How long will the battery on my Alcatel My Flip 2 Phone last as an Emergency phone? By Grandpa Unu

By Grandpa Unu
Aug 21, 2021
How long will the battery on my Alcatel My Flip 2 Phone last as an Emergency phone?

Okay, I'm going to do a video on how long this phone will stay charged, uh or how long it takes before it gets to 10 um. I use this phone as a backup phone, so it's not used often, but I do like to have it so that I can have a backup phone now I kept the brightness on the screen as it is, I'm sure if I turned it down, it would last even longer it's at 10 right now, I'm going to charge it up we'll see how long it takes before it gets to a full charge. Um I have disabled the uh Wi-Fi or the data. So it's not constantly looking for a data signal, and it says it has geolocation on I'm going to leave that on I'm sure it would last even longer if it's not looking for I'm suspecting it's a GPS signal, um yeah and I guess to approximate my location and let's turn it off. Maybe it'll. It's been lasting, really well with it on, but we'll turn it off.

So no data or yeah no data and uh yeah data connection off GPS off. So, okay. So that's not the date and time so here we go I'll update this when it's fully charged. Hopefully I remember to check it: okay, so actually closer to 7a at 7 p. m.

It was at 98 and I kind of forgot about it, so oops, okay. Well, then it was on 100, but now it's on 99, so uh we're gonna start from here and see how long this takes to go down to uh 10, not using it only in emergency, which I don't plan on using it, then keeping the brightness relatively bright on the screen and uh just basically using it to check the battery percentage. Otherwise, it would just sit somewhere, which is what it does now. Occasionally I'll get a spam call from it that I don't answer or a text message, but anyway we'll see how long this uh will be on standby to use as an origin, emergency phone okay. So this tells you how smart I am uh, so the phone actually tells you the date and the battery and everything.

So I don't have to look at my watch anyway. This is day two, hopefully I'll, remember, to keep track of the days, but I can always look at the video. So, as you can see it's at 96, so uh we will continue to go yesterday, though it's not technically a full day yet but 96, so it lasted all night um and that's just on standby. Like I said so, I did have someone ask on YouTube. If this supports uh talk to text and uh, it does not, but I wasn't sure so.

I turned on data for it um just to see if I can get it to work because it looks like it's set up to take to do it, but it has Google assist. But when you try to send a message through Google assist, it says it's not set up yet and then, when you go into the actual text, app um, it's kind of misleading, because it has that microphone right there. But it's not uh. It's not functional. You can't do anything with it so uh.

The reason why I'm saying this is because, of course it did use a little of the power that I wasn't planning on. Using I'm not going to fret, though um, because it's still doing good on standby, I turned off all the data and stuff again. So it's been about a week now, and I haven't even been it's not even halfway discharged, so you know I could probably oops what was that I could probably get away with you know just weekly charging it up to make sure it's up-to-date, because it's, it'll be a good habit, but we'll see how long I can go until I hit 10 percent. So thank you. Okay.

So I think today is like the 14th day, which is two weeks um, and it's at 11, so we're going to stop now, okay! So in conclusion uh, you know oops yeah, 14 days uh. I did use this phone one day for something I didn't use it a lot, but I still used it um the did get some notifications and calendar reminders and I left the display. I didn't make it minimum, so I probably could squeak out a few more days by making that minimum, but I left the left it at its normal brightness. So you know 14 days um I would get in the habit which I do now of charging it once a week like on a day you just plug it in charge it back up, so it never really gets that low and I think it's a low-cost viable option to have a backup phone uh with you in your car or what have you in your bag, so seven dollars and fifty cents a month uh for service that you can stack so whatever. But I do use the phone number that I got with it quite often for a lot of uh anonymous things, marketing things, sales sign ups.

So that kind of helps too. But I have nothing else to say.

Source : Grandpa Unu

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