Galaxy S20 Ultra Camera Tips and Tricks for 8k Video By Jonathan Casey

By Jonathan Casey
Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy S20 Ultra Camera Tips and Tricks for 8k Video

What's up everybody, my name is Jonathan Casey. Welcome back to the channel. If you're new here welcome today we're going to talk about a cave VIDEO on the galaxy s, 20 ultra the s 20 plus and the galaxy s 20. So no matter what model you have you're going to be able to use these tips and tricks to get the most out of this beautiful high resolution. Before we begin, if you haven't seen my 8k metamorphic sample video make sure to give it a watch. I learned a lot of the things that I'm going to talk about in this video during the process of making that video plus I'm really proud of it so make sure to click the card at the top of this video to check it out.

So without further ado, let's go ahead and dive into eight tips and tricks for shooting 8k video on your Galaxy S 20 number one is to disable stabilization. Why would you want to disable stabilization? Let me explain: whenever I was shooting the metamorphic video I noticed a ton of micro jitters in shake whenever I would perform a slide shot or even just shooting handheld as of right now, I, don't think that the stabilization inside the lens or camera is playing nice with the 8k video, hopefully, Samsung will be able to fix the way stabilization is currently working when shooting 8k with a future firmware update. But for now let me just show you how you can disable stabilization to give better looking footage first things. First, let's go ahead and open up the camera, app make sure you're in video mode go to your settings, and then you're going to see an option right here for video stabilization, just toggle it off, and that's it all, so I quickly want to mention that if, for some reason this isn't working out for you and you need to re-enable it all you have to do is the exact same process just in Reverse, in the sense that you're toggling it on instead of off. Hopefully this will help you whenever you're shooting handheld video.

As for me, I've had much better results when shooting 8k with stabilization turned off. One thing to remember is whenever you're shooting at other resolutions like 1080p or 4k, please be sure to go back in and re-enable stabilization, because it does work perfect in lower resolutions. Just not a kick number two is extremely important. If you're using a galaxy s, 20 ultra like I, am, however, if you're using an s 20 or s, 20 plus, you could still use this little tip at the time of this video. The galaxy s 20 ultra is plagued by focusing issues due to the fact that it's using a phase detection autofocus exist, immerses dual-pixel.

This means that while you're trying to focus on objects or while you're recording a video, you might notice some pulsing, or it will just hunt and refuse to focus the best way to go about fixing. This right now is to ensure that you're locking your focus and your exposure, so that way nothing changes. Let me give you a quick example of what I mean I have my Galaxy S 20 ultra here, and I'm gonna focus on my roll camera, which is my red, which is right in front of me and to do that. I'm just going to touch and then hold down on that spot, and you will see AF +, AE, lock pop up. That just means that your exposure and your autofocus is locked, and it will not change.

So if you do this before every single shop you're going to be able to ensure that there's going to be no hunting or pulsing, so you can see whenever it's locked the circle becomes, yellow and as I move my phone around it doesn't change. I will be doing a dedicated camera tips and tricks video, and this is going to be included in that video. But I want to quickly mention it right now, while the galaxy s 20 ultra, is having these focusing issues also make sure you unlock your focus and then relook whenever you're switching subjects, especially if that subject is a different distance than your previous subject. Otherwise, everything is going to end up out-of-focus, so to do that, one more time I'm going to launch the camera app one more time, just to show you and tap anywhere on the screen, so I'm going to tap on the tripod right there and then lock it, and you can see it's locked and then last try I'm going to tap the wall and then lock it really, really easy. Stuff number three is all about capturing a still while you're recording, in other words, while you're, recording a 8k video you're able to simultaneously take a nine megapixel photo in most cases.

This is gonna. Be totally fine, however, keep watching for a different way to get an even higher resolution image from your 8k video. The benefit of this is to give you an immediate still frame of whatever it is you're recording versus having to do it in post. So, first things. First, let's go ahead and launch the camera pull it up here.

