How E Ink Works By Gizmodo

By Gizmodo
Aug 16, 2021
How E Ink Works

Check out this up-close look of an e-reader and an LCD tablet. You see the difference. Take a closer look. You see the softer edges and the real ink look on the left. You see it now created by the company that bears the same name as his product. He Inc is no different.

What comes in this a pen but rather than depositing the ink on paper, an Inc uses, capsules the diameter of a single human hair. Within these capsules, black and white pigments are bonded with a positive or negative charge and separated by a translucent liquid, okay, okay, okay, it might be a little complicated so to understand it a little better. The muses Magma doodle, the honey combs used on the Magma doodles display are like the capsules used on a paper and the magnet flakes within are the pigments that contain the charge. So, let's draw the Madras over there, yeah masterpiece, so to make sections visible on the screen. I would attract the magnet flakes by using the opposite charge, which in this case is the pen King operates kind of the same way.

Let's say black pigments have a positive charge and white pigments have a negative charge to make black pigments visible on screen. A positive electrical fill charge is sent to the bottom of the capsules repelling the black pigments to the top for the view to see, while attracting the white pigments to the bottom, vice first of a white pigments need to be visible, applying a positive or negative charge to millions of capsules on your eating. Display like on your Amazon, kindle produces the image, but eating displays are not quite as good as your phone or your tablet. Screens I was in the market for a new tablet. I didn't even consider an eating device.

I wanted a well-rounded machine where I can consume media, both text and video and the video capabilities on eating devices are well not quite there. Yet so I live in the Apple exosphere, with my iPhone MacBook Pro, and now my iPad like a sheep. Well jokes aside, I do love my iPad, but looking at the screen is like well, it's like looking at a light. I used to shoot video and my eyes are screaming. After a few chapters in a book, I fatigue is no joke, but eating devices don't cause that because it doesn't emit light from its screen.

It's like a book, but you know, electronic eating displays are not a new thing. It was introduced in the late 90s and advancements have been sporadic at best, but 2020 might be its year. Why? You ask? There are color eating signs already out in the wild and consumer devices are slowly popping up overseas. The first ever smartphone with color eating display the Hi sense a 5c just launched this year. Colored ear eaters are coming to like the pocketbook color, which opens up the field for more use cases like reading comics, manga or just browsing websites better we're not seeing it in a lot of us design products.

But can you imagine if these two devices were combined an iPad that can last a week on a single charge or a laptop screen that you can look at for hours without getting eye fatigue if eating continues to improve? That could be our future. So tell me what you think about an ink and eating displays in the comments below and always stay fresh Gizmo do forever.

Source : Gizmodo

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