Galaxy S20 vs Iphone 11 - Gaming Comparison Test By Fliptroniks

By Fliptroniks
Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy S20 vs Iphone 11 - Gaming Comparison Test

What's going on guys that, are you flipped Ron ix I'm, going to be doing a gaming comparison with the iPhone 11 versus the galaxy s 20, all right, so I just got this as 20 in, so I'm going to be comparing it to a lot of different phones because currently own around 50-plus phones, I know that sounds crazy, but anyways. If you guys, could smash the like button as you're watching this also, let me know below in the comments which phone you thought I would perform, the other which one you prefer, but the game that we're going to be playing in this comparison is gonna, be cr7. Now, if you've never played this game before it's like an awesome, first person shooting game. It's level based, but you know there's a bunch of different levels. You can play obviously upgrades, and it's just a cool game. It's also a free game, so check it out.

I've got both phones on 50% volume. So that's what you're going to be hearing here, anyways, let's get into it, I'm kind of switch off between phones level by levels. So that's how we're going to do this anyways, let's get into it! Oh yeah, give that headshot call about those headshots. It's nice all right! Well, I'm going to bring it down to do iPhone 11 we're going to get some of the same level in here. Let's do this I think I do have a different gun I'm going to be using though oh ho, man blast it sorry bro a little reload in oh man is nice.

Oh, yeah hi man I'm just on my headshot game right now, a bit closer! So let's bring it back up here. Good luck, sneaky nice! Try! There we got hit, play food. She owned the pan right there. What had that guy all right, so we got hit a couple of times in that one? Let's see if we can do a little better down here on the iPhone 11 a little ad pop up on here, Sit chin strata I always do this mission accomplished. That's pretty intense, not going to lie I! Think we got to get one more level in guys, so I'm going to keep this going for one more, but so far you know playing pretty good on this game on both phones.

So it's always good they're going to make me do this tonight thing in this, not even going to waste. My time with this one, alright anyways, you guys I'm gonna, wrap it up there. You know, like I, said I'm going to be doing a lot of different comparison. Videos with this s20- and you know, let me know what you thought as far as like the gaming comparison went just now, but you know right now. This is a thousand dollar phone versus a $700 phone.

Cr7 is an awesome game, so I thought it was a good one to kind of test things out with, but anyways you guys subscribe to the channel. If you haven't comment below because I'm curious, which phone you guys out, there prefer smash the like button, we'll see in the next one.

Source : Fliptroniks

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