Helio G90T vs Snapdragon 845 Speed test/Gaming comparison PUBG! Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Vivo Iqoo Neo By TechUtopia

By TechUtopia
Sep 3, 2021
Helio G90T vs Snapdragon 845 Speed test/Gaming comparison PUBG! Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Vivo Iqoo Neo

And I forgot to say sorry noticed a liar stay out of trouble, there's a smoothness to the other. If I saw you know it's like on a drowning the night stars so far so good, oh, my god, let's take put the speakers at maximum. Oh, my god that is so smooth, ninja shadows enabled this is so smooth inshallah I'm, going to try to also change it to the full HD resolution, to check it one minute and see what's going to happen, but that is going to be probably too much because so far, I need at least one plus 6, with this I'm just going to hit 45 to do something like that without lag on full HD resolution, it's really a heavy task, all together, GFX tool, shadows on analyzing on HDR, extreme FPS and to bump up the resolution from the HD to Full HD. It's really big step up a really tough job for most of the mid-range smartphones. Now that is impressive, Redmi Note 8 pro. It's a surprise, the big surprise, this Haley Jean 90 T.

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Source : TechUtopia

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