll show you how to enable the power saving mode. So there's two different power saving modes, and you can find them both under settings and battery, and you have the low power mode and the super saving mode, so both of them can enable this one. So, let's just turn on well now give it a moment um. We don't want location so right now again about an hour and something it was 12 hours, and I didn't really pay attention to two minutes, but 13 hours and 20 minutes of battery life, or you can also go wild and enable this one, and this will just change the way. The entire device kind of looks like uh, basically setting everything to black and white and showing you as little information as you possibly can get now, I'm pretty sure you can still get until options. Somehow I just don't know how, or it looks like I can't hear so.

It looks like in this mode, actually you're limited only to the um to the phone and the messaging, so you can open either one of those, and they will work fine, but anything else is basically now disabled and if you want to leave this mod, you can just simply tap right here on the exit button, and this will go back to just a normal uh. I believe normal power saving mode, because I think it's still enabled so, let's actually disable that as well. Now it actually disables automatically as well. So you can see one gives you about an hour and the other one gives you no idea how much, because I couldn't even gain access to settings but based on the fact that the previous one was just lowering brightness and disabling like background data and give an hour, then this would probably give you about three hours. I would say um.

So, just a nice way of boosting your battery if you're in a real need for um just to you, know, get as much as you can. But that is basically how you enable both of them and if you found this very helpful, don't forget to like to subscribe, and thanks for watching.

Source : HardReset.Info

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