We're going to go into video I, have a Que, enabled, and then I'm just going to tap record right now, I'm shooting my April camera, and they right here on the bottom right hand, corner you're, gonna, see a picture of like a camera, and if you just tap that you can see the screen, flickered see I'm, taking actual stills right now of that subject, and if you combine that, with the previous tip, I can lock the exposure and lock the focus and then snap a photo just like that. Number four is about capturing a 33 megapixel image in post, using the 8k video recording option as a photography tool. I briefly mentioned this in one of my most recent galaxy s: 20 ultra Tips & Tricks videos, if you missed that one click the card at the top I go over a lot of really cool stuff in that video and I definitely think that it's worth your time, however, I feel like this is such a good tip. I wanted to include it again in this video which is dedicated to 8k, since it's extremely useful, rather than going into the camera. This time.

We're going to go into the gallery: we're going to locate a 8k video file which I have one right here. This is from my metamorphic video, and you're, going to play the video, and then you're going to locate a frame that you want. This might be better in landscape versus portrait. Let's go ahead and straighten that out like that now you're going to scrub through the video until you locate the frame that you want to grab, so we're gonna. Do that one I love that metamorphic flare right there.

It just looks awesome, and then you're going to tap on this little icon right here, which is like a box with an image inside it, and you can see the screen just flashed and rather than taking a screenshot. That literally took a 33 megapixel image from that video clip. So to prove that if I back up here and then go back into my gallery, we can go back into portrait mode now versus landscape, and we're going to locate. That still should be all the way at the top. It's right here you can see.

That's the still tap on the three little dots and go to details, and you could see 76 80 by 4320, which is equivalent to a 33 megapixel image, number five, isn't so much a tip or a trick. It's more about utilizing third-party accessories to more creative. With your 8k video. By using something like the beast grip cage, you can equip things like a light, a microphone various lenses such as the moon, dog, labs, metamorphic, adapter that I personally use also, you can use various smartphone Gamble's like one from DJI or the zoom that I have here to get silky smooth footage even in a K with stabilization turned off I suggest picking up one of these another accessory I love using when it comes to smartphone videography is the rhino ROV slider, it's extremely portable and lightweight you're able to control it using just your smartphone's. So you don't have to bring a bunch of cables a remote or anything like that.

Many of these accessories are going to be a little on the pricier side. However, I do suggest that you take it amongst yourself to explore and expand the capabilities of your s20. If you want to get the most out of your cave, video I'll leave links in the description to all the accessories that I personally use and the ones that I can vouch. For that. Just have really served me well.

Number six is the ability to edit your 8k video clips right on your Galaxy S 20. Let me show you just like I did with the Galaxy Note in plus I plan on doing a dedicated video on photo editing and video editing on the s20, so make sure you stay tuned for that, but for now let's go ahead and bounce inside the gallery. Locate a 8k video, we'll use the same one, since you guys know that this is a 8k cliff I'm going to go ahead and turn this the landscape. To make it a little easier to see now you're going to tap on the little pencil icon right here to open the editor and from here you can shorten the clip from the beginning or shorten it from the end. You can also apply different filters after you convert the video or compress it which I'm about to show you here in one sec.

You can also crop in. So if you want to adjust like the actual crop you can do so. Let me back up and tap on the pencil icon again, and then you can actually punch in a little. So if you want to use all of that resolution to crop in say a small portion of the frame, you can definitely do that, and then you're just going to tap save so, for instance, if I want to let me scrub through a little if I want to punch into the chair right, there, I can punch in and then hit save, and it's going to save a copy of the video. Now punched in the video finished saving and as you can see, it is really punched in now, but you're not really losing any detail.

Because of that high resolution. If I go back to the original video here, you can see it's much wider you're able to see a lot more, whereas this is more focused on the spot where I cropped in, and this is going to be extremely useful for the next tip and trick, which has to do with editing in a timeline and compressing 8k. So number seven goes along with number six and has a lot to do with timeline. Video editing, as I previously said. Unlike 4k and 1080p, a K video is not supported in a timeline, and you can't even apply like color, Corrections or filters.

