Google Pixel 4a vs iPhone 11 Pro: Camera Comparison ($350 vs $1,000) By SimplyPops

By SimplyPops
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 4a vs iPhone 11 Pro: Camera Comparison ($350 vs $1,000)

The Pixel 4a versus the iPhone 11 Pro max, which one is going to win and you guys are probably scratching your heads, the iPhone 11 Pro max costs 1100 and the Pixel 4a costs 350. This is just a video showing you guys that you don't need to spend a thousand plus dollars on a smartphone to get a quality camera. This is an interesting comparison. I'm excited about this one. I think in terms of the video the 11 pro max is going to win, but in terms of the still photos, this is going to be an interesting comparison. So, let's put on our boxing gloves and let's get right into it- comment down below right now: who's going to win the Pixel 4a or the 11 pro max.

Let's see, so this so is all right, guys so front camera test on both the Pixel 4a and the iPhone 11 Pro max, which one comes on top uh. Both of these on the maximum resolution, I think the front facing camera on the Pixel 4a is 1080p, but the iPhone can go all the way up to 60 frames per second at 4k. So look at them. Both have my mastermind you guys get here, you guys can see. I got the into the am shirts there.

I don't link in the description. You use my code, you get 10 off on their products. This is the quality this the shirt, you guys be the judge. Now this is the iPhone and the iPhone is always my go-to when it comes down to videos, but comparing it to the pixel is very, very close, but you guys got to definitely be the judge on which one looks better um. Let me know down in the comments down below, which is the winner honestly, there's no clear winner here.

They both are amazing, fantastic cameras, but if I have to choose between one when it comes down to video, to be honest with you guys, the iPhone 11 Pro max is the winner, because you have more options, you could pick uh 24 frames per second, you have 60 frames per second at 4k pixel. Now you, you cannot choose 24 frames per second when recording video, but the video quality is still very solid, very solid um. It's not too far off. It's not like a day and night difference, amazing, fantastic cameras in terms of stills, that's where it's interesting, um there are some shots where I feel like the Pixel 4a, one like it just looks so crisp and clean, but the 11 pro max is no slouch either. So, honestly, it's a tie for me, but for video and for pictures I think the iPhone is the winner just because that video is just as important as the uh as the photos so yeah.

I hope you guys enjoyed today's video. If you guys did. I appreciate it thumbs up, make sure you guys subscribe with notifications on and yeah follow me on Twitter, Instagram at simply pops and until next time guys' peace out and make sure you guys stay safe mess up. Definitely you don't want to be infected. Oh, got the master on all right peace out.


Source : SimplyPops

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