Google shows new Pixel Pen for Pixelbook (CNET News) By CNET

Aug 14, 2021
Google shows new Pixel Pen for Pixelbook (CNET News)

And, when you're using your pixel book as a tablet, it's easiest to show your assistant. What you need help with on your screen. That's why we created the new pixel book pen, a smart, responsive companion for your pixel book. Just hold the Pens button and circle, an image or text on the screen and the assistant will take action when you're browsing through a blog and discover a new musician. You can circle their photo and the assistant will give you more information about them from there. You can check out their Instagram page, go to their YouTube channel, get a list of their songs and more or, if you're doing homework.

The assistant can help with your research like if you get stuck on a really unfamiliar concept, just circle the word and the assistant will give you everything you need to know. The pen is also handy for moments when it feels more natural to write, draw or take notes like when you're using your pixel book as a tablet. The experience using a pen should be like writing on paper to bring that experience to life. We partnered with the engineers at Wacom, and together we build the fastest most responsive, stylus experience ever with just ten milliseconds of latency 60 degrees of angular awareness and 2,000 levels of pressure, sensitivity, pixel book pen uses machine learning for handwriting recognition and demonstrates how performance Hardware, combined with our expertise and machine learning, delivers a user experience that just works better.

Source : CNET

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