How to Enable Battery Save in REALME C11 – Extend Battery Live By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
How to Enable Battery Save in REALME C11 – Extend Battery Live

Welcome, I'm from Israel me c11, and today I'll show you how to enable the battery saving option so to get started. Let's go into the settings from here scroll down till you see battery over here, and you'll. Have the power saving mode right here or the superpower saving mode. Now, as you can see um without it right now, the battery will last approximately um or is it available four hours and 14 minutes with the power saving mode enabled um it's going to last for 15 minutes longer seems like not much of a battery saver there, but at least the superpower saving mode will add me a couple more hours. So if you enable this uh, no just a heads-up with superpowers, even more everything well becomes simple. As you can see, you don't really have much access to a lot of things, and you're fairly limited in terms of all you can do here, but at least you get several more hours of battery here, um, so yeah once you're done with this mod, you will have to tap right here on the exit, and this will go back to the normal android, assuming I can actually tap on it.

There we go um, so, as you can see now it's back now in the superpower saving mode, it does limit the device quite significantly Wi-Fi and stuff like that, are basically disconnected when the device is sleeping. The brightness is lowered to well almost invisible state and overall these notifications will arrive in bulk whenever you actually interact with the device. Also, the processor is being slowed down, so it uses less energy and a bunch of other things like that. So keep that in mind but yeah. That is how you enable it, and if you found this video helpful, don't forget to like to subscribe, and thanks for watching you.

Source : HardReset.Info

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