Google Pixel 3a Battery Life its a Winner! #teampixel By Tony Pazo

By Tony Pazo
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 3a Battery Life its a Winner! #teampixel

Ticket, what's going on YouTube toner, positive tech reviews, quick update on the Google Pixel 3a, so this is the 3a right here. I want to give you guys a quick battery update I've been using this phone for going on two days now, and I just want to show you guys in a very light but Before. We jump on that. I shout out to Google for sending this to me for review, hashtag teeny pixel on deck and wouldn't jump into the battery life. Real, quick, so I can show you where I'm at currently at 15%, always on display or ambient display. It's been on.

Nothing's turned off I got an F C turned on I got everything going on here, I just jump into here, real quick! You can see T-Mobile Wi-Fi, calling I'm rocking this on T-Mobile. You can pick this up on T-Mobile and Best Buy and Sprint and Verizon. It's everywhere, just phones everywhere it's 399 dollars. I pack the snapdragon 670, which is very efficient, I'm about to show you that right now the processor is very efficient, OLED display. So it's definitely can you're gonna, be it's pretty good.

With the battery life, I'm going to show you right now: APM and we'll jump into four I just dropped. One percentage, everything's turned on I'm going to go ahead and go to in here. You can see LTE, Wi-Fi, everything's turned on, and we'll jump into settings right here and the light thing that I have is data saver since I'm on limited data, but you can see here battery says, should last until 9:30 p. m. so, if I keep using it the way I'm using it.

So it's going there real, quick, and I'll show you the battery life 14% 9:30 p. m. I should die out on me. See phone's been used more than usual because you know it's a fresh device, so you're, obviously tinkering it up and setting it all up. Battery savers off percentages on a full charge lasts about one day in seven hours and screen usage since full charge.

Four hours, 53 minutes, 14%, I'm, pretty sure I'll make about five hours and let's go ahead and see the battery. So the last time I charge this phone was 24 hours ago. You can see it right there. You can see the graphed there are no Peaks where it goes up. This is straight up, unplug and rocked out with it, and you guys can see there.

I got one hour and 27 minutes and here's everything I've been using YouTube. Obviously ambient display or always-on displays on Instagram I've been using him and if it's been doing great. It should last me like, like it says, till 9:30, and I would say that this battery life is pretty good. Man buy your life. It's definitely good.

I will say that the processor on this phone here you can see more on screen. I broke it down a little more, so you can see I've used ambient display practically all day on YouTube three hours, 56 minutes mobile network 21 minutes. You can see all the stuff I use it on, and we'll go back and back, and we see you go back here, and it says that it will last me till 9:30. So I just wanted to make this quick video and show you guys that the battery life and the Pixel 3a is definitely a beast. I'm going to say it's a beast: I think the processor in here ? snapdragon 670, combined with the OLED display 1080p.

All those combinations make this device battery amazing, so drop a comment. Let me know what you guys think about the battery life on the Google Pixel 3, a 3000 William battery 399, and you can pick up the bigger brother, which is the 3a xl4, 479 I believe it is, and that one has a 37 or William battery life should be amazing on that one ? but drop a comment catch a little extra.

Source : Tony Pazo

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