If you're you know trying to edit 8k video and for that, I recommend going in trimming up your 8k and then compressing it to either 1080p or 4k and then bringing it into a timeline and from there you can do all of your coloring. You can add different transitions and other effects. Let me show you so going back to the 8k clip that we just cropped in on. If we go to the three little dots here and go to details, you can see now we have a 3840 by 2160 clip. However, if I did not want to do any cropping and I wanted to use this full clip, you can see.

This is the original at seventy-six. Eighty by 43, twenty I can go into the editor, so tap the pencil icon and then tap on resolution and then from here I can compress it to either 4k quad, HD, 1080p or 720p.720P is probably not the way to go. I would suggest going above 720p, but if you really want to conserve some space on your phone, you can do that. So we're going to compress this particular clip to 4k and backup and then hit save. So now it's going to save a separate video file of this exact same clip, any lower resolution for timeline, editing or maybe just to save a little space, because I've already done my cropping or any tweaking that I wanted to do to the actual length of the video clip.

So now that we have that same exact, clip except saved in 4k, we can go back into the editor here, and then we can tap on the little movie. Clapper thing is: what's called a clapper cut. You know that thing tap on that with a little plus sign, and then it's going to import that clip into a timeline and I can also select other video clips or images. So, let's just select a few here, these are going to be 8k. I cannot select those.

So let's just do some images, so we'll select these three images tap Done, and now you can see I'm in a timeline like mode and from here I can do things like add transitions. I can go back to the original video file right here and then tap on that tap edit, and then it's going to pull up the individual clip editor and I can tweak things like eyes. Jaw lines. I can, you know, add skin smoothness. If I was shooting a video of a person, I can add different text effects, I can add stickers and emojis.

I can slow down the clip or speed it up, and I can add. You know background music or take away the actual video sound I'll definitely be doing a dedicated video on the built-in video editor on the S 20s 20 + + s 20 all true. So if you don't want to miss that click that subscribe button, and I'm going to get in a lot more detail in that video. So don't worry, but I just want to quickly go over how you can compress that 8k video on your s, 20 to a more reasonable resolution like 4k, quad, HD, 1080p or even 720p, and then you can turn around and upload those video clips to Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok, whatever the kids are doing these days. Finally, number 8 is using the Samsung q, 908, MTV or other compatible Samsung televisions to wirelessly share your 8k video clips using Smart View.

It's pretty straightforward, just find a clip and select the share option tap on Smart View and then tap on your TV videos that are shot on the Galaxy S 20 camera will cast without any issues, including full resolution.8K video, if I go into the information section, you can see that it is showing its streaming in native, a K which is kind of crazy for wirelessly casting a 8k clip. There are some stutters here and there, but I think mostly that's due to my network connection, because for the most part, it's pretty good. If you're trying to cast a clip in a codec that the Q 900 doesn't support, it's gonna default to mirroring your phone screen versus casting the content. Well, there's going to be a decrease in image quality compared to casting thanks to the q9 hundreds amazing, upscaling capabilities, it's gonna look really nice and really crisp. Also, did you know you can cast games and play them up skill to 8k using the Q 900 in Smart, View I mean I, know it's completely irrelevant to 8k Tips & Tricks, but I found it to be pretty frigging cool, plus I, just love the Q 900 and already miss playing games on it.

So this just gives me one more reason to talk about it. Well, that about does it for me. What do you guys think about these eight tips and tricks for getting the most out of your 8k video capture on your s, 20s, 20, plus, or s 20 ultra? Do you happen to have anything to add to this list? If so drop it down below in the comment section, I have plenty more tips and tricks lined up. So if you don't want to miss those make sure to click the notification bell to be alerted whenever they drop. If you enjoyed this video, consider giving it a thumbs up, subscribe for more videos and I will talk to you gorgeous people in the next.

Source : Jonathan Casey